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2nd Int. Conf. on Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (EESD-2012) 27-29 Feb.

2012, MUET - Pakistan

Water-Energy Interactions
Dr Fayyaz Ali Memon Centre for Water Systems. University of Exeter United Kingdom

Water implications for energy generation

Potential solutions
Energy/carbon implications for water services

Energy consumption reduction through WDM

Wastewater a liability or resource Water-Energy-Food nexus Key messages

Is it a system capacity issue? Is it a management/resource issue? Is it growth in demand? Or Bit of everything?

Growth in Energy demand

Is it intelligent use of resource..?


Energy flows in the global electricity (TWh)

Carbon implications..!!

CO2 emissions by sector

Climate change implications !!!

Energy-water-climate nexus






demand mitigation

mitigation demand

Global electricity generation by resource

Electricity generation (TWh) Source: IEA Statistics

Water use in pulverised coal fired power plants

Zhai et al (2011)

Water footprint for typical CFPPs using different types of boilers

Zhai et al (2011)

Coal fired power plants vulnerable to water / supply demand

Near 340 plants in 43 states are vulnerable Source: US department of Energy DOE/NETL-2010/1429

Distribution of vulnerable plants in US states

Water consumption to generate power from different fuel sources

Water footprint of crops providing bio energy fuels (ethanol and bio diesel)

Gerbens-Leenes, et al (2010).

Resource footprint for producing 1 L of ethanol

Dominguez faus et al (2009)

ET = embodied for ethanol transportation from field to pump (field-to-pump water use of 1 L of ethanol to be between 263 and 784 L)

Water consumption to generate power from different technologies

This may be carbon friendly but not water efficient

Embodied water in transportation of fuels

Scown et al (2011)

Water is also needed to transport energy/fuels

Transportation sector- Water footprint of vehicles running on green fuels

Harto et al (2010)

Renewable energy PV cells

PV plants use over 75 m3 of water per MWh of electricity

Renewable energy wind turbines

But....what about embodied water...?

Marine renewable energy

Wave energy hinged contour device buoyant moored device overtopping device Tidal energy tidal flow turbines tidal barrages Ocean thermal energy
UK Govt . to push for W&T energy , as it could meet 1/5th of energy needs

Water : Energy Nexus

both challenges must be addressed together

Energy implications of water services

Energy consumption in water production

Pakistans favourite Water.!! Is it really..?

Price of bottled water

Bottled water consumption by region

Bottled water energy implications

Producing the bottles for American consumption required the equivalent of more than 17 million barrels of oil, not including the energy for transportation Bottling water produce more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide It takes 3 liters of water to produce 1 liter of bottled water

CO2 emissions by sector

World Development Report (2010)

Energy and associated Carbon footprint of water sector in the UK

Medium to high energy uses in water supply

Process/operation High lift pumping Abstraction pumping Ozonation DAF Typical energy use 250 500 kWh/Ml Up to 250 kWh/Ml 60 kWh/Ml 25 kWh/Ml Factors influencing use Head, pump efficiency Head, pump efficiency, depth of water table Ozone dose Saturator pump efficiency, recycle flow, pressure Type of membrane, pump efficiency UV Dose

Membranes UV

25 kWh/Ml 5-40 kWh/Ml


Energy consumption for water services

UK water industry consumes over 8000 GWh energy annually to produce potable water and treat wastewater This translates to over 5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions . Of these 56 % of these emissions derive from wastewater, 39 % from water supply and 5 % from administration/transport by the water industry

UK average energy use (expressed as CO2 emissions) for total water system

EA (2008)

Water related energy use in households

Family of four can use 220,000 liters of water a year
120kWh of energy to provide potable water 100kWh to treat as wastewater 200 kg of CO2 is generated (green house gas)

Hot water heating

water heating is the second biggest use of energy in the home
Shouler (2005)

Water use by micro-components (Households)

Showers 5% Toilets 34% Baths 15%

Kitchen sinks 16% Dishwashers 4% Washing machines 12% Outside taps 6% wash hand basins 8%

Commitment to climate change mitigation

UK , as the 1st country, has committed to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050, compared to levels in 1990 By 2020, produce 15% of total energy from renewable sources

CSH for new homes requires reduction in

Water consumption Energy consumption GHG emissions

Environmental implications of domestic water saving devices

Technology library Generator Optimiser




100s of technologies offering water and energy efficiency Which composite strategies will have overall minimum resource implication Optimisation problem GANetXL


Tool generated composite strategies (water + energy use)

Energy use per year per domestic water consuming devices

Total energy consumption per hh per year = 3570 kWh

Micr-component based contribution to energy, water and CO2 emissions

Water use Energy use Carbon emissions

Contribution (%)

25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0

ac hi ne m

as he r

ta p

Sh ow er

B as in

K i tc he n

D is hw


as hi ng

B at h

ta p

Optimal composite strategies meeting CSH Level 5 (80 lpd)

WDM options
Water saving options Leakage control Metering Grey water recycling Rainwater harvesting User behaviour Water saving fixtures Displacement devices Low flush toilets Low flow taps Water efficient showers and baths Water efficient white goods

Carbon cost associated with WDM options

RWH energy implications

1. Embodied Energy to manufacture and assemble system components Tank Pump Distribution network 2. Operational Energy UV disinfection pumping

RWH energy consumption

Because of high capacity pumps......

EA (2010)

Eco-Compac system
Exeter has developed refined methods to quantify actual energy consumption based on real consumption


ETOT E 2 ( E 2.(1 PE ))
UV disinfection

ETOTO E 2 ( E 2.(1 PE )) EUV

Ward et al (2012)

Energy implications comparison of Eco-Comapc with mains supply

30 years analysis 60 years analysis

Energy implications of EC0-Compaq for optimal storage

30 years analysis

60 years analysis

Simple but effective systems

Ward et al (2012)

Components of the innovative plastic bag RWH system from Korea (Dao et al., 2009)

Energy consumption dependent on treatment technology and pumping


GWR energy consumption

EA (2010)

GRW treatment technologies

WaND investigated Reed beds (H & V) GROW and baby GROW MCR and MBR Green tec. have larger land requirement but less energy need


Sewage source of renewable energies

POST (2007)

Water as a source for Energy - Innovations

1. Groundwater, in some cases, contains methane (up to 50 mg/lit.) and this can be extracted and used as energy source as is happening in the Netherlands 1. Nitrogen removal from wastewater is necessary. This can be achieved using microbial fuel cells which have been found to produce electricity. 2. Source separation of urine and excreta and processing could reduce the need for synthetic fertilisers 3. Micro-Hydro Turbines Embedded in mains water distribution pipes as happening in NY 4. Direct use of sea water for toilet flushing and resulting savewater could be treated with processes (e.g. SANI) which require least amount of energy (e.g. In Hong Kong) 5. Fuel from algae

There are numerous possibilities

By 2015, there will be over 25 mega cities most in the developing countries By 2025, water scarcity could affect over 3 billion people By 2025, water demand is expected to increase by 40% for industry, agriculture and domestic use BY 2030, energy demand to grow by 50 % By 2020, there will be significant increase in demand for food

Effect of climate change on agricultural yields (2050)

World Development Report (2010)

Demand for cereals

Global average water footprint of key crops (m3/ton)

water footprint of key crops in selected river basins (Gm3/year)

Demand for meat

Global average water footprint of meat and dairy products (m3/ton)

The water-energy-food nexus a perfect storm (Prof John Beddington, 2009)

Closing the loop

Key messages
One size doesnt fit all Integrated approach and system wide thinking is needed Switch from short term fixes to long term vision (plus implementation plan) Community engagement Encourage innovation Balance between top down and bottom up approach Act now...before its too late...

Impact of mitigation and adaptation measures needed today to stabilise CO2

All measures needed to reduce CO2 to this level to stabilise increase in temp.

We are heading towards a new world, where...

Carbon could be the new currency and water will be the new oil

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