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Psychometric Test

Rule : Be True yourself in participation

1)Do you like going out a lot? Yes| Maybe | No

2) Do you often need understanding friends to cheer you up?

Yes| Maybe | No

3) Generally, do you prefer reading to meeting people?

Yes| Maybe | No

4) Are you fairly talkative when you are with a group of people?

Yes| Maybe | No

5) Can you usually let yourself go and have a good time at a party?

Yes| Maybe | No

6) Do you hate being with a crowd who play practical jokes on one another?

Yes| Maybe | No

7) Do you like talking to people so much that you never miss a chance of talking to a stranger?

Yes| Maybe | No

8) If you were making a business enquiry, would you rather write than discuss it on the telephone?

Yes| Maybe | No

9) Do you enjoy spending long periods of time by yourself?

Yes| Maybe | No

10) Are you relaxed and self confident in the company of other people?

Yes| Maybe | No

11) Are you more distant and reserved than most people?

Yes| Maybe | No

12) Do you like mixing with lots of other people?

Yes| Maybe | No

13) Do you easily make new friends with members of your own sex?

Yes| Maybe | No

14) Do you like to tell jokes and stories to groups of friends?

Yes| Maybe | No

15) Do you enjoy talking and playing with young children?

Yes| Maybe | No

16) Are you apprehensive about going into a room full of strange people?

Yes| Maybe | No

17) Have you ever seriously felt that you might be happier living by yourself on a desert island?

Yes| Maybe | No

18) Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable when people get close to you physically?

Yes| Maybe | No

19) Is it important to you to be liked by a wide range of people?

Yes| Maybe | No

20) Do you spontaneously introduce yourself to strangers at social gatherings?

Yes| Maybe | No

21) Would you rather spend an evening talking to one interesting person of your own sex than being with a large crowd of friends?

Yes| Maybe | No

22) Do you like to be in the middle of things?

Yes| Maybe | No

23) Do you enjoy solitary activities such as reading or watching TV on your own?

Yes| Maybe | No

24) Are you inclined to avoid people whenever possible?

Yes| Maybe | No

25) Would you be unhappy if you were prevented from making numerous friends?

Yes| Maybe | No

26) Do you usually prefer to be with companions than do things on your own?

Yes| Maybe | No

27) Do you like to have a full calendar of engagements?

Yes| Maybe | No

28) Are you inclined to limit your acquaintances to a select few?

Yes| Maybe | No

29) Do you enjoy entertaining people?

Yes| Maybe | No

30) Do you often feel ill at ease with other people?

Yes| Maybe | No

People Scoring High......

Tend to seek out the company of others They like social functions such as parties and dances They are comfortable when meeting new people They are extraverted and unselfconscious in company

People Scoring Low......

Prefer to have only a few special friends These people enjoy doing things on their own They tend to be self-conscious and worry about finding things to talk about with other people They have probably had frustrating or humiliating experiences in the past

How do you compare?

The norm on this trait is between 16-17 points (a statistical approximation). This may be represented on the following scale: Sociability(Extrovert) 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 || 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Unsociability (Introvert)

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