Blended Learning Presentation - V5

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Blended Learning

UKM June 18, 2013

Define blended learning. Describe the benefits of blended learning. Describe learning technologies to use in blended learning. Describe how to design a course for blended learning. Describe the role of the teacher/instructor /lecturer/professor in blended learning. Describe support required for blended learning. Describe how to blend one of your courses.

Types of Organizations
Uni-modal Bi-modal

Definition of Blended Learning

The use of a mixture of learning technologies to supplement face to face instruction.

Benefits of blended learning

Learning is learner-centered rather than teacher-centered More learner to learner interaction More learner to teacher interaction Flexibility for students Learning is more active Caters for different learning styles Satisfying for teacher/professor

Challenges when blending

What is the right mixture of face to face and other delivery methods? What percent of the course to blend? Consistency of evaluation of the blended combination. Training teachers/professors to work in a blended environment. Some students may prefer the learning technology format while others may prefer the face to face format. Make sure students have the technology to access the learning materials. Providing support to students and teachers/professors

Program Structure

Course 1

Course 2

Course n

Module 1

Module 2

Module n

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective n

Blend Formats
Within Course Within program Within university

Blended options
XX% face to face and XX% using learning technologies Theory parts of the course using learning technologies and hands-on parts face to face Course content delivered using learning technologies and face to face for help and tutorials

Instructional Design Model

Analysis Design Development Implement Evaluation

Gagnes Events of Instruction

Gain attention. Present a problem or a new situation to grab the attention of learners. Inform learner of Objective. This allows the learners to organize their thoughts and around what they are about to see, hear, and/or do. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge. This allows the learners to build on their previous knowledge or skills.. Present the material. Chunk the information to avoid memory overload. Provide guidance for learning. Provide specific instruction on how to learn. Elicit performance. Allow learners to practice the newly acquired skills, or knowledge Provide feedback. Show correctness of the learner's response to questions. Assess performance. Use test to determine if the lesson has been learned. Enhance retention and transfer. Allow learners to apply and transfer what they learned to new situations.

Sample delivery format


E-learning/Online via

Internet/mobile learning


Face to face

Students learn independently

Tutor available to answer questions

Onsite in different locations

Instructed by expert in the


Onsite could be in different locations/countries with access to an expert

Learning Activities for Learning Technologies

Online resources MOOCS OERs Interview experts Journalizing View recorded lectures Online discussion Chat

Student support

Support Method









Social Media

Assessment Methods for Learning Technologies

Online exams that are computer marked Papers Projects Supervised exams E-portfolio Journalizing Forums Wikis/blogs creation Observations Oral exams

Developing Blended Learning

Establish a model for course/module development. Decide at what level blending will occur (Course level or module level). Decide on the blended formats (face to face, E-learning, online learning, mobile learning) Develop the modules for blended learning following the module development process

Design Model
Give the Big Picture (Content map) Connect to the learner and gain interest (Rationale) Set expectations for learning (Objectives) Check for readiness (Prerequisites) Check for prior knowledge (Self-assessment)

Design Model (contd)

Provide opportunities for learning Activities to Motivate the Learners Activities to give learners access to the learning materials Activities to Use the Materials to Improve Performance and the learn by discovers Activities to Transfer the Knowledge and Skills to New Situations

Design Model (contd)

Give learners the opportunity to practice and provide feedback Bring Closure to the Learning Experience by summarizing Check for Achievement of Objectives Provide Opportunities for Real Life applications

Role of the Online Instructor/Tutor in Blended Learning

Facilitate Learning
Use proper oral and written communication skills Contact students at the start of the course Interpret course materials for students Role model behaviour and attitudes that promote learning Encourage dialogues and discussions between tutor and students, students and experts, and between students Use active online learning strategies Resolve conflicts constructively

Motivate Learners
Contact students on an on-going basis Emphasize practical application of learning materials Re-assure students as required Challenge students by suggesting additional learning activities Make students feel comfortable when interacting with the tutor Show enthusiasm about the course materials

Help Students with Content Problems

Keep up to date in the field Show high subject matter expertise Interpret students questions Communication at the level of the student Suggest remediation activities to help students Provide supplemental resources for students to achieve the course objectives Check to ensure the student questions have been answered

Address Personal Problems

Provide an open environment for learners express their personal problems Contact learners if a personal problem is recognized Assess learners personal problems Provide appropriate intervention for basic personal problems Refer students for appropriate help on complex personal problems

Formative Evaluation of Materials

Record changes to online learning materials Record improvements needed in the delivery process Keep a weekly journal on the progress of the course

Evaluate Learners Performance

Develop online evaluation instruments Grade assignments and exams Monitor learner participation

Delivery Management
Use effective time management when interacting with students Persuade learners to pace themselves Develop a process to manage the delivery Explore different methods for delivery

Manage the Learning Process

Contact learners on a timely basis Provide appropriate feedback Adapt to the learner needs Allow for flexibility for unanticipated problems

Administrative Functions
Organize information and documents for ease of retrieval Update learners personal information Track learners progress Use the organization information system to access and input information

Address Technical Problems

Refer students to appropriate resources to solve technical problems Provide a sympathetic ear to learners technical problems Solve minor technical problems

Use Delivery Technology

Use the basic features of a computer Use a web browser to access the internet Use e-mail to interact with students and staff Use technology to deliver instruction

Follow Organizational Policies

Describe appeals procedures Describe policies relating to plagiarism Describe withdrawal procedures

Form groups of 4 Select a course in your program Identify the modules in the course ( about 5) Blend 50% face to face and 50% learning technology for the course. Specify which modules will be delivered face-toface. Specify which modules will be delivered with technologies and list the technologies.

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