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Histology 13

Spring 2009
Taken by: Gregory Rodocker
Merkel Cell Carcinoma
 Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare type of skin cancer
that usually appears as a flesh-colored or bluish-red
nodule, often on your face, head or neck. Like other
types of skin cancers, the incidence of Merkel cell
carcinoma is increasing worldwide.
 Also called neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin
 Older people
 Long-term sun exposure
 Weak immune system
The Urinary System
 Consists of the
 Kidneys
 Ureters
 Urinary bladder
 Urethra
Job of the Urinary System
 Filtration
 Active reabsorption
 Passive reabsorption
 Secretion
 Also, releases renin (BP control), produces
erythropoietin (to stimulate RBC production),
and monitors and regulates salt and water
balance for the body
 Paired organs located retroperitoneal
in the abdominal cavity
 Right kidney lower than the left due to
the large liver on the right side
 Kidney has unique visual appearance
when sliced in a frontal plane
Renal corpuscle: “little body”
 The nephron begins in the glomerulus
(a tuft of capillaries) surrounded by a
glomerular capsule or Bowman’s
 The two collectively represent the
renal corpuscle
Function of the glomerulus
 This is the site of the process of
 1.2 - 1.3L of blood feeds the kidneys
every minute
 All of the blood in the body passes
through the kidneys every 4-5 minutes
 The two kidneys produce about 125 ml
of filtrate/minute
 123-124 ml/minute is reabsorbed
 Leaving 1-2 ml/min of urine produced
 About 1500 ml urine/day is produced
Structural and functional unit –
the nephron
Structure of the glomerulus
 Consists of the
 glomerulus
 Bowman’s capsule
 Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
 Loop of Henle
 Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
 Collecting duct
Overview of kidney - Cortex
Higher Magnification of Cortex
Macula densa
 Special regulatory structure
 Part of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus
 Name means dense spot
 Composed of tightly packed cells in
the wall of the DCT
Macula densa
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
 Specialized cells in the wall of the
afferent arteriole
 Cytoplasm full of granules
 []-Release renin, an enzyme that
converts angiotensinogen into
angiotensin I, which when converted to
angiotensin II serves as a potent
 Drain the urine
from the kidneys to
the urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
 Bladder lined by
 Multiple layers of
smooth muscle in
bladder wall
running in many

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