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Fractured reservoir characterization Modelling and simulation

April 2009

232, Avenue Napolon Bonaparte P.O. BOX 213 92502 Rueil-Malmaison France Phone: +33 1 47 08 80 00 Fax: +33 1 47 08 41 85


Objectives of the course

Background, methodologies and tools to account for the presence of fractures in oil & gas reservoirs
Part 1: What is a fractured reservoir? What is the impact of fractures on field behavior? When do we consider a reservoir is fractured? Part 2: How to characterize a fractured reservoir? How to detect fractures? How to model their distribution as well as their geological and flow properties?

Part 3: Which parameters control the fluid flow in fractures ? How to upscale these parameters into a flow simulator ?
Part 4: How to identify the appropriate recovery mechanism?

Part 5: How to simulate a fractured reservoir? How to develop a fractured reservoir?

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir

Naturally fractured reservoirs

Part 1: What is a Fractured Reservoir?

232, Avenue Napolon Bonaparte P.O. BOX 213 92502 Rueil-Malmaison France Phone: +33 1 47 08 80 00 Fax: +33 1 47 08 41 85


fm Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Km Matrix

fm Km

fm Km


F KF Fractures = matrix heterogeneity Impact recovery

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Main outlines Definitions

- What is a fracture, a fracture set, a fracture network ? - Definition of the fracture properties - What is a fractured reservoir ?

The main types of fractures

- Joints, swarms - Faults - Fold related fractures - Stylolites related fractures

The main type of fracture reservoirs


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir

Illustration of fractures / fracture sets


A fracture is characterized by its strike, dip, length, morphology, origin, aperture


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir

Fracture density (biased / unbiased)

50 m

A fracture set is characterized by its avg. strike and dip, length distribution, and density

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir

Illustration of the fracture connectivity 1/2

Local connection

Not connected network at grid scale


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir

Illustration of the fracture connectivity 2/2

connected network at grid scale

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


If fractures are open, this connected fracture network will have an impact on fluid flow

Illustration of the fracture flow anisotropy P2


~ P1


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



The connected fracture network will induce flow anisotropy in the reservoir: Px < Py

Matrix block size definition

The block size is determined by length of matrix blocks surrounded by connected fractures

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Length of homogenisation

REV = Representative elementary volume

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



The length of homogenization (REV) is a value of grid size not impacting the fracture properties

What is a fracture, a fracture set, a fracture network? A fracture is a surface of discontinuity of mechanical origin. The fracture is the failure of a rock (= deformation) resulting from applied forces (= stress)
a fracture is characterised by its attributes (dip, strike, length, aperture, morphology and origin) A fracture set (or fracture family) is a set of fractures with similar attributes The fracture network involves the description of the fracture attributes and investigates the relationship between the different fracture sets the fracture network is characterised by the spatial properties of fractures, such as the number of fracture sets, their relative fracture density, the fracture connectivity, the length of homogenization
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Summary What is a fractured reservoir?

For geologists: A fractured reservoir is first and foremost a reservoir with structural discontinuities resulting from a given paleostress history For reservoir engineers: A fractured reservoir is first and foremost a reservoir with structural discontinuities affecting flows [ R.A. Nelson, in Geologic Analysis of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, quotes:
A fractured reservoir is defined as a reservoir in which naturally occurring fractures either have, or are predicted to have, a significant effect on reservoir fluid flow either in the form of increased reservoir permeability and/or porosity or increased permeability anisotropy ]

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Fracture propagation modes

Mode I: Fractures are purely dilational


Mode II: Fractures may exhibit shearing with

components parallel (mode II) to the direction of propagation of the fracture front.

Mode III: Fractures may exhibit shearing

with components perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the fracture front. Shear fractures are also known as faults

Fracture mode nomenclature is purely descriptive, not genetic. For example, a mode I fracture can be formed by one or more mechanisms such as hydraulic fracturing, thermal contraction, etc.
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fractures and stress state

Stress is defined as the force per unit area acting on a given plane. Any stress state at a point in a solid body can be described completely by the orientations and magnitudes of three stresses called principal stresses and oriented perpendicular to each other. The principal stresses are defined: s1> s2> s 3

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Example fractures and stress state

Increased confining Stress and/or Temperature Joints (mode I) in green Shear fractures/faults (mode II) in red Stylolites in blue
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture classification (genetics)

1. Tectonic fractures
Small-scale fractures (diffuse/sistematic fractures) Joints, fold-related fractures

Large-scale fractures
Fracture swarms, fault-related fractures

2. Diagenetic fractures
Bed-parallel stylolites, stylolite-related fractures, diagenetic cracks, etc.

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


What is a naturally fractured reservoir ?

Tectonic fractures

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture classification (genetics)

Fracture swarms (fracture corridors, large-scale fractures)
They consist of several sub-parallel and aligned fractures clustered in a well-defined zone (Bahat 1988; Becker and Gross 1996; Rijken and Cooke 2001). Large lateral extents Not controlled by lithology, porosity, etc. They go through the different reservoir units thus connecting / disconnecting them.

Diffuse fractures (small-scale fractures)

They consist of smaller objects in a vertical scale, as they are often restricted to the bed boundaries (Gross, 1993). More diffuse over a large area Bed-confined Controlled by lithology, porosity amongst others

Diffuse fractures

Fracture swarms
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Tectonic fractures Joints

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Definition of joint Joints (small-scale fractures)

Joints are fractures developed over large areas of the earths crust with relatively little change in orientation,

with no evidence of offset along the plane, and

perpendicular to bedding.
Common features: Extension fractures Vertical maximum stress 2 directions 90 deg to bedding & 90 deg to one another Systematic set 1st & Non-systematic 2nd Unrelated to local structure

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Joint sets in sandstones

Homogeneous density
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Joint sets in carbonates

Homogeneous fracture density with constant fracture orientation

Figure 1 Outcrop patternPart of 1an orthogonal fracture set on a gentle fold limb. What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Joints are controlled by bed thickness

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Factors controlling the fracture density 2. Bedding

h3 h2 h1

h1> h2 > h3

Density 3 > Density 2 > Density 1

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Relation between lithology and fracture density Joints are controlled by lithology

High Shale content

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Factors controlling the fracture density 3. Grain size and porosity

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Relation between lithology, bed thickness and fracture density





controlled by : 2 : Bed thickness


1 : Shalyness

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Tectonic fractures Fold-related fractures

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Definition of fold
Folds result from a compressive ductile deformation, in which the maximum stress axis (s1) is sub-horizontal





Oldest Youngest Oldest

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fold geometry
Study-case in Northern Mexico: the Menchaca Anticline

The Menchaca anticline is a kink-style box fold, cored by evaporites (Olvido Fm, Middle Jurassic)

Courtesy of PEMEX
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracturing and folding

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



1 and 2 form during the early phases of folding (e.g. layer parallel shortening) 3 and 4 form in the latest phases of folding.

Fold and fractures relationship 1/3

Tectonic Fractures on the fold flank (K/T Ss, Rogers Mnt., WY)

80 deg

20 ft

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Fold and fractures relationship 1/3

Tectonic Fractures on the fold flank (Arroyo Lapa, Argentina)


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Strain partitioning in a fold

Fractures produced by extension are pure extensional and open fractures Fractures produced by compression are closed, stylolithic and/or partially open.



Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Tectonic fractures Fracture swarms

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Definition of fracture swarms

FRACTURE SWARMS (Large-scale fractures) Fracture swarms are areas where fracture density is high and fractures are preferentially oriented. They are largescale objects (several hundred meters). Usually fractures cut through layers boundaries.

They consist of several sub-parallel and aligned fractures

clustered in a well-defined zone (Bahat 1988; Becker and Gross 1996; Rijken and Cooke 2001).
Common features: Large lateral extents Not controlled by lithology, porosity, etc. They go through the different reservoir units thus connecting /

disconnecting them.
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Fracture swarms in carbonate reservoirs 3/5

Fracture density log

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture swarms in sandstone reservoirs


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture swarms in carbonate reservoirs 1/5

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture swarms in carbonate reservoirs 2/5

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture swarms in carbonate reservoirs 4/5

15 Fracture density 0

Fractures per meter



Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture swarms in sandstone reservoirs 5a/5

Calvisson quarry (France - Gard)
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fracture swarms in sandstone reservoirs 5b/5


Calvisson quarry (France - Gard)

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Minerals + Cristals

Tectonic fractures Fault-related fractures

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Definition of fault

FAULTS (Large-scale fractures) Faults are defined as structures across which appreciable shear displacement discontinuities occur. Fault blocks predominantly move along the plane or zone of the discontinuity. The term fault zone is used when referring to the zone of complex deformation (fracturing) that is associated with the fault plane.

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Fault terms and fault types

Normal Fault

Reverse/Thrust Fault
Hanging wall block

Strike-slip Fault

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Faults and stress state

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Faults in outcrop

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Faults and fracture density 1/2

Micarelli et al., 2003

Caine et al. 1996

Caine et al., 1996 - Geology

Micarelli et al., 2003 Journal of Geodynamics

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Density of fault-related fractures progressively decreases with increasing fault distance

Faults and fracture density 2/2

Fault Core

Background Subvertical Fractures Background Subvertical Fractures

5 cm

5 cm

Lozenge-shaped fractures

Poorly damaged area

Damaged area

Damaged area

Poorly damaged area


Fault core

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Faults and wide damaged zone 1/3

Example of a fault with an intensely deformed and wide damaged zone

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Faults and wide damaged zone 2/3

Geological factors controlling damage zone formation in normal faults Syn-sedimentary faults often have not a damage zone associated (because sediments are not yet compacted during faulting)

Porous sandstones

Displacement 1m
Shales Tight sandstones

Displacement 1m

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



The absence of a damage zone can also depend from the mechanical behaviour of rocks affected by faults

Faults and wide damaged zone 1/3

Modified from Knott et al. (1996)

The widest damage zone for normal faults forms either in the hanging wall near the upper tip of the fault or in the footwall near the lower tip.

The width/location of the damage zone observed at wells may depend on where the well intersects a fault (near either the upper or lower tip)

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Diagenetic fractures Bed-parallel stylolites

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Definition of stylolites

A bed-parallel stylolite is an irregular discontinuity commonly found in limestones and other sedimentary rocks. They result from compaction and pressure solution during diagenesis and may be enlarged by subsequent groundwater flow. Stylolites appear as jagged discontinuities in outcrops and are often filled with insoluble clays, opaques (such as iron oxide), or dark organic matter.

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Bed-parallel stylolites in outcrop

Bed-parallel stylolites in limestones (Southern France) Bed-parallel stylolites in limestones (Southern France)

Bed-parallel stylolites in pink Ordovician limestone (Tennessee, US)

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Stylolite related fractures observed on cores

Tectonic fractures

Tension gashes Paleo-minimum stress direction Stylolite peaks Tight zone related to pressuresolution Stylolite



Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Fractures / tension gashes related stylolites

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Origin of stylolites is overburden plus tectonic stresses They form tight intervals that may be preferentially fractured

Various structural objects


Large-scale fractures

Fold related fractures

Stylolites related fractures

Small-scale fractures
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Joint = Systematic set

What is a naturally fractured reservoir ?

Main types of fractured reservoirs

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Main types of fractured reservoirs 1/5

Type 1 Fractures provide both porosity and permeability in the reservoir (no hydrocarbon in the matrix)

Examples: LA PAZ (Venezuela) WHITE TIGER (Vietnam) MONTE ALPI (Italy) ROSPO MARE (Italy)

ff K f


f m~ 0


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Main types of fractured reservoirs 2/5

Type 2 Fractures provide permeability in the reservoir (the hydrocarbon is mainly in the matrix)


f f < 1%





Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Main types of fractured reservoirs 3/5

Type 3 Fractures enhance permeability in the reservoir (matrix is porous and permeable) Examples: KIRKUK (Iraq) GACHSARAN (Iran) CANTAREL (Mexico) LACQ (France) EKOFISK (Norway)

ff K f fm


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Main types of fractured reservoirs 4/5

Main types of fractured reservoirs Type 4 Fractures generate a high flow anisotropy in the reservoir

Examples: HASSI MESSAOUD (Algeria) GHAWAR (Saudi Arabia) SHAH (Abu Dhabi)

ff K f

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir





Main types of fractured reservoirs 5/5

Control of production from naturally fractured reservoirs (from Nelson R.A.) Type 1 : Fractures provide both porosity and permeability
In crystalline and metamorphic rocks and in shales where matrix porosity and permeability are negligible. Ex. : Big Sandy Field (fractured shale gas reservoir: fracture planes (opening =300) often coated with crystalline dolomite)

Type 2 : Fractures provide the permeability

Typical fractured reservoirs, with matrix providing the essential porosity and fractures the essential permeability Ex. : Sprawberry Field (Kmatrix=0.3-0.5 md while overall permeability is 16 md, fmatrix~8% ff~0.1%)

Type 3 : Fractures provide a permeability assist


Fractured reservoirs where both matrix and fractures contribute significantly to production at field scale Ex. : Kirkuk Field (highly-productive fractured limestone)
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Influence of fractures on field behavior

High productivity/injectivity Anisotropy of flows Early breakthrough Communication between different reservoirs Specific recovery mechanisms (dual medium) If sealed fractures : compartmentalization into several reservoir units

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Specificity of fractured porous reservoirs

Duality between Matrix and Fractures
a Fractured reservoir = a Matrix reservoir + a Network of useful fractures

Matrix = High fluid capacity / low permeability Fractures = Low fluid capacity / high permeability Ratio of capacity (F/M): 10-3 to 10-2 Ratio of permeability (F/M): 10 to 1000
(Well test interpretation methods are based on this dual-porosity flow behavior)

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Fractures bypass the matrix spontaneous (= non-forced) displacement mechanisms (expansion, capillarity, gravity, diffusion) control oil recovery from matrix blocks

Absolute criteria of fracturation 1/2

Absolute criteria of fracturation: well testing versus core analysis (K.H) test >> (K.H) matrix (at least 10 times)

Required information: an interpreted pressure build-up matrix permeability from representative core measurements (or f-K laws
and porosity log) - continuous sampling through the reservoir - K measurements under stress (or corrected for stress effects)

Ex. Meillon field : K test /K core = 100-10000

(SPE 22915)

Difficulties: Which H has been tested ? Reservoir / Perforated /Producing height ? (KH) calculation from plug measurements? Which average?

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Absolute criteria of fracturation 2/2



Fractures enhance K.H (Ratios from 5 to 1000)

K.H Test


No evidence of fracture


Fractures reduce K.H

1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

K.H Core
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Carbonate field with conductive faults 1/2

Type 4 example Conductive faults 2 fractures sets - NS - N120 Anisotropy N120

Lagalaye (Total), Grard (Beicip-Franlab) Conductive Fault Modelling and History Match Improvements on a Fractured Carbonate Field - GEO2002 - Bahrein 14-17th of april 2002

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Carbonate field with conductive faults 2/2


Conductive faults


Well E Well B Well D

Well A Well C

Sealing faults

Lagalaye (Total), Grard (Beicip-Franlab) Conductive Fault Modelling and History Match Improvements on a Fractured Carbonate Field - GEO2002 - Bahrein 14-17th of april 2002

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Early water breakthrough due to conductive faults



Lagalaye (Total), Grard (Beicip-Franlab) Conductive Fault Modelling and History Match Improvements on a Fractured Carbonate Field - GEO2002 - Bahrein 14-17th of april 2002

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Sweep efficiency

Water saturation after 20 years in a carbonate field with fracture swarms

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Recovery mechanisms in fractured reservoirs

Flow mechanisms in fractured reservoirs

- In the fractures - In the matrix - Between matrix and fractures

Main drive mechanisms in fractured reservoirs

- Convection segregation - Imbibition - Gravity drainage

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Flow mechanisms in fractured reservoirs 1/3

Principle: fractures enable the large-scale transport but most of the oil is contained in the matrix blocks: matrix-fracture transfer is essential
- Forced displacement in fractures only, not significant in matrix (except if low permeability constrast between fracture and matrix) ; - Only spontaneous mechanisms are efficient for recovering matrix oil: expansion, capillarity, gravity drainage, diffusion;

- Fractures act as a saturation (or pressure or composition) boundary condition for matrix blocks: they impose on the limits of the blocks a fixed potential different from that of matrix; large exchange surfaces are offered. - Determinant parameters for exchanges: block size and shape (height); matrix properties; wettability, permeability, boundary conditions (rate of fracture invasion), fluid properties.
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Flow mechanisms in fractured reservoirs 2/3

Viscous flow (forced displacement) is in most of the cases negligible in a fractured reservoir

P1 P2

P2 ~ P1 and Kf >> Km

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Flow mechanisms in fractured reservoirs 3/3

Water Injection


Gas Injection


Gravity Drainage

Segregation +Convection within fractures

Gas drive

Diffusion Reimbibition

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Water drive

Convection phenomenon

Gas liberated

Heavier oil
High vertical permeability Gravity segregation Thermal gradients

Lighter oil

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Field observation: bubble point pressures

84 bar
GOC, 1900 m

112 bar

In 1998
2000 m

124 bar
1950 m 2255 m 2620 m

Reduction of bubble point pressure with time

3000 m
(initially 150 bar everywhere in 1977)

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Field example of Matrix-Fracture transfer

Cretaceous Upper Reservoir Interval

Fault related fractures Diffuse fracture network 8 matricial reservoir matricial reservoir Lower 7 / 5c matrix

Cretaceous Lower Reservoir Interval

Fault related fractures

Basement Interval
Fault related fractures

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Field example of Matrix-Fracture transfer

Gas-cap evolution in the fractures

10 years

20 years

55 years

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Rapid Evolution of the gas-cap In the fracture

Field example of Matrix-Fracture transfer

Gas-cap evolution in the matrix

10 years

20 years

55 years

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Gas Drainage = small effect In the matrix blocks Reason: Block reduced size

Field example of Matrix-Fracture transfer

Water evolution in the fractures

10 Years

20 Years
Water Injection Started 40 years after production

55 Years

Injected water
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



No natural water encroachment

Field example of Matrix-Fracture transfer

Water evolution in the matrix

10 Years

20 Years

55 Years

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



important Effect of matrix blocks imbibition Due to water injection Reason: blocks wettability

Field recovery examples 1/3

Haft kel (Iran): 35% OIP recovered Primary recovery: depletion and imbibition 26% Secondary recovery: gas injection 35%
Ekofisk: 35 - 40 % OIP (Water injection + Subsidence) - low-permeability chalk, water wet rock - small block size Qarn al alam: 1.5% OIP (17 years production, water breakthrough due to fractures) viscous oil (16API, 220 cP) low-permeability oil-wet matrix Emeraude: 3 - 6 % OIP (Water/Oil) - viscous oil (~ 100 cP) - Oil wet - solution gas drive recovery mechanism Idd el shargi north dome: 1.6% OIP (28 years production, 1991) Thick water-oil transition, conductive faults, low productivity (Km= 1 to 5 mD) Secondary recovery : ring pattern waterflood, crestal gas injection

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Field recovery examples 2/3

Gas fields examples:
- Meillon: 60% GIP (Gas / Water)
Fractures provide enhanced productivity BUT early water breakthrough

- Lacq Profond: > 95% GIP (single-phase depletion)

Fractures enhance productivity (Km # 10-3 mD)

Conclusion: - Fractures can either enhance recovery (Lacq, Haft Kel) or stop it prematurely (breakthroughs) - Recovery may be very low in fractured reservoirs with poor oil and matrix properties (high o, low K, oil wettability) and/or an unsuited production method (early breakthroughs)

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Field recovery examples 3/3

20 18 16 14

Gas reservoirs Oil reservoirs


12 10 8 6 4 2 0
0 - 10% 10 - 20% 20 - 30% 30 - 40% 40 - 50% 50 - 60% 60 - 70% 70 - 80% 80 - 90% 90 - 100%

Ultimate recovery

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir



Ref: SPE 84590 Figures obtained from 56 fractured oil reservoirs and 8 fractured gas reservoirs.

Checklist of fractured reservoir evidences 1/2

Main geological evidences of fractured reservoirs: Drilling information:
High rates of penetration (in the fractured intervals) Low core recovery (in highly fractured intervals)

Structural information
High structural dips, folding Field located close to regional faults

Core description
Presence of numerous continuous open (or partly open) fractures

Seismic data analysis

Presence of numerous faults

These information have to be integrated with dynamic data !!


Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Checklist of fractured reservoir evidences 2/2

Main dynamic evidences of fractured reservoirs: Drilling information:
mud losses

Well testing:
Kh test >> Kh core dual porosity signature presence of no flow boundaries or constant pressure boundaries dispersion of skin data

Production logs
Low temperature gradient in the oil column (convection in fractures) Flowmeters with sudden changes

Production data/history high productivity/injectivity


earlier breakthroughs than predicted by models ignoring fractures

Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


Cautions and conclusions Caution

Some fractured reservoirs do not yield typical dual-porosity well test results: transition between fracture and matrix regimes may be hidden or delayed. A typical dual-media well test behaviour may also result
- from communication between layers (cross-flow); - from a high-permeability heterogeneity of the matrix (permeable streaks).
Mud losses or well productivity are not sufficient indicators.


Evidence of fractures and of matrix-fracture flow-property contrast results from the cross-checking of several sources of information.
Part 1- What is a naturally fractured reservoir


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