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Todays Key Business Issues

Todays Business is Characterized by
1. 2. Competition (Market Share Resources) Strong Customer Orientation

So, organizations pay attention to

1. Cost Effective solutions

Hence organizations strive to build a 2. Production/Service delivery Competitive Resource 3. Customer Satisfaction / Base Delight

PEOPLE as competitive advantage

Given all the resources (Financial and Technical), the optimal utility of such resources to build the competitive edge, depends on the people in the organization. Organizations, then need people with 1. Relevant K S A 2. Innovation 3. Creativity 4. Efficiency and Effectiveness Long Term

Short Term


Training The Make Decision

A planned programme designed to improve performance and to bring about measurable changes in Knowledge, Skill, Attitude & Social Behavior of employees for doing a particular job. Planned Program. Improves Performance. Brings Measurable Changes. Focuses on a given job.

History of Training and Development

Alvin Tefflers Three Waves I Wave 8000 BC to 1750 AD Agricultural Revolution II Wave 1750 AD to 1950 AD Industrial Revolution III Wave

1955 AD onwards - Information Age

Its a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skill concepts, rules or changing attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance. It aims at increasing the effectiveness with which the functions of an organization are carried out by increasing the effectiveness of its personnel.

Importance of Training
Optimum utilization of human resource Development of human resource Development of skills of employees Productivity Team spirit Organisation culture and climate Healthy work-environment Health and Safety Morale Profitability Organisational development

Training Objectives
Provides the clear guidelines
Helps in adhering to a plan Tells the trainee what is expected of him after training.

Beneficiaries of Training



Beneficiaries Of training Objectives



Role of Training
Training is a sub-system of the Organisation as all the Departments depends on Training for their Survival. Training is a transforming process that requires some input to produce output in the form of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes.

Training System

Business Environment

Changes and Challenges

Learning and Implementation

Business Excellence

Training and HRD

HRD efforts should be properly planned and schemes should be implemented

There must be clear cut learning objectives

HRD plan need to be systematic

Important aspects of HRD

Identifying the training needs and priorities How many people require training Ideal size for providing effective training Deciding priorities Analysing the occupation/job Analysing the KSA Specifying, Selecting and appraising the people to be trained Attitude and personality traits required

Role of HRD professionals in Training

Active involvement in employee education Rewards for improvement in performance Rewards to be associated with self esteem and self worth Providing pre-employment skill development opportunities and post-employment support Flexible access i.e., anytime, anywhere training

LEARNING is concerned with bringing about relatively permanent changes as a result of experience - done thru direct experience i.e by doing or indirect experience i.e by observing. Learning can not be measured per se. Only can measure the changes in attitude and behaviour as a result of learning.

Learning and Learning Organisation

Learning outcomes are knowledge, motor skills and attitudes. Categories of learning:
Knowledge and mental skill Motor skill Attitudes

Principles of Learning

Learning is enhanced when the learner is motivated

Learning requires feedback Learning must be applicable to the job

Adult Learning
Andragogy is the base of the training system Art and Science of helping adults to learn There are several techniques of adult learning flow
Learning climate Diagnosis of needs Planning process Experimental techniques Unfreezing and learning to learn from experience The training of learning Programmed learning

Learning of Trainees and Perception

Sight Hearing Touch Smell Taste Kinaesthesis (Eyes) (Ears) (Skin) (Nose) (Mouth) (Movement and Balance)

Factors Affecting Learning Process

Knowledge of Results

Length of learning sessions

Part versus whole learning Logical sequence Depth of impression Association of ideas Transfer of learning

Rationale for Trainees Learning

Goal setting

Need satisfaction at work

Incentives to greater efforts Trainer-Trainee relationship Anxiety in the learning process Age and capacity by learning

Learning Theory and Model

Kolb explains that different people naturally prefer a single different learning style Learning styles improve as we mature through our development stages

The Development stages by Kolb

The THREE development stages are: Acquisition Specialization Integration

Dialectically related modes

What is learning Organisation? Organisational learning involves individual learning Transformation from traditional organization thinking to learning organization

Develop the ability to think critically and creatively

Personal mastery
It has two components First, one must define what one is trying to achieve (a goal) Second, one must have true measure of how close one is to the goal

Training Policies
Decentralisation Autonomy Accountability Linking


Upgrading the Quality of Training

Upgrading the quality of training in the areas of: Staffing Training Material

System Services

Upgrading the Quality of Training -


Required personnel to be hired Relevant field experience

Highly competent people

Pay for trainers

Upgrading the Quality of Training

Training Materials

Conventional or latest high tech materials

Support services such as copying machine Outsiders help in developing

Upgrading the Quality of Training

System services

Integrate one or distribute geographically Ex: Banks training Centre How to achieve coordination in the geographically distributed scenario.

Organisational Climate for Training

The organisational climate plays an important part in the growth of people Climate setting activities should allow comfortable participation Activities should relate to the contents of the program Activities should suit the culture of the organization Activities should not embarrass the participants

System model of Training

Benefits of Systematic Training

Meeting manpower needs Reduced learning time Improved performance Reduced wastage Less absenteeism Fewer accidents Benefits to employees

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