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Public Speaking

Week 3

Audience Analyses

Demographic: age, gender, culture, ethnicity, race, religion, and educational level

Attitudinal: attitudes, beliefs, and values

Environmental: seating arrangement, the number of people likely to attend, and the room lighting

And Why Should I Care About Questions?

Ok, I care, now what are the types?


Allow for unrestricted answers


Provide alternatives
Scaled Response: Rating scale

Who is our Audience?

PowerPoint: Friend or Foe?

PowerPoint Tutor

Case Study
Case Studies in Ethics: Review the following scenarios and determine to what degree the students engaged in unethical behavior. Scenario 1: A student--let's call her Betty--is working on a course paper at 2:00 in the morning. The paper is due first thing in the morning. She's stressed about an early morning flight, and her child has a fever. Half-asleep, Betty accidentally copies and pastes a paragraph from an online journal, without citing the source. The next day she hands in the paper. Betty's faculty member finds the plagiarism and discovers it's the second time Betty has been caught plagiarizing. Scenario 2: Jim, a fairly new doctoral student, didn't do much writing in his master's program. He has taken this course, 8005. Because he's nervous about his writing ability, Jim decides to paste in a couple of paragraphs from a journal article without citing the original source. When his instructor confronts him, Jim says he didn't realize what he was doing wrong. Define ethics. With the help of your text, distinguish between an ethical and an unethical speech. What should be done? Determine the consequence(s) for each student in one paragraph each. Defend your position using facts drawn from Chapter 3 of your textbook.

Complete this case study in an ESSAY of 150-200 words (intro, Body, conclusion). Ignore reference to Chapter 3.

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