CRM For Airlines Industry

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P.Narayana Swami
Sk.Rahim Raja
R.Ramesh Babu

Guided by
S.Anil kumar, B.Tech
Assistant professor
In the competitive travel industry, travel providers are
undertaking initiatives centered on identifying,
developing and retaining high-value profitable
customers, under the overall banner of customer
relationship management or CRM.
 The primary goals of CRM is to differentiate a
company’s services to the customer through
personalization, yet in the airline industry.

 CRM—at least in the form in which it is practiced

today –has become a commodity, with many services
indistinguishable from airline to airline.
The purpose of the Development of a CRM Airlines
Industry is to provide the world-class offshore and
onshore services using IT-enabled services. CRM
(Customer Relationship Management), sometimes it is
called customer management, customer value
management, customer centricity, and customer-
centric management.
 High quality output
 Cost competitiveness, simply because of abundance
of intellectual capital.
 Effective turn-around-time
 Provision for creating and managing folder hierarchy
for managing clients and their documents.
Comprehensive security with various permissions
like Read Only, Write, Delete, Full Control, Owner etc.,
CRM initiative development—In order to differentiate
themselves from the competition, airlines must
abandon a “fast follower” approach to CRM initiative
development, in favor of investing in initiatives with a
high return, which responds to the needs and desires
of their own customers.
CRM - principles, strategy, solutions, applications,
systems and ideas for effective customer relationship
management but in the existing system there is no
organization provided both following set of conditions
in the existing CRM.

 organizations need to make a profit to survive and

 customers want good service, a quality product and
an acceptable price
As customers become more sophisticated, expecting
faster, more reliable service around-the-clock, it's no
secret that giving them the power to help themselves
is key in providing the availability and personalized
service they demand. This system is not that much of
perfect medium to find information quickly and
In the proposed system there comes a new thing,
which makes the CRM Airlines Industry more efficient
and providing good service and quality.
Customer Relationship Management can have a major
impact on an organization through:
 shifting the focus from product to customer
 streamlining the offer to what the customer
requires, not want the organization can make
 High quality output
 Cost competitiveness, simply because of abundance
of intellectual capital.
 Effective turn-around-time
 Provision for creating and managing folder hierarchy
for managing clients and their documents.
 Comprehensive security with various permissions
like Read Only, Write, Delete, Full Control, Owner etc.,
Software Requirement
Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or
User Interface : HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
Programming Language: Java
Web Applications : JDBC, JNDI, Servlets, JSP
IDE/Workbench : Eclipse with MyEclipse Plug-in
Database : Oracle/Access
Server Deployment : JBoss
Processor : Pentium IV
Hard Disk : 40GB
RAM : 256MB
Architecture Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
DFD For Airlines
Customer Master
Customer Order
Data Dictionary
Airlines Survey
Baggage Management
Baggage Details
Flight Booking
Flight Schedule
Login Details
Types Foods
Home Page
Welcome Page
Flight Shedule
Bag Details
Profile Details
Update Profile
Type Of Food
Food Availability
Service History
Service Details
Log Out
 The CRM for Airlines Industry is a web-based
application for primarily providing training to the
employees who provide customized solutions to meet
organizational needs.
 This application software has been computed
successfully and was also tested successfully by
taking “test cases”. It is user friendly, and has
required options, which can be utilized by the user to
perform the desired operations
The overall strategic business objective of CRM is to
build loyal profitable customer relationships. Customer
acquisition, development and retention are main
points to consider.
The software is developed using Java as front end and
Oracle as back end in Windows environment. The goals that
are achieved by the software are:
 Instant access.
 Improved productivity.
 Optimum utilization of resources.
 Efficient management of records.
 Simplification of the operations.
 Less processing time and getting required information.
 User friendly.
 Portable and flexible for further enhancement.

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