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Communicating Sans Words

A peep into the world of BODY LANGUAGE

Instrumental Movements Communicative movements

Conscious and Unconscious

Posture Gestures Eye Contact Facial Expressions Proxemics Chronemics Chromatics Olefactics Haptics Territoriality



Gestures to coordinate with speech

Head up, arms out Arm movements Front of the body towards the audience, use of hand to point at the board Eye contact

Hand Signals

Facial Expressions


Touching 6-18

Close 4-7 feet Far - 7-12 feet

Close -1 to 2 feet Far - 2 to 4 feet

Close - 12-25 feet Far - 25 feet or greater

Chronemics Chromatics Olefactics Haptics

No-No in a presentation
Rocking Fig leaf position Reading the presentation Leaning on the podium Turning to the screen Hand to ear, hand to face Standing still

Lets Review

1. Standing with your arms folded across your chest tells people, Stay away, or I dare you to approach me. 2. Interviewers will understand if your posture is slumped by the end of a long day. 3. interviewers may reveal impatience by checking their watches or tapping their feet.

Lets Review


4. People are more casual today, so interviewers dont pay much attention to your clothes. 5. Sometimes you have to interrupt interviewers to find out what they really want. 6. You should always make eye contact with interviewers.

1. 2. TRUE: When you stand with your arms crossed, over your chest, you send a powerful signal to others to leave you alone. FALSE: interviewers want to feel valued & welcomed-if youre tired and slumped over, youre not giving your customer your full attention. It may seem to them you dont care! TRUE: When interviewers (or anyone) tap their feet, shuffle around, check their watches, theyre definitely telling you something! Pay attention! FALSE: We ALL judge appearances, consciously or unconsciously. FALSE: interviewers want to feel valued & respected-Dont interrupt! Let the interviewer finish speaking BEFORE you respond. TRUE: When interviewers see you look at them, it tells them you are focused on them. It also makes you appear as someone they can trust-AS LONG AS YOU DONT STARE AT THEM!

4. 5. 6.

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