Application of Jurangçö S Trilogy

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Total Quality Management Presentation

Presented ToAsst. Prof. Rajesh Kumar Department of Mechanical Engineering SET Sharda University

Group Members1.

3. 4. 5.

Shamshad Khan Shivam Shrivastav Siddhant Mohan Siddhart Pandey Vibhor Sharma

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Due to the large success of TQM in

manufacturing companies, service organisations have started to follow in their footsteps and consider the application of TQM. This was mainly due to the nature service industries in terms of its customer orientation. Thus TQM was applied to banks , hospitals. After its development and phenomenal success, Total Quality Management (TQM) was applied outside the industrial sectors to service organizations, such as banks and hospitals.

The patient safety model is designed to help

organizations create a strong safety culture by reducing human variation and performance, thereby reducing medical errors and serious safety events. The Juran Model for Patient Safety is based on the Juran Trilogy, a management approach that includes quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement. The Juran Model for Patient Safety can be implemented with a simple, four-phased patient safety road map. This helps in leading a successful patient safety program. The approach begins by partnering with the organizations patient safety officer and coaching

What are the programs major components? These can be described using the Juran Patient Safety road map and are divided into four phases: assessment, planning, improvement, and control. Assessment. This includes a patient safety culture assessment, behavior-based observations, executive and staff interviews, and an incident-reporting system analysis. Planning. This focuses on creating the optimal patient safety infrastructure, patient safety officer training, error prevention training, root cause and special cause analysis training, and basics of performance improvement. Improvement. This includes implementing the error prevention techniques, red rules (critical rules for patient safety), event management, and performance improvement activities. Control. This includes the safety coach program, the accountability just culture model, data management, team leader continuing education, and ongoing program evaluation.

What is the optimal infrastructure to support the initiative?

The optimal infrastructure to support the Juran

Model for Patient Safety must consider committee structure, resources, event management process, policies and procedures, and data-reporting structure The committee structure includes a high-level patient safety steering committee responsible for the strategic and patient safety plans. The midlevel quality committee is responsible for implementing the patient safety plan at the operations level.

The number and type of dedicated resources

needed depends on the organizations size and complexity. The event management process describes how events are reported, the description of the event (e.g., sentinel event, serious safety event, or near miss), what investigation tools to use, and what follow-up and reporting are needed. The optimal infrastructure also includes governance and chain-of-command procedures in physician and nursing ranks to ensure professional development and learning across the organization.

What do we do if performance lags or moves in the wrong direction?

According to Juran, there are two types of

phenomenon that keep organizations from hitting their performance targets: chronic problems (common cause) and sporadic problems, or spikes (special cause) Six Sigma tools should be used for significant breakthrough improvement

Communicating results
Health care organizations should always provide

multimedia education outlining why certain practices are performed in the hospital (e.g., sitemarking, positive patient identification, hand hygiene, the five rights). The Juran Patient Safety Model encourages patient and family participation by asking them to remind caregivers to perform the basic patient safety practices, such as hand hygiene and positive patient identification, as a form of peer accountability. .Being transparent about patient safety data is vital to improving the organizations safety culture.


Total Quality Management (TQM), which is about total customer service and continuous customer satisfaction, is applicable not only in the manufacturing industry but in the service sector as well. Most bankers would like to believe that banks are in the finance sector, and not in the service industry. Thus they tend to compete in terms of financial prowess (e.g. Asset base, amount of loans released, cash flow etc.) rather than service quality. However, banks depend on customer satisfaction to continue business. This classifies them as a service company.

However, little work has been done to measure

and control quality in this sector. The work will show that the use of TQM can be of great benefit to the banks, as it will lead to an increase in the organization customer orientation and competitive edge. The results show that the application of TQM in the banking sector lead to increased productivity and ability to compete in the global markets.

Banks-A bank is a financial institution and

a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by loaning or indirectly through capital markets. Quality of services is the most important aspect in banking too. As far as banking is concerned, effective TQM measures bring in a transition form the good old good to the novel better or best from the banks internal department to its front-line employees

Bank executives are mainly involved in 1.asset management (the bigger the better), flow management,

3.spread management (the wider the better), 4. asset/liability management, and ratio analysis.

Presently banks are ranked of their 1. success by sheer size, resources, 3. asset base, 4. number of ATM's (automated teller machines), 5. number of transactions, 6. number of depositors, 7. amount of loans released, etc.

A bank applying TQM should track as goals and benchmarks those that matter to the customer: processing times of key products and services, like loans, new accounts, ATM cards, credit cards, check encashment; waiting times like downtime and queuing time; customer complaints, written or verbal; friendliness and efficiency of staff; accuracy and timeliness of statements of accounts and records; effective interest rates, inclusive of all service and hidden charges; promptness in responding to customer inquiries such as in answering the phone, the number of rings before phone is picked up, and number of transfers before the

What is Juran Trilogy

- Planning, Control, and Improvement of Quality

The Trilogy consists of three sequential and logical groups of activities:

Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement. Applied to a particular process Performed by top management or by middle management

All three processes are universal

March 29, 2006

-- Quality Planning

Quality Planning: Setting some objectives and defining the means to meet those objective. Quality Planning Road Map

Identify the customers both internal and external.

Significance to the business, operations, profits, etc. (Pareto analysis) Tools to discover customer needs -- flowcharts, surveys, interviews, etc. Interpret the needs and put them into the language of the organization.
March 29, 2006

Determine customer needs

-- Quality Planning, Cont.

Quality Planning Road Map, Cont.

Develop product features to meet customer needs

Customers (buyers), our needs (supplier), competition

Develop processes to produce the product features

Cost effectively for both the supplier and the customer. Meeting the quality goals under operating conditions

Prove the process

Transfer the process to the operational area

March 29, 2006

-- Quality Control In banking

Quality Control (QC): Quality control is the regulatory process through which we measure actual quality performance, compare it with quality goals, and act on the difference (Juran, 1988) Define the control what to control

Units of measurement (e.g. hours spent, fuel efficiency, number of errors, etc.) Specific measurement (e.g. X number of errors, etc.) Standard of performance (against which to measure any deviations)

March 29, 2006

-- Quality Improvement In banking.

Charter the project team activities Provide recognition for the team Provide rewards for quality and quality improvement Track and follow-up with improvements

March 29, 2006

How the Juran Trilogy Tool May be Used?

- The Customer Mail Example: A Bank Case

Problem defined:

At times (spike), there is a lot of mail return that is intended for private customers of the bank. The mail does not reach customers on time. A fire team is called (several employees from other areas are called in) to call the customers and check the addresses. When the addresses are checked, then the mail is re-mailed.

Usual corrective measures:

March 29, 2006

How the Juran Trilogy Tool May be Used? - The Customer Mail Example, cont.
Using the Trilogy approach: Quality Improvement Further review of the process for capturing customer addresses is identified.

One additional department is involved in maintaining correct customer information.

Identify all relevant functions and people along the process Select an inter-functional team: mail department, IT, relationship managers, and customer service

March 29, 2006


Charter the project team activities

Flowcharts Identifies the reason for failure to capture all necessary customer information Recommends that only one department be responsible for collecting data

Communicate the results and cost savings and improved customer service Reward the participants Establish an appropriate monitoring system.





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