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An article is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles specify the grammatical definiteness of the noun

Types of articles definite or indefinite

A definite article indicates that its noun is a particular one (or ones) identifiable to the listener. It may be something that the speaker has already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified. The definite article in English, for both singular and plural nouns, is


An indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one (or ones) identifiable to the listener. It may be something that the speaker is mentioning for the first time, or the speaker may be making a general statement about any such thing

. English uses a/an, from the Old English forms of the number 'one', as its primary indefinite article. The form an is used before words that begin with a vowel sound (even if spelled with an initial consonant, as in an hour), and a before words that begin with a consonant sound (even if spelled with a vowel, as in a European).


1 As a weakened form of one A and An are weakened form of one. so their primary use is in the sense of one: I bought a dozen oranges A bird in hand is worth two in the bush

A or An
The choice between a and an is determined by sound. Before a word beginning with a vowel sound An is used. An enemy, an ink pad, an orange, an hour ,an umbrella. Before a word beginning with a consonant sound a is used.


used in the rather vague sense I saw a hawker selling his wares in the street. A man came and knocked the door.


3)It is occasionally used in sense of any or a single There is not a man who will not support you. He did not speak a word in self- defence.


4) also used in sense of every He gets a salary of Rs 5000/-a month. Tennis balls cost Rs 108/- a dozen now.


5 used with a singular noun to make the latter represent a whole class A dog is faithful to his master (meaning all dogs) Only an infantry man knows what war is A parrot can repeat what you say (all parrots)

Use of the Definite Article

when we speak of things which are the only ones of their kind: the sun, the moon, the sea, the earth, the sky when we speak of a particular person or thing : The boy, who stood first, was given a prize. Call the man waiting outside. Revenge is the main theme of this pay

Use of the Definite Article

When a person or thing is already mentioned earlier, the Definite Article is used in later references to that particular person or thing I saw a beggar near the bus stop; the fellow came to me with outstretched hands. We came across a little, bubbling stream; the stream flowed through a wooded valley.

Use of Definite Article

When a Singular Noun is used to represent the whole class of the things to which it belongs: The lotus is a lovely flower The camel is the ship of the desert. The Eskimo lives in an igloo

Use of Definite Article

Before names of rivers, gulfs, groups of islands, mountain ranges etc : The Ganges, the Amazon, the Persian gulf, the Pacific ocean, the dead sea, the Himalayas. The is not used before the names of individual peak, and mountain Mount Everest,Mt.Etna, Mt Kanchenjunga

Use of Definite Article

7 before the names of certain well known books: the Ramayana, The Bible, the Koran, the Iliad The is dropped when authors name is prefixed to the name of the book: Homers Iliad, Valmikis Ramayan

Use of Definite Article

Before a Proper Noun when it is used as a Common Noun : Kalidas is the Shakespeare (the greatest dramatist) of India. Bombay is the Manchester of (the biggest cloth producing centre) of India.

Use of Definite Article

Before an Adjective in the Superlative degree. The longest has the shortest night. Socrates was the wisest of Greek philosophers

Use of Definite Article

Before an adjective to make it a noun in the Plural : The rich must help the poor. The educated should teach the illiterate. As an adverb with comparatives. The more they get, the more they want.

Omission of the Article

Before Proper Nouns: Tagore was a truly great poet. Stalin was a ruthless dictator. Delhi is the capital of India. Before Abstract Nouns: Commonsense is a great virtue. patience and perseverance can conquer all obstacles.

Omission of the Article

Before Material Noun: Iron and steel are useful commodities. Sugar is bad for your teeth. Before plural countable Nouns used in general sense: Children like chocolates Computers are used in many offices

Omission of the Article

Before names of meals Dinner is not ready. What time do you have lunch? Before languages: We are studying English. they speak Tamil at home. Before school,church,bed,hospital, college,university. when these places are visited for their primary purpose

Omission of the Article

I leant German at school We go to church on Sundays. He is in bed. My uncle is still in hospital.

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