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Reservoir Simulation Gassim

From textbook Gas Reservoir Engineering by Lee and Wattenbarger VBA program in Excel Intended for student usage Analytical, numerical, transformation methods

1D or 2D Cartesian or radial grid Single phase gas or liquid

Data organization
Single section Grid section Schedule section

(each section ends with END)

Single section
Each data has one value (except CNST) Specifies: Grid size Reservoir temperature, reference pressure Gas gravity, Sw, cf, cw Whether radial coordinates Whether liquid (with Bo, o) Specifies certain run controls: Matrix methods Newton iterations

Example of Single Data

CMNT CMNT CMNT CMNT CMNT CMNT CMNT IMAX JMAX RWEL CROC PREF NEWT BETA CMNT CNST END CMNT . . .END CMNT .. . END Homogeneous Cylindrical Reservoir Radial Flow, Constant-rate production, Infinite-acting Slightly Compressible Fluid

Single Value Input Data 20 1 0.5 (radial coordinates) 0.000015 3000 1 0 Bo, rcf/scf mo, cp 1.475 0.72 (liquid case) Grid Input Data

Schedule Data

Grid Section
Specifies data for each gridblock Specifies grid dimensions 2D (DELX, DELY and H) radial (RR, DELY) Grid data: permeability porosity thickness initial pressure

Example of cartesian grid

I= IMAX 10 JMAX 5 RWEL 0.5 . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J= 1

END DELX 110 DELY 150 H 30 . . . END CMNT Schedule Data . . . END

Example of radial grid

IMAX 10 JMAX 2 RWEL 0.5 . . . END RR -1 0.77 1.19 1.84 6.79 10.50 16.22 DELY 150 . . . END CMNT Schedule Data . . . END

-1 indicates that an array follows. Otherwise a constant value is used

2.84 4.40 25.06 38.7

Schedule Section
Controls well specifications location (NAME) constant rate (QG) contant pwf (PWF) Controls time schedule output 1 means output at TIME output 2 means output each timestep Controls timesteps (DELT, ALPH, DTMX)

Schedule example
NAME 1 3 5 0 QG 1 12000 TIME 365 END
Well 1 is located at I = 3, j = 5 and produces at a constant rate of 12,000 scf/day for 365 days

Schedule example
NAME 2 6 8 0 PWF 2 1500 TIME 730 END
Well 2 is located at I = 6, j = 8 and produces at a constant BHP of 1500 psia for 730 days

Schedule example
NAME 1 3 NAME 2 6 QG 1 TIME 365 PWF 2 TIME 730 END 5 0 8 0 12000
Well 1 produces at a constant rate of 12,000 scf/day for 730 days. Well 2 produces at constant BHP after 365 days until 730 days.

Schedule Section programming logic

When a TIME data line is read, the simulator executes the timesteps required to reach that time then ---- it reads the data to the next TIME data line

Timestep control
DELT sets the first t for the time period ALPH sets t equal to ALPH time the previous timesteps t (after the first timestep in the period) DTMX sets a maximum value for t

Timestep example
The timestep sequence is
1 1.5 2.25 3.375 5.06 7.59 10 10 10 10

Timestep control
Well conditions (QO or PWF) change after a TIME data line, a small DELT should be included so the new rate/pressure conditions start with small timesteps
DELT ALPH NAME NAME QG TIME 1 1.5 1 3 5 0 2 6 8 0 1 12000 365

PWF 2 1500 TIME 730 END

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