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What is Health Care Profession?

Profession: \ - a complex, organized occupation preceded by a long training program.

What is Health Care Profession?

HEALTH CARE PROFESSION is an occupation requiring advanced, specialized and systematic study and training in the knowledge of health care designed to provide services to society in that particular field.

Nursing as a Profession

Nursing is a profession because it possess the ff. primary characteristics of a profession:

Nursing as a Profession
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Education Theory Service Autonomy Code of ethics Caring

Who is a Health Care Provider?

HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL or PROVIDER is a person who has acquired an advanced, specialized and systematic training and experience in the knowledge of health care along with its various specific scientific specializations and techniques including those of medical doctors, nurses, midwives, medical technologists and the like.

The Health Care Provider

-they are the ones in control of the situation simply because they determine what appropriate therapy or health care should be administered -they are responsible in the adjustment of health care measure according to the problems and needs of the client

The Health Care Provider

-they should reach out, open the relationship, and work with the client until the entire process of therapy is over

Basic Attitudes of a Health Care Provider

a. Caring and Warmth Caring more enduring and intense than warmth -it conveys deep and genuine concern for the person -makes the client feel highly regarded, tended and protected Warmth conveys friendliness and consideration, shown by acts of smiling and attention to physical comforts b. Comforting is one who provides the client relief from discomfort which includes feelings of distress, pain, sorrow, grief and others -consoles the patient in times of trouble, cheers her up, and makes her feeling stronger and reinvigorated

c. Courteous -treats the patient with propriety and consideration -conscientiously observes patients rights by doing what is good and avoiding what is harmful to the patient d. Affirming, Accepting, and Loving -these attitudes disclose a receiving, appreciating, and welcoming, atmosphere making the client spontaneously honest in the expression of his thoughts and feelings -allows the patient to ventilate his biases and prejudices, his needs and problems in a non-judgmental manner

The Calling of the Health Care Provider

A NURSE is highly esteemed among those in the medical profession, wellknown throughout the world for his/her contribution to medicine, and greatly admired for the dedication of his/her life to the sick and afflicted, confided the inspiration of his/her life.

Nursing is a vocation just like priesthood and the teaching profession, because the person who embraces the profession of a nurse responds to the call of Christs charity: I am ill and you comforted meI assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me (Matthew 25:36;40)

Why are you a nurse?

The years of training that a nurse must undergo are calculated to equip him/her to carry on the tasks efficiently, and competently.

Nursing is more than a profession. It is a vocation, a dedication, a consecration. It is your mission and vocation in life.

Means Gods own way of life in which a person will best serve God and neighbor

One becomes a nurse or should at least in the last analysis, not because of glamour, not because of money, not even merely because he/she likes the life. A person becomes a nurse because God wants her/him to serve Him as a nurse; because he/she convinced that nursing is the field where he/she can best fulfill the will of Christ, serve him/her neighbors, and in so doing attain a measure of happiness here and eternal happiness hereafter.

As a nurse one may be tempted to become overly professional and callous. It is an understanding heart that will see you through in times of difficulties.

A nurses understanding heart is the patients spiritual wonder drug.

1. The one receiving the therapy 2. Has a health problem or need which must be accurately identified through diagnostic procedures so that due health care may be given


3. The needs of the client and NOT of the health care practitioner that are being served.

-are encouraged to take active role in the therapeutic process -outcome of the therapy largely depends on how the patient is open and amenable to the interaction along with the competence of the health care provider and the effectiveness of health care services



The client should be encouraged to take active role in the therapeutic process The patient should be open and amenable to the interaction along with the competence of the health care provider and the effectiveness of health care services.



The client should be the one to make a decision to give his full consent manifested by his openness and responsiveness to pertinent questions. The client should be cooperative in therapeutic activities and submissive to health care instructions and suggestions.



The client should be the one to make a decision to give his full consent manifested by his openness and responsiveness to pertinent questions. The client should be cooperative in therapeutic activities and submissive to health care instructions and suggestions.

Since the HCP-client relationship is therapeutic, the interaction must also be therapeutic.

It may develop even at a more meaningful level transcending what is merely mechanical into commitment and accountability with love, trust, concern and care for each other.

Relationship signifies a state or condition that exist between people or groups that deal with one another

Professional-Client Relationship
Agency Relationship - The professional does not make decisions, but the client does. The only thing the professional does is to implement part of the clients decision. The professional works as the agent of the client.

Professional-Client Relationship
Paternalism - Metaphorically, it is similar to a father-child relationship - The professional as caring parent, and the client as the child

Professional-Client Relationship
Contractual - An agreement entered into and executed by and between the professional and client, stipulating the extent of their respective responsibility in a joint effort to meet a need

Professional-Client Relationship
Affinity - A relation anchored on trust between the professional and client. The latter trusts the former due to some connection or confidence arising from friendship, family relation, etc.

Professional-Client Relationship
Fiduciary - As a noun, fiduciary means a person holding the character of a trustee. In a fiduciary relation the trustee is the professional who is held in trust for the welfare of the client.

Building Health Care Provider-Client Relationships

-to make the therapeutic interaction take place smoothly towards a successful outcome, health care practitioner-client relationships must be built and promoted -some of the essential ways by which HCP-client relationship can be established: 1.Develop Trust and Confidence 2. Inspire Openness and Transparency 3. Show Positive Regard and Respect

Qualities of Effective Health Care Providers

Personal Qualities
Self-respect Self-Transcendence Service-Oriented Simplicity Sense of Personal Responsibility and accountability Risk-taking Personality Patience

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