Visitors Orientation: Coral Bay Nickel Corporation Rio Tuba, Bataraza, Palawan

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Coral Bay Nickel Corporation Rio Tuba, Bataraza, Palawan


Statement of Company Safety Policy

It is the policy of Coral Bay Nickel Corporation to conduct its operation with due regards to the health and safety of its workers, its contractors, and the community while taking into consideration the protection of the environment. Specifically to: Comply with applicable laws, regulations and standards that minimize any adverse environmental impacts resulting from its operations and products.

Statement of Company Safety Policy

Communicate openly with the government and the community on environmental issues Conduct research and establish programs to conserve resources, minimize waste and improve its process to protect the environment. Ensure that its employees and contractors are informed about this policy and aware of the respective environmental responsibilities in relation to CBNCs business.

To promote a culture of safety and health by providing an effective monitoring system and investigation. To promote the strict implementation of the Safety and Health Rules. To promote Safety and Health training, thereby attaining its objective of total employee development. To comply with the various government legislations regarding Safety and Health.


In 2002, the HPP Project of Coral Bay Nickel Corporation (CBNC) was established with the combined efforts of its Japanese partners Sumitomo Metal Mining Corp. (SMM), Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (MBK), Sojitz Corporation (SC), and its Filipino Partner, Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation (RTNMC).

Technology Information
Sumitomo Metal Mining Corp. Ltd. Mitsui & Co. Share 54%

Mixed Sulfide Coral Bay Nickel Corporation Ore and Limestone Share 18%

Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation

Share 10%

Sojitz Corp.

Share 18%

The plant adopts the High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) process to produce Nickel/Cobalt Mixed Sulfide (MS) from low grade nickel lateritic ores at high recovery rate and at low cost.

The process consist of solubilizing nickel and cobalt by high pressure leaching using sulfuric acid. This is followed by neutralization of excess acid using ground limestone. Nickel and cobalt are recovered as sulfides by precipitation with Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas.

Nickel Ore

Ore Preparation
Oversize Ore

Pressure Leach Counter Current Decantation

Leached Residue


Impurity Neutralization
Final Neutralization
Effluent Gypsum


Zinc Removal


Tailings Dam

Mixed Sulfide

The main product of CBNC is Mixed Sulfide (MS) of nickel and cobalt, analyzing 57% NI and 4% Co. It was designed to produce 10,000 tons of nickel and 750 tons of cobalt per year. Through the process of HPP, low grade ore, which was considered as mine wastes of the earlier operations of RTNMC, is utilized to produced Nickel/Cobalt Mixed Sulfide. This is subsequently refined in Japan and the nickel and cobalt metals are then used in the production of stainless steel and other applications.

Rules on CBNC Plant Site Visitors

Undertake safety and health orientation. At all times, shall wear personal protective equipment provided by CBNC. Shall wear Visitors ID at all times while inside the Company premises. Refrain from entering Restricted Areas. Taking of pictures is strictly prohibited. If pictures are required, CBNC personnel will take pictures using company authorized cameras only. Prohibited drugs & Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited within plant premises. Individuals believed to be intoxicated and/or drugged will not be allowed entry into the plant premises.


Must be wearing the appropriate PPE; if they do not have it, where applicable, it will be provided; Must be accompanied on site by a CBNC or Contractor Representative; Follow all instructions given by the CBNC representative. Must sign out and return any PPEs provided. No personal belongings, including food and drinks shall be allowed in the plant site complex.

PROHIBITED ITEMS Deadly Weapons such as: Firearms Explosives Ammunition Sharp Objects

Firearms, other types of deadly weapons, and unauthorized explosives are prohibited inside the Company Property.

CONSEQUENCE FOR BREACH OF COMPANY POLICY Any person breaking company policy as stated in this Visitors Orientation program will be asked to leave the Plant Site.

PPEs Requirement for Different Areas

All Visitors must wear the proper PPEs provided while inside the Plant Site Complex. All areas in the Plant Site Complex are designated as Hard Hat, Safety Glass, Safety Shoes, Respirator and Protective Clothing Areas. In some areas, wearing of safety goggles, gas indicators, and respirator are strictly required. Restricted Areas should be properly observed.

Designated safety equipments such as eye wash / shower stations, fire extinguishers and emergency evacuation areas should be properly noted.

Incident , Accident, and Injury Reporting

All incidents (real or potential safety, security or environmental) regardless of harm, damage or injury being caused (near miss incidents) must be reported to your CBNC Representative; All injuries regardless of how minor they are, must be reported to your CBNC Representative; All injured persons that require first aid or more must be reported to the CBNC Representative / Safety personnel for immediate medical attention.

Raising an Emergency Alarm

The Coral Bay Nickel Corporation High Pressure Acid Leach Project maintains a state-of-the-art system to alert the employees and other people concerned in an emergency situation. An example is in case of Fire: The fire alarm system will be activated. The sound will immediately warn people of the fire and signal the start of evacuation procedures. Notification procedures vary depending on the magnitude of the situation. Bigger events will call for more people involvement. In case of a serious or facility-wide emergency situation, the appropriate means of notification is through the paging system and the activation of the siren. Reporting of any type of emergency shall be done using telephones which are strategically located within the plant site complex area. Telephone directories shall likewise be placed in strategic areas accessible to all employees.


Accident Paging System Safety Head DCS Operator Production Manager Plant Manager First Aid Team Fire Fighting Team

DCS Alarm

Maintenance Manager

Utility Manager

GAD Manager

EMO Manager

PLD Manager

PSSI Guards

Public Relation Team




Emergency Evacuation Areas

You are here

Evacuation Area A

Evacuation Area C

Evacuation Area B

Interaction with the Local Community

For CBNC Visitors - interaction with the local community maybe unavoidable, thus the following rules must be obeyed:
As the traditional owners of these lands, treat the Indigenous People (I.P.) with the respect they deserve they were here first;

The customs and beliefs of the Indigenous Peoples of the region must be respected; Respect the religious beliefs of the local population; Not to enter areas of ancestral domains unless authorized by the IP representatives; Not to damage their property, harm the environment, hunt or fish unless authorization is given by the IP representatives; Always act in a manner that meets the Policies and Standards of CBNC.


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