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Well get started in a few minutes.

In the meantime, dont forget to tweet using #1uDigital!

Online to Offline Organizing

**Thats the worst possible name for this presentation.

#1u is the hashtag for anything union related on Twitter.


Jess Livoti-Morales
Senior Digital Strategist AFL-CIO

Introduce the concept of integrated organizing and the three pillars Detail an ideal integrated campaign Demonstrate how to make decisions on an integrated campaign

Integrated organizing Three pillars How to run an integrated campaign Choose your own campaign adventure

Integrated Organizing
There is no such thing as offline organizing.

There is no such thing as online organizing.

There is only organizing.

Youre like this


Media/ Comms

Or perhaps

Political/ Campaigns

Members/ Organizing

Media/ Comms

Or this

Media/ Comms

Political/ Campaigns

Or maybe even this

Political/ Campaigns

Media/ Comms

Members/ Organizing

Digital Strategy

You need to be like this:

Digital Strategy
Media/ Comms Political/ Campaigns Members/ Organizing

Maybe you feel like this:

Three Pillars

Stages of Leadership

Tell your story

Generate emotion through narrative
Lift up solutions to the problem Create the story of us

Build your community

Create shared experience
Motivate with intention Have fun!

Create action
Train and grow leaders
Meaningful action WIN

An Integrated Campaign

Step 1: Set your goals

Field/campaigns/political/organizing team
defines campaign goals* sets field plan** defines scope of campaign budget*** determines who will execute campaign****

*Digital will do this for the digital piece **And this ***Also this ****Yep, this too!

Step 2: Define your actions

Scalable national/state day(s) of action?
High-bar national/state day(s) of action? Ongoing actions

Step 3: Plug in digital

Digital works WITH your field plan, NOT separately Digital cannot be a substitute for actual on-the-ground engagement Digital and Comms collaborate

Step 4: Track progress

Field Metrics Digital Metrics

Calls made Doors knocked Cards collected Volunteers recruited Shift signups House parties Voter Contacts

Calls made RSVPs/hosts Names acquired Unique visits (website) Action rate (email) Social media engagement

Step 5: Integrate actions

What you usually do, now with more digital:
Digital data collection (optional) SMS Signup Ask people to follow you on Twitter and like you on Facebook Get peoples email Take pictures and video Livetweet an event Have speakers/leaders made call ask

Step 6: Report back

Report back to your supporters, both online and on the ground
Online: blog, social, email, video On-the-ground: updates at meetings, pictures, phone calls, thank you cards

Report back to the media, through blogs and press

Step 7: Make another ask

Make it online and on the ground Make them complimentary (or the same!) This is not a crop you can let lie fallow.

You [may] have to change.

Integrated Organizers:
Think strategically Have an equal seat at the table Make decisions within their purview Share information Collaborate with others Engage in rapid response Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate

A note about terminology:

Learn to speak the language of the people you are working with:
Its not the Twitters. It is pronounced meem. Its not a website, its a microsite or page. You cant just do anything on the internetor in the field.

Photo Credit: Workers Defense Project

Choose your own adventure!

Our campaign:
Make Oreo the nations official snack food

Lets define our goals:

A: Pass legislation to get Congress to name Oreo the official cookie? B: Get President Obama to pass an executive order recognizing it as the official cookie?

Lets decide our actions:

1: Hold X house parties to consume X cookies in all 50 states 2: Deliver X number of cookies to X key Congressional targets 3: Generate X calls to X key Congressional targets

Plug in digital:
1: Email supporters a weekly newsletter about our campaign 2: Share pro-Oreo articles on social media 3: Make a microsite about why Oreo is an awesome cookie. 4: Place pro-Oreo online ads on political news sites.

Those are all bad.

None of those are integrated into the field campaign strategy.

Plug in digital, the remix:

1: Ask supporters to sign a petition to Congress 2: Place online ads that link to a click-to-call page 3: Get supporters to tweet at members of Congress 4: Host tweetchat about Oreo

Those are just mediocre:

None of them get at our goal:
Deliver X number of cookies to X key Congressional targets

Plug in digital, for real:

1: Ask supporters to buy Oreo cookies well deliver to Congress by signing their name on petition 2: Ask supporters to sign up for pro-Oreo lobby day webinars 3: Ask supporters to turn out for pro-Oreo rally outside Congressional offices

Integrate actions
Do everything you would normally do, but add:
Digital data collection (optional) SMS Signup Ask people to follow you on Twitter and like you on Facebook Get peoples email Take pictures and video Livetweet an event Collect stories digitally

Report back:
1: Send a newsletter to labor leaders about the success of our actions 2: Send out a press release to local media about the success of our actions 3: Use blogs and social media to tell the story of our actions

Whats next?
1: Ask them to work on a campaign to get Lays to be the official chip 2: Ask them to recruit a friend to buy cookies on your petition 3: Ask them to share the campaign with their friends on Facebook


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