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Book 21: Odysseus Strings His

Scott Dalton
Influence of the Gods
 Penelope is inspired by Athena to make the task
of the stringing of the bow.
“ The goddess Athena with her blazing eyes,
inspired Penelope…” (424)
 The suitors believe that Apollo will choose the
best suitor, and give him the strength to string
the bow.
 …”if he strings the bow and Apollo grants him
glory…” (435)
 Odysseus says that the Archer God will grant
victory to the one he favors most (433)
Sacred Duty of the Host
Odysseus receives the bow from Iphitus.
Iphitus is killed by Heracles who was a guest
in his own house (425)
Heracles did not observe the sacred duty of
the guest although Iphitus observed his
sacred duty.
The Role of Fate
Antinous is fated to be the first man to be
killed by Odysseus, the king he mocked, in
the house. (427)
The man who is able to string the bow is the
one who will marry Penelope
 Telemachus originally displays self hatred when
he is not able to string the bow.
 “must I be a weakling, a failure all my life?”
 Telemachus makes an apparent change toward
the end of the book by taking control as man of
the house.
 “…but I most of all: I hold the reins of power in
this house.” (435)
 Telemachus takes charge as man of the house
and begins to change his self-hatred.
 Telemachus is the only one who is able to string
the bow, indicating that he is physically similar
to Odysseus.
There are 3 stories of mythology contained
in this book:
The story of Heracles murdering Iphitus,
dishonoring the sacred duty of the guest.
The fight between man and centaur, due to
the drinking of wine. (434)
The scar of Odysseus, given to him by the
tusk of a white boar (431)
More Mythology
The hope for all of the suitors, besides
marrying Penelope and becoming rich and
powerful, is to make it in the cultural
Penelope says “How can you hope for any
public fame at all?” (435) to the suitors,
hoping to scare them into acting more like
men, in hopes of entering the mythology.
Brief Synopsis of Book 21
Penelope is inspired by Athena to have a
task for the suitors in order to marry her. The
task is to string the bow of Odysseus which
still remains at the palace. Many men try to
shoot the bow but none are successful.
Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, asks to
shoot the bow, and with much mockery from
the suitors, is allowed. Odysseus is able to
complete the task and is joined by
Telemachus, ready to slaughter all of the
suitors at the end of the book.

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