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Columbine Massacre

By: Jeff Mcquillan Christy Mckeever Bryan Cratty

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold

Eric Harris
D.O.B April 9, 1981 Senior in High School Stable family Father U.S. Air force Pilot Played sports in earlier years Prescribed Luvox- depression medication Marines turned him down due to illness Worked part time jobs @ a firework stand to build bombs

Dylan Klebold
D.O.B September 9, 1981 5 months younger than Eric Senior in High School Stable Family Was in a gifted program Picked out dorm room for college Made several home videos Eric controlled Dylan

Rumors About Columbine

1. Eric and Dylan were members of a gang in the high school called The Trench Coat Mafia which was based off of the Neo-Nazis 2. Marilyn Mansons music was why they did it. ( actually friends say the boys didnt like his music) 3. The boys chose April 20th because it was Hitlers birthday 4. The killers went after two people because they were holding Bibles 5. After Columbine the boys planned to hijack a plane and kill more people

Before the Event

Planned for 1 year Hit list in diaries Had timed attacks & to have fun on the list Hid duffle bags in school prior 2 shooting They werent afraid, very confident Validated each others bad ideas and fed off them Told of dream of shooting the school up Both had high levels of anger & suicidal Eric wrote a paper expressing he wanted to be a bullet firing out of a gun & entering a person

The Reasons We Believe

Depression- Dylan and Eric both suffered from depression. They both wanted to commit suicide but first wanted to cause the people pain who caused them pain.\ They wanted to be remembered. And looks like they succeeded. Anger- Horrible anger and aggression problems Rumored to Be Psychopaths

How Eric and Dylan Planned For the Day to Happen

Plant pipe bombs in the cafeteria Bombs to go off at 11:17 AM Shoot any survivors that came out

What Really Happened

The bombs didnt go off The boys waited a few minutes and then realized something went wrong with the timers Went into the school with the guns Started randomly firing shots in the cafeteria Students were warned but, because it was nearing the end of the year, they thought it was a senior prank Threw small bombs randomly Sometime between 12:05 and 12:08 they went to the south side of the library and shot themselves

Rachel Scott Cassie Bernall Steve Curnow Corey DePooter Kelly Fleming Matt Kechter Daniel Mauser Daniel Rohrbough Isaiah Shoels John Tomlin Lauren Townsend Kyle Velasquez Dave Sanders Dylan Klebold Eric Harris

Life after Columbine

Future Copy Cat Shooters

Before and After Columbine Large TV Coverage Copy Cats note Columbine Shooters Over 100 School Shootings since Columbine Half as much since Columbine

School Safety
Changed immediately after Columbine Electronics Student involvement 80% of instances a peer knew School Drills Cell Phones

Law Enforcement Changes

Old Strategy Mass Shootings Person shot every 15 Seconds New Strategy - Active Shooter Contact Teams SWAT - Armed Medics & Rescue Teams

10 years later, Columbine's hold remains strong. (2012, Feburary 27). Retrieved from

I used this reference because I felt it gave me a great source of events that had happened after the Columbine shootings.

Press, A. (2009, April 18). Shoot First: Colubine High school Massacre Transformed U.S. Police Tactics. Retrieved from,2933,517068,00.html

I used this source because this article provided me with a great source of changes in law enforcement since Columbine shootings

Columbine Today: Tears, Anger. (2007, December 5). Retrieved from
I used this source because it came from a well known site. The information seemed true and accurate to the time.

Bryan, S. (2011, April 18). Columbine Massacre: Facts and Figures. Retrieved from
I found this source to be very informative. It gave me several facts of what and when things happened. It also came from a very well known source.

Investigate Report Video Episode I used this source because I found it to be very credible and reliable. Gave me plenty of information to make the shooting more visible to me. I found this source to be very informative. I felt the information was very factual because it came from reliable online library.

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