Simulation and Implementation of A BPSK Modulator On FPGA

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Simulation and Implementation of a BPSK Modulator on FPGA

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The aim of the paper is to generate BPSK modulation which is a popular modulation technique used in communication industry, thus its symbol error performance and bandwidth efficiency To present the simulation of a BPSK Modulator using Matlab/ Simulink environment and System Generator, a tool from Xilinx used for FPGA design

BPSK (also sometimes called PRK, phase reversal keying, or 2PSK) is the simplest form of phase shift keying (PSK). It uses two phases which are separated by 180 and so can also be termed 2-PSK The BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying) is one of the three basic binary modulation techniques. It has as a result only two phases of the carrier, at the same frequency, but separated by 180 The general form for the BPSK signals are given below, where fc is the frequency of the carrier

If 1 was transmitted, the modulated signal remained the same as the carrier, with 0 initial phase, but if 0 was transmitted, the modulated signal would change with 180, like shown in Fig below

Q(x) will give the probability that a single sample taken from a random process with unit-variance Gaussian probability density function will be greater or equal to x. It is a scaled form of the complementary Gaussian error function

The error-rates quoted here are those in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). These error rates are lower than those computed in fading channels, hence, are a good theoretical benchmark to compare with


The general form for BPSK follows the equation:

This yields two phases, 0 and . In the specific form, binary data is often conveyed with the following signals:

where fc is the frequency of the carrier-wave

Implementation of BPSK Modulator in Simulink Environment

Implementation of BPSK Modulator using user defined Matlab function

BPSK Modulator in System Generator

BPSK Modulator in System Generator

Both information signal and Carrier are generated externally Gateway in blocks are the inputs into the Xilinx portion of the Simulink Design The mux which implements a multiplexer and the Gateway out block which is the output from the Xilinx portion of the Simulink design

BPSK Modulator by LFSR

Carrier is generated external, but the modulating signal is generated internally by a LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register)

Two implementations of the BPSK Modulator In the Matlab/Simulink environment,
The first with simple blocks The second, with a block in which a Matlab code was written

Implementations of a BPSK modulator in System Generator

The carrier and the modulating signals were generated external. In the second scheme, the carrier is generated external, and the modulating signal is generated internal by a LFSR

If 1 was transmitted, the modulated signal remained same as the carrier, but if 0 was transmitted, the modulated signal was yielded with a 180 phase

S.O. Popescu, A.S.Gontean and G.Budura Simulation and Implementation of a BPSK Modulator on FPGA 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics May, 2011, Romania S.O.Popescu, A.S.Gontean and F.Alexa, Improved FPGA-based Detector, 2011

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