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While selecting the method of washing the main factors to be considered are(i) How dirty is the fabric (ii)

What kind of fabric it is i.e., cotton, silk, wool, rayon, nylon, and so on (iii) Whether it is coloured or white. Laundering is generally done by: i Friction Washing ii Kneading and Squeezing iii Washing by machines

(I) FRICTION WASHING This method is suitable for washing strong fabrics like cotton. Friction can be applied as follows: a) Washing by hand friction: This means rubbing vigourously with the hand. It is suitable for cleaning very soiled small articles like small garments, handkercheif, etc. It is economical in the use of soap. b) Friction by use of a plastic scrubbing brush: It is suitable for very soiled household articles made of strong fabric, eg., dusters.

c) Beating with a stick: Large articles like bed sheets are washed by this method but this might damage the fabric.
(II) WASHING BY KNEADING AND SQUEEZING This method is used for delicate fabrics like silk, woollens, rayon, etc. This method does not damage the fabric or change its shape as only gentle rubbing with hands is done.


Washing machine is a labour saving device, especially useful for large institutions. Now a days it is being used at home also. The washing time varies with types of fabrics and amount of soiling. Woollens take less time than cottons to get cleaned. The instructions with the machine should be read carefully before using it. Washing machines are available in two models - automatic and semi-automatic. The advantage of using washing machines is that you can dry the clothes in the spinner so that manual wringing of clothes is avoided. This is specially useful while washing heavy articles like bedcovers, curtains, etc

WASHING MACHINES To-day more and more people are adopting washing machines. These may be Fully automatic: Which, with one setting of the controls, fills itself with water at a set temperature, washes, rinses, extracts water and stops, all without further attention on the part of the operator. Semi automatic: The operator has to intervene a number of times. After the washing phase, the wash water has to be let out by the user. The rinse water has to be filled and drained out e.ach time. Manually operated: 50 percent of the work is manual. Further any of these could be front loading or top-loading, tumble wringer type or spinner type.

AUTOMATIC WASHER All washing machines perform the following operations but the details of their functioning vary. These are discussed below. Filling up of water There are basically two ways in which the washer fills itself: Metered fill - This method permits uniform regulation of the amount of water which comes into the wash basket both during the initial fill for the wash period and during subsequent fills for the rinse period Time fill - A control timer on the washer allows a specified length of time for the water to fill before the wash phase of the cycle begins. The time fill arrangement system works satisfactorily wherever the water pressure is normal and constant. It requires the user to be a little more attentive in adjusting the timer control dial to a proper fill period and then re-set the dial for the wash time. The selection of a metered fill washer is a better choice. It gives uniformity of operation inspite of variations in water pressure. It provides greater flexibility of action, since it will always fill to the proper level before the washing begins.


All automatic washers provide a dial or button which permits the selection of the desired temperature. There are various choices like: A hot wash followed by a warm rinse A warm wash followed by a warm rinse A hot wash followed by a cold rinse A warm wash followed by a cold rinse A cold wash followed by a warm rinse A cold wash followed by a cold rinse There are three systems in current use for controlling the temperature selected:

Thermostatic control - A thermostatically controlled mixing valve regulates the

temperature of the incoming water.

Mechanical mixing - The mixing valve in this system works on a mechanical


Combination control - In some washers there is a combination of thermostatic

control and mechanical mixing so that the hot water is mixed with the thermostatically controlled warm water to provide medium water temperature; or the thermostatically controlled warm water is mixed with cold to provide cool water temperature. This system provides a wider range of temperatures, which is not really necessary.

WATER LEVEL CONTROL Automatic Control Some may provide an additional feature, viz. water level control. This feature permits the user to pre-select the amount of water entering the washer. Thus water can be adjusted to the size of the load to be washed. This control may be either automatic or manual. Some washers have a control dial indicating low, medium or normal. Others have various gradations in between these settings Manual Control The user has to remain close to the machine during the "fill period". A button or a switch has to be manipulated to stop the water flow when the desired level is reached. The same has to be done at the rinse. Obviously, the automatic water level control is more convenient.

The principle on which washing is based is the flexing of fabrics in washing solution with currents of that solution being used to carry the dirt away from the fabric. The washing machine uses three major methods to bring about washing: AGITATION This type of washing takes place in a top-loading machine with a vertically positioned agitator in the centre. The agitator is provided with blades or fins. The movement of the agitator causes currents in the water within the tub which gently forces water through the clothes. The movement of the agitator may either be rotational or oscillating

Pulsation In some toploading washers the movement is brought about by a vertical pulsator. The pulsator, which moves up and down vertically and very rapidly. This reciprocal action produces water currents within the tub. Maximum care is required in loading clothes into the washer to prevent excessive entangling of clothes. Tumbling Washing takes place in a horizontally placed drum or cylinder which is perforated and which revolves inside a partially filled tub of water. There is no agitator or pulsator. With each revolution of the wash basket, the clothes are carried near the top by a series of baffles and are dropped into the wash water. In this type of washing the clothes move through the water while in the two previous cases the water moves through the clothes.

THE RINSING The rinse is a very important phase of the wash cycle because it directly affects the appearance of the clothes. If the rinse is not thorough the clothes may appear grey and dingy and they may also take on a hard and stiff hand. There are three types of rinses: Spray rinse In this type, clean fresh water is injected into the spinning tub. This rinse is most effective in removing dirt and detergent residue and in flushing out all the sud" at the end of the wash phase. Power rinse This rinse is basically a repetition of the wash phase of the cycle, except that the water temperature is usually warm or cold and detergent is not added to the water. The wash basket is filled with water (either metered or time fill) agitation, pulsation or tumbling occurs in order to complete the removal of dirt and detergent residue.

Over-flow rinse As the name implies the wash basket over-flows. Water continues to enter the washer during the entire rinse period so that the dirt or detergent residue is floated over the top of the tub. This is a satisfactory way of removing soil. However heavy dirt or sand will not float and cannot be satisfactorily removed. When water in the area contains iron or mineral salts, an overflow rinse tends to stain clothes which act as a filter during the overflow rinse phase. Excessive amounts of water are used in this type of rinse.

Water extraction The water removal phase occurs after the wash phase as well as after each rinse phase of the cycle. It may be accomplished in three ways: Spinning Bottom-drain Combination bottom-drain and spin Types of tubs 1. Solid tubs or wash basket 2. Perforated tub or wash basket

Front loading m/c:

Dry cleaning:
It is any cleaning process for clothing and textile using an organic solvent other than water

It uses fluids to remove the soil and stain from fabric

It helps to return the garments to a like new To prevent shrinkage , loss of colour and fabric distortion The solvent used by almost 90% of all dry cleaners is perchloroethylene, commonly known as perc

Solvents used:
Perchloroethylene High flash point hydrocarbons DF-2000 Modified Hydrocarbon Blends Glycol ethers Liquid CO2

CLOTHES DRYER A clothes dryer or tumble dryer is a household appliance that is used to remove moisture from a load of clothing and other textiles, generally shortly after they are cleaned in a washing machine. Most dryers consist of a rotating drum called a tumbler through which heated air is circulated to evaporate the moisture from the load. The tumbler is rotated to maintain space between the articles in the load.

Using these machines may cause clothes To shrink, Become less soft (due to loss of short soft fibres/ lint). For these reasons, as well as to save energy, many people use open air methods such as a clothes line and clotheshorse

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