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The word environment is derived from a french word environir ,which means to surrounds. Environment is sum total of conditions which surrounds a man at a given point in space and time. Sum total of all the external conditions and influences that affect the life, that is, the development and survival of organisms on this planet.

Physical environment Biological environment Cultural environment Human environment Operational environment Total environment

There are two basic components of environment1)Biotic Components 2) Abiotic Components 3) The component of energy

A process concerned with human environment interaction, which seek to identify what is environmentally desirable, what are physical, social, economic and technological constraints to achieving it, and what are the most feasible options. Environmental management is concerned with meeting and improving provision for human needs and demands on a sustainable basis with minimal damage to nature.

To overcome crisis of environment and ecology. Industrial revolution brought a major change. This led to the development of industrial society in which manufacturing of different object used up more energy resources and less labour intensive in nature. For proper use of resources.

For human welfare Because of environmental problems such as air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion, destruction of forests and wildlife. For new attitude toward economic need and values. To determine the dividing line between development and environment.

For sustainable development. For management of living and non-living components.

To control environment degradation and pollution. To improve human adoptability to environmental challenges. To asses impacts of development projects on environment. To formulate laws and to ensure effective implementation of environmental management plans.

To review and revise existing technologies and strategies of management. To make optimal utilization of natural resources. To restrict and regulate exploitation of natural resources. To maximize human well being and minimize damage to environment.

Control the environmental pollution Resource management Environmental education Environmental awareness Environmental impact assessment or evaluation

Poverty, backwardness, debt burden from world bank and IMF(international monetary fund in developing countries. Rapid growth of human population Rapid growth rate of industrialization and urbanization Rapid increase in demand and consumption of natural resources Social and religious impediments

Population stabilization Integrated land use planning Healthy cropland and grassland Conservation of biological diversity Control of water and air pollution Human settlement Updating environmental law Development of non polluting renewable energy system.



Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and The idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.

The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: Environmental sustainability, Economic sustainability Social sustainability

Conservation of natural resources Recycling waste and other materials Environmental awareness Protecting the atmosphere from pollution International cooperation on issues of global importance Protecting the biodiversity Intensive research to discover ways and means to preserve the environment Zero population growth Improvement in quality of life


building Ecological Enhancement Smart growth

Environment management is very important discipline of the present era but it is also a reality that it is most neglected discipline. Its closely linked with national development and growth. With the help of business school nation can protect the environment because the development is directly depends on business growth and business depends upon managers and their strategies and business schools is one of the place who creates managers and teaches them that how to minimize depletion of environment and natural resources with your growing business.

Environment protection through managers Knowledge of Legislation and rules regarding setting up new industries Production process Waste handling Knowledge of environmental standards Create concern Packaging and environment protection equipments

Inertia on the part of state Insensitivity of business/Industry sector Shortage of expert Paucity of reading/reference material and case studies in Indian context Lack of initiative on the part of various associations/chambers of industry Public ignorance

Population growth and economic development are affecting the environment. There is relationship between population growth and environmental damageI=P*A*T I=Impact on environment P=Population A=Affluence(consumption) T= Technology

More pressure on resources More consumption of energy More production of waste Green house gases Less natural habitats Disparity between the income levels of more developed and less developed countries has winded further. Environmental damage all over the world. Desertification

Human activities have caused serious damage to soil due to poor agriculture practices excessive extraction of ground water poor irrigation methods lending to soil salinisation. Overgrazing.


in death rate Rise in the birth rate lake of education migration poverty Marriage in early age religious belief

THE 'LIMITS TO GROWTH' movement which has developed over the last three decades is based on the argument that the way of life in rich countries is unsustainable, primarily because it involves huge resource and environmental costs. The hobby of more affluent living standards and more economic growth is now the major cause of several serious global problems, including environmental destruction, conflict, and resource scarcity. The solution must be to shift eventually to a zerogrowth economy on much lower resource use and GNP per capita than we have in the few overdeveloped countries.

The limits to growth refers to the limits of the ecosystem to absorb wastes and replenish raw materials in order to sustain the economy. The economy is a subsystem of the larger ecosystem, and the latter is finite, non-growing, and, in terms of materials, closed.

Oil- exponential increase in oil consumption continue the wells will be dry by 2025. Uranium- the cost of extracting the earths diminishing uranium deposited will become almost prohibitive by 2050. Trees-5.6 million hectors of forest are being felled annually-an area the size of srilanka. Deserts 19% of the earths surface is threatened with desertification. Pollution between 1978 and 2000- the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increased by 15%.

Every one should be mindful of what is called earth carrying capacity. Economist should not follow the policy like growth is infinite variable. The worlds need an international mechanism that not only provides incentives to all nations to live with in their entitled amounts but also helps to promote a rapid transition to a non carbon energy economy. There should be international agreement on limits to growth and to say that we have fixed our level of greed and no more.

Economy Poverty Human

settlement issue Land resources Forests Mountains Agriculture

Biodiversity Protection

of oceans Business and industry Ecological deficit Village and community involvement

"Energy management" is a term that has a number of meanings, but we're mainly concerned with the one that relates to saving energy. Energy management is a continuous planning process which is used to accomplish the efficient use of energy. Energy management not only conservation and efficiency but also involves search for alternative sources. energy management is the process of monitoring, controlling, and conserving energy.

Maximize profits or minimize costs Improve energy efficiency Develops and maintains-Effective monitoring and reporting and Management strategies for balanced energy usage. Encourages new energy management technologies. Total participation as an organizational or plant wide


of Energy- Energy can be broadly divided into two categories: Renewable Energy ie., NonConventional Energy Non-Renewable Energy ie., Conventional Energy

Renewable Energy Renewable energy can be generated continuously practically without decay of source. Conventionally available E.g.:- Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Geothermal Energy, biomass. 1)Solar Energy ; Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy by using solar panel, or alternatively, by used as thermal energy using solar water heaters, solar cookers etc.

Wind Energy; Wind Energy Wind energy can be converted into electrical energy by the wind mills and can be used for many purposes. Hydro Energy Using dams, water is allowed to pass through turbine blades, which produces electricity. In India, after coal, most of the energy is produced by this method. Geothermal Energy A lot of energy exists inside earth crust . Natural hot water springs are a good source of getting such energy.


Renewable Energy-Non renewable energy cannot be generated again and again. E.g. energy generated from burning of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas.

1. Analysis of the existing situation. 2.Identifying the immediate energy saving potentials 3. Reviewing, judging, and choosing from the technologies available 4. Implementing the chosen options. 5. Monitoring energy use. 6. Evaluating of implemented energy saving measures.


Sector Transport sector Agriculture sector Domestic sector

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