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Programming Where to start from???

Programming, also known as Computer Programming or coding is one of the most important aspect in the field of Computer Science and Software. A few years ago only the students and professionals who were in the field of Computer Science, had to encounter this subject. But now since the computers are finding there way in each and every field now every professional should know this Computer Programming since its definite to help them. Today even automobile industries are hiring computer programmers. However the nature of programming varies from field to field. A good question that is asked is which language should be done? This article will help answer this question

When it comes to Programming, there are practically four languages that are prevailing in the world so far: C/C++, Java, C# and As far as C and C++ are concerned, it must be noted that every correct statement of C is also correct in C++ however the reverse is not possible. C++ is not fully Object Oriented Programming meaning that its not necessary that the program should be written in classes. However, C# and Java are fully Object Oriented. It also should be noted that C# and Java are derived from C++ itself, this implies that learning C++ will benefit student to learn other languages too.

C was invented in the 1970s and C++ was invented to make C into Object Oriented Programming. C++ is one of the core languages in the Computer. Initial code for Microsoft Windows has been written in C and C++. However since C++ is an old language it lacks built-in support for handling graphics and sound. Certain libraries such as OpenGL are written independently to make these operations possible. One of the important feature of C/C++ is the use of pointers. This is the feature which is not available in Java. Because pointer can return memory addresses and because of the strong set of Bitwise Operators in this language, it is very useful in the hardware programming. The bad side is that C++ is not robust and the programmer has to keep checks for errors. Students who have to program computers to control hardware must know this language. Since languages such as C# and Java are developed from C++, concepts of C++ are sure to help student learn C# and Java too.

Java is a high level language which is fully object oriented meaning that the code has to be in a class. Java is robust and secure. It does not have any use of pointers however references which can be thought of as pointers in a small sense. Java was built to make device independent, and unlike C++, Java code runs on any machine provided that it has Java Runtime Environment(JRE). This is a very strong benefit of Java. A code written runs on any machine. This makes Java portable. Java is used both in the websites and desktop applications. Another important utilization of Java is in the mobile games. Java introduced the concept of packages rather than C++s namespaces. Java does not have enumerations. Java does not support multi inheritance. Another drawback of Java is that it does not allow operator overloading, which is a boasted by C++. Since the language is very modern, it provides built in classes to help process images and sounds.

Java also has classes to enable networking programming. Java applications can be embedded in web browsers. Such programs are known as Java Applets. Java allows database programming too. Java is easy to learn language and is free too. Current version of Java is JDK 1.7. Recently the android operating system is also based on Java. Java is not suitable for controlling the hardware though it provided routines for that.


C# was developed by Microsoft to help run the .NET Framework. C#, like Java is also derived from C++. Although it has some elements derived from the VB.NET and Java, C++ is the closest relative of C#. According to many critics C# is the result of the Microsofts stubbornness not to let promote the language (Java) it did not develop and hence C# is considered by many as the answer to Java by Microsoft. C# is 70% Java, 10% C++, 5% Visual Basic, 15% new. C# gives support to process images and sounds. The .NET framework defines around 4000 classes. Another important too of C# is the Visual tools. The .NET framework .NET runtime in which C# runs performs memory management takes care of tasks like garbage collection. Because of this, the use of pointers in C# is much less important than in C++. Applications written in C# run on any machine which has .NET Framework. C# code does not require header files. Unlike Java, C# has many primitive data types. C# also supports network programming and database. The helps in that case. Important features include: operator overloading, garbage collection, delegates, indexers, enumerations and reference and out parameters. C# is easier to learn for those who have experience in C++

So which language should be learnt???

After having the introduction of the prominent languages (I left since C# prevails in .NET Framework) the question arises which language? Usually Software houses require there candidate to have strong understanding of the language they know. Locally usually C# is asked. Combinations such as C++ (since Photoshop code has been written in C++) and Java or C++ and C# are best. Whichever language you learn the basic point should be that you should have firm grip over its concepts and possibilities. You should know how to express your problem in that language and find its solution. No one can expertise 4000 classes of .NET or 200 classes for Window handling in Javax package. Countries where Microsoft finds its business such as Asia, C# prevails more. At other places Java is given more priority. Institutions always teach programming from C++ because its the mother of all other languages. More important is programming not the programming language.

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