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International Committee of the Red Cross

Kuala Lumpur Regional Delegation

The ICRC in a nutshell

Neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian organization Work in armed conflict situations

International mandate
Part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

The ICRC: Mission

The ICRCs mission is to protect and assist the civilian and military victims of armed conflicts and internal disturbances on a strictly neutral and impartial basis and to promote compliance with Law of Armed Conflict.*

*Discover the ICRC, summary of the mission statement

The ICRC: mandated by the States community

Protects and assists war victims Promotes Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)/ international humanitarian law (IHL) and its implementation Reunites families separated by armed conflicts Officially recognizes National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The ICRC: Action

At the beginning of hostilities, the ICRC Reminds the parties of their obligations Offers its services

Makes an assessment of the needs

Acts in favour of victims according to the needs

The ICRC around the world

Delegations in over 60 countries Activities in more than 80 countries Over 12,000 employees

Protection in war

of civilians protection of prisoners of war and detainees restoring family links

Assistance for armed conflict victims


security water and habitat health services

Preventive action

of IHL/ LOAC National measures of implementation of IHL/ LOAC Mine/UXO awareness programs

Activities: Protection in war

Protection of civilians
Collect information on abuses Recommendations to the responsible party Action in favor of most vulnerable
Internally Women Children

displaced persons

Activities: Protection in war

Protection of detainees
Visits of detainees

approaches to the authorities to improve detention conditions

Prevent disappearances, summary executions, torture and ill-treatment Restore family links

Activities:Protection in war
Restoring family links
Central Tracing Agency Restore contact between people separated by conflict

Cross messages

Collect information on people sought by their relatives (detainees, displaced persons) Trace missing persons

Activities: Assistance for conflict victims

Economic security
Economic support Survival relief Economic rehabilitation

Activities: Assistance for conflict victims

Water and habitat
Ensure access to clean drinking water and decent sanitation, waste disposal Proper housing Rehabilitation of infrastructures Camps for displaced persons

Activities: Assistance for conflict victims

Health services
Primary health care War surgery and first aid Health in prisons Physical rehabilitation

Activities: Prevention
Promotion and implementation of LOAC/ IHL Integration of LOAC/ IHL into official legal, educational and operational curricula

Activities: Prevention
Armed forces, police and security forces

Decision-makers and opinion-leaders

Tomorrows decision-makers and opinionleaders (schools and universities)

Civilian populations

The Movement: Composition

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

National Societies

International Committee of the Red Cross

The Movement: Roles


and protection for conflict victims guardian of international humanitarian law official recognition of National Societies

National Societies

to victims of conflict and disaster activities in favour of the most vulnerable


of National Societies activities coordination of international Movement assistance for victims of natural disasters

The Movement: Fundamental Principles


and alleviate human suffering and proportionality



credibility by not taking sides with respect to all powers


Voluntary service

relief movement


one NS per country


rights for all NS

The Movement: Why do the Principles

Universal reference Transparency and predictability Guide the Movements humanitarian action

Link the Movement components

None of our work could be done without the help of our partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

The Movement: The Seville Agreement

Agreement on cooperation Signed within the Council of Delegates in November 1997 Purpose of the agreement

functional cooperation within the Movement to act more efficiently in emergency situations strengthen the development of National Societies

The Movement: The Seville Agreement

2 concepts: Lead role
permanent specific

competencies of each component

Lead agency

a given emergency situation one component carries out general direction and coordination of the operational relief activities

Recognized and used emblems Indicative use Protective use Misuse of the emblem The emblem debate


Use of the emblems

The ICRC in Malaysia

Covers 4 countries: Singapore, Brunei, Japan and Malaysia Create and improve awareness Promotion & implementation of LOAC/ IHL

Integration of LOAC/ IHL into the education system

Armed forces, police and security forces Decision and policymakers and opinion-leaders

Civil society

Thank you!

International Committee of the Red Cross Kuala Lumpur Regional Delegation Tel: 603 2084 1800 Fax: 603 2084 1999 Email: Website:

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