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The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961



Maternity Benefit Act, 1961

Object of Act
To protect the dignity of motherhood by providing for the full and healthy maintenance of woman and her child when she is not working

Applicability of Act
It applies to every establishment, being factory, mine or plantation in which 10 or more people were employed in previous 12 months



Conditions for Eligibility of Benefits

Conditions for eligibility of benefits
Women, whether married or unmarried, are eligible for maternity benefits when she is expecting a child She should have worked for her employer for at least 80 days in last 12 months

Display of Act
Employer must display Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 in local languages for employees Failure to display will lead to imprisonment extending upto 1 year or fine
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Conditions for Claiming Benefits

Conditions for claiming benefits:

10 weeks before the date of her expected delivery, she may ask for lighter workload. At this stage certificate of pregnancy must be produced Written notice to employer 7 weeks before expected date of delivery that she will be absent from work (6 weeks before & 6 weeks after) She should mention name of person to whom payment will be made on her behalf Payment for 6 weeks before delivery should be given before hand Payment of 6 weeks after delivery should be given within 48 hours. Proof of child birth need to given at this stage She will be given 2 nursing breaks (15 mts each) to nurse the child, till the child is 15 months old Her employer cannot discharge her or change her conditions of service while she is on maternity leave
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Cash Benefits

Cash Benefits
Leave with average pay for 6 weeks before the delivery Leave with average pay for 6 weeks after the delivery Medical bonus of 3500 Rs to be paid if employer does not provide free medical care to women Additional leave with pay up to 1 month in case of illness, miscarriage or premature birth due to pregnancy In case of Miscarriage, 6 weeks leave with average pay from the date of miscarriage
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Non Cash Benefits/Privileges

Light work for 10 weeks before the date of delivery, if she asks for it 2 nursing breaks until child is 15 months old No Dismissal or Discharge while she is on maternity leave No changes in conditions of work while on maternity leave Pregnant women discharged or dismissed may still claim maternity benefit from the employer Exception
Women dismissed for gross misconduct lose their right under the act for Maternity Benefit
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Forfeiture of Maternity Benefit

If women works in establishment during her leave period than she shall forfeit her claim to the maternity benefit for such period Penalty
If employer fails to pay any amount or Discharges and dismisses women employee
Jail 3 months to 1 year Fine 2000 Rs to 5000 Rs



Thank you






Performance Management & Appraisal




What is Performance?
Performance is what is expected to be delivered by
an individual or a set of individuals

..within a time frame. Examples:


Quarterly Sales Targets Class Tests Final Exams F 1 Race Movies Tennis Football Matches EtcEtc..
Performance Management 12

Dimensions of Performance


Performance Management


Results & Output

Most Acceptable & Visible Dimension
Maruti Ad (Whats the mileage?)

It is a consequence of Inputs Ex :
Salary Figure Customer Numbers Percentages Financial Targets Cricket Scores Etc
Performance Management 14

Objective Measure *

Input Dimension
Deals with Activities & Tasks It includes:
Nature of activities to be undertaken Quality of Inputs

KPA Performance Equation

Ability Motivation Situational Variables (Organizational Support)

Performance Output Work Measures - Input

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Time Dimension
Flimfare Awards Noble Prize Olympic Medal Employee of the Month Great Act of the Day EtcEtc

Nothing gets done in infinite amount of time Time period for performance is important Quarterly Results (Corporate & Skippers) Average CEO tenure - ET Critical Factors
Role Time Period


Performance Management


Avg Tenure of CEOs In India

Average Tenure(India) 6.8 Yrs
Predecessors 10 Yrs

Average Tenure (USA) 3 Yrs CEO Tenure

in Family Managed Biz 14.7 Yrs In Professionally Managed Biz 3.9 Yrs In Public Sector Firms 1.9 Yrs

Companies with Big CEO Tenures

GE Jack Welch (20 Years) GE Jeff Immelt (Completed 10 Yrs in 2012) HUL Believes in long tenure CEOs

Yahoo!, HP, J C Penny & Best Buy

4 CEOs in 5 Years
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Focus Dimension
What should be our Performance Focus? What is your performance focus in SKIPS? Or for MBA? Or for Life? This is Strategic Question. The answer depends on either: Vision Current Market Combination of Vision and Market Performance Parameters (Any Restaurant) Stomach Share Customer Satisfaction Quality of Product Quality of Service Operating profit Family Happiness Combination of above
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Input Output Relationship

Target 95% Result 85% How will you rate performance? Results & Context
Objectivity? Real vs Fake Justification

Any Performance Measurement - is difficult ! Performance Appraisal vs Performance Management
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Dimensions of Performance
Result or Output Input Time Focus Input & Output Relationship


Performance Management


What do you need to Manage Performance?
Idea about Expected Level of Performance Standard Kind of Support Required Culture Circumstances Situations Previous Level of Performance of Individual under similar circumstances Ability Willingness Motivation Acronym S.A.M.S Culture

ManMohan Singh # Atal Bihari Vajpayee Yet we do it..hence objectivity is big big issue in Performance Management System
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What is Performance Management?


Performance Management


Performance Management!
Performance Management
It is a Continuous Process. About What?

About :
Identifying Measuring and Developing
The performance of Individuals and Teams.

for achieving organizational goals of performance

And it is done through?

.through alignment of Individual & Teams performance with Organizations Strategic Goals
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Performance Management
Why Performance Management should be a Continuous Process?
Think of a Child!

Why it should be Aligned?

Cancer Organization VS Employee Tug-of-war

Performance Management is Much More than Performance Appraisal What should be The Goal of Performance Management System?
To Build & Develop Not to : Criticize & Punish*
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Performance Management

Performance Management
It is a process of aligning employees performance with organizations goals.

How this is done?

Decide on Strategy Turn Strategic focus into strategic objectives Translate Strategic Objectives into Performance Criteria Merge Job Responsibilities with performance criteria Implement, Monitor and provide feedback Evaluate & Revise

Performance Management
Its a powerful weapon.if used can make the organization.or it can break also All great Change Initiatives has performance management at its base.
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Performance Management Systems that do not make ..explicit connection between employee contribution to the organizational goals are not true Performance Management Systems.
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Performance Appraisal




Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal (Employee Focus)

It is a process of understanding the level of performance achieved by an employee.

Performance Appraisal (Employee & Org Focus)

It is a process to understand goal accomplishment by organization through employee performance It also includes:
Financial Position of organization (Internal Focus) Competitive Position of Organization (External Focus)

Measuring & Appraising

Tangible Outcomes Intangible Outcomes : Knowledge Worker

Types of Performance Appraisals

Formal Informal
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Reasons of Performance Appraisals




Reasons of Performance Appraisal

Reasons !
Employee Development Motivation Admin Decisions
Promotion Demotion Salary Decisions


Legal Compliance Rewards & Recognition Skills Inventory & Talent Management HRM Research Strategic Fitment Culture Building Communication & Kaizen
HRM 31

How will you know that employee is performing? Or there is a connect between performance and firms goals?
Through Performance Appraisals! On what is Performance Appraisals based? on Data! But how will you get data? Through format!
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Format of Appraisals

To fulfill all the purposes of Performance Appraisal, the performance appraisal process must provide accurate & reliable data. The ability to generate accurate & reliable data is enhanced if systematic process is followed. 6 steps
What steps you will follow to put PMS in your company?
Establish Performance Standards & Criteria for evaluation Establish Performance Evaluation Policies about:
When to rate? How often to rate? Who should rate?


Have raters gather data on employees performance Have raters evaluate employees performance Discuss Evaluation with employee Make Decisions & File the Evaluation
HRM 33

Step 1 : Establish Performance Standards & Establish Criteria Performance Standards & Criteria
Job Analysis Job Description
A clear statement of Performance Dimensions & Standards Expected from an Employee*

Criteria = Performance Dimensions Ex : Student
Academic Performance : Tangible Extra Co-Curricular Performance : Tangible Behavioral Performance : Intangible

Single or Multiple So, Activities(Reading, Writing) and Results(Marks) both should be evaluated Activities(Means) & Results(Ends) Ex :
Activity (Nos of calls a salesperson makes) Results (Rupees of Sales) Activity (Nos of Hours of Study) Results (Marks in particular Subject)

Weigh the Criteria

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Step 2 : When? How often? & Who?

When should Evaluation be done?
Anniversary Approach Single Week Approach

How often?
Annual Semi-Annual Quarterly Monthly Fortnightly Rating by Supervisor Rating by Several Supervisors Rating by Employees Peers Rating by Employees Subordinates Rating by Clients Field Review Technique
Who is better able to solve India Pakistan Issue?

Who should Evaluate?


Self-Evaluation Combination Approach






Companies take on Performance Appraisals

Pre-Appraisal Workshops for Managers Managers Online Undertaking & Subordinates Acceptance Mid Year review for AVPs & Above

Aditya Birla Group

Publishing of Imp Role & Preset Targets online This acts as guidance for managers to form their own goals

Marriott International
Quarterly & Mid Year reviews

Appraisals from at least 3 other stakeholders than boss Judgment on 3 parameters :
Business Operator Value Creator People Developer

HCL Technologies
Open 360* Review
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Selected Appraisal Techniques





Selected Appraisal Techniques

Individual Appraisal Techniques

Graphic Rating Scale Forced Choice Essay Format Critical Incident Method Checklist & Weighted Checklist B.A.R.S Behavioral Observation Scale

Multiple Appraisal Techniques

Ranking Paired Comparison Forced Distribution

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Appraisal Techniques
Graphic Rating Scale
Oldest and most common rating scale Rater is presented with set of traits and is asked to rate employees on each characteristics Rating can be
Series of Boxes Scales (1 to 5)

New Modifications
Mixed Standard Scale
Check Mark + Sign - Sign

Problems with this scale

High Rating by Supervisors Ambiguous Standards No way to distinguish between good and bad performer
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Selected Appraisal Techniques

Alternation Ranking Method Ranking employees alternatively From best to worst Paired Comparison Method Every subordinate is compared with another one on defined parameters Forced Distribution Method Placement of predetermined % of ratees into several performance categories Symmetrical proportions not necessary GE : 20/70/10 AKA : Rank and Yank Annual Confidential Report Indian Phenomena ACR Handled by supervisor alone & Confidential Rarity of performance feedback. Exception : Negative Performance Hence, Political Critical Incident Method Log of positive & negative examples of subordinates work related behavior Narrative Forms or Essay Format







Selected Appraisal Techniques








Selected Appraisal Techniques

B.A.R.S Anchoring numerical rating scale with specific behavioral examples of good or bad performance Combination of narratives, critical incidents and quantified scales Developing B.A.R.S Generate critical incidents Develop performance dimensions Reallocate incidents Scale the incidents Develop a final instrument MBO Setting of specific and measurable goals by manager with each employee and then periodically discussing the latters progress towards those goals MBO Consists of 6 steps: Set Organizational Goals Set Departmental Goals Discuss Departmental Goals Define Expected Results Performance Reviews Provide Feedback




Interesting Fact
W. Edwards Deming argued that an employees performance is more a function of things like :

Communication Tools and Supervision

than of his or her motivation

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Performance Appraisals - Relook




Performance Appraisal!
Performance Appraisal !
It is a procedure that involves Setting work standards Assessing employees actual performance relative to standards Providing feedback for correction & improvement

The aim is to improve employees and thereby companys performance

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Performance Appraisal : Problems




Performance Appraisal : Problems Opposition to Evaluation

Focus on symptoms & not the cause Managers & Employees dislike evaluation process -ve Appraisals & Motivation Issue

Design Issues
System Poorly Designed System Poorly Used

Rater Problems
Standards of Evaluation Halo Effect Leniency or Harshness Central Tendency Error Recency Effect Contrast Effect Stereotyping Friendship Effect Emotional Rating Style Difference Error Rating for retention Skeptical Rating Job-less-challenging type rating 6/25/2013



Eliminating Problems

Know problems Use right tool Train supervisors Control outside influences Keep a diary Rater Training
Rater Error Training Performance Dimension Training




Types of Appraisal Interview




Types of Appraisal Interview

Formal & Informal Satisfactory Promotable Satisfactory Not Promotable Unsatisfactory but Correctable Unsatisfactory and Uncorrectable

Guidelines for conducting Appraisal Interview?

Talk in terms of objective work data Dont get personal Encourage person to talk Be specific
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Appraisal Interview

Steps to follow
Prepare for meeting Rater & Ratee Both During Interview
Put the ratee at ease.make it a developmental exercise not debilitating one Budget time Yours & Ratees Use facts to provide feedback Use positive remarksorient discussion to performance Dont overwhelm ratee with information Encourage self reflection Focus on future objective
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The discipline I believe so strongly in is HR, and its the last discipline that gets funded. Marketing, Manufacturing all these things are important. But more often than not, the head of HR does not have a seat at the table. Big Mistake. Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks
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Performance Management Performance Appraisal Purpose of Performance Evaluation Format of Appraisals Selected Appraisal Techniques Problems related to Performance Appraisal Types of Appraisal Interview How to conduct Appraisal Interview
HRM 57





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