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Stress and Strain

Solids can deform or strain with respect to their preferred shape as a consequence of applied external forces competing with the microscopic internal forces which hold atoms together. Because the total area of the solid over which the external force acts determines how many atomic forces compete with the external force it is the force per area unit or stress which controls the degree of deformation, strain, which results.


Youngs Modulus
When we pull or press on a solid bar its length changes. The relative length change (longitudinal strain)

is proportional to the applied stress:

Y is a materials parameter which is called Young's

modulus. It varies from

for different materials begin largest for Diamond.

Poisson Ratio
When a bar is in longitudinal strain it also tends to change its dimensions in the direction perpendicular to the applied stress. The dimensionless ratio between the relative length change along the two perpendicular directions is called the Poisson ratio:

Typical values for

are 0.3-0.5.

Bulk Modulus
The bulk modulus relates the relative pressure change and the applied stress.

For highly symmetric solids the bulk modulus can be written in terms of Young's modulus and the Poisson ratio as can easily be shown be rewriting the relative volume change in terms of the relative length changes

We see that <0.5 is required to ensure that B>0 and that the solid contracts under the influence of positive compressive stress.

Shear Stress
Shear stress is what you have to supply lots of to tear a telephone book in two. Only solids can support a finite shear stress. The amount required to cause a certain amount of shear strain is given by the shear modulus which is the third and last elastic constant for an isotropic solid. The relationship between shear stress and shear strain looks like most of the others we have written down in this context

Only this time the distortion is perpendicular to the length it is being measured with respect to

Strength of Materials
Tension Stress


Ftension A


Compression Stress

com pression

Fcom pression A


Shear Stress

Fshear A

Strength of Materials
Tension Stress
Compression Stress Shear Stress
Ftension tension A Fcom pression com pression A

Fshear A

What are the units for stress?


Strength of Materials

the change in length d per unit original length L

d L
What are the units for strain?


Strength of Materials
Stress Versus Strain Plots

Allowable Stress Proportional Limit Elastic Limit Yield Strength Ultimate Strength Fracture


Strength of Materials
Modulus of Elasticity (E)

The slope of the versus plot

tension E
How much will a 1/4 rod of structural steel stretch if the tension force is 1000lbs?

Strength of Materials
Safety Factor

Yield Strength Safety Factor Allowable Stress

Are high or low safety factors desirable? How much will a rod of structural steel hold with a safety factor of 4?

Stress Strain Curve


Stress, Strain & Hooke's Law - II


Thermal Stress, Strain, & Deformation

A concrete sidewalk slab is 3 ft. wide by 4 ft. long. If the concrete slab is constrained so it can not expand, what stress would develop in it due to thermal effects if it experienced a temperature increase of 60o F? (Stress = 1800 psi.)


An aluminum rod and a brass rod are attached to each other, and the aluminum rod is attached to a wall as shown in the diagram. The rods are initially unstressed and then a 20, 000 lb horizontal force is applied to the end of the brass rod as shown. Additionally, the rods experience a temperature increase of 80 o F. Determine the final stress that develops in each rod, and the total movement of point C. (Al. stress = 10,000 psi.; Br. stress = 20,000 psi.; Total def. = .384")


A steel rod and a brass rod are attached to each other and mounted between two walls as shown in the diagram. If the structure is initially unstressed and then experiences a temperature increase of 80o F., determine the stress which develops both in the steel and in the brass rod, and the amount of deformation of the brass rod. ( St. stress = 8000 psi.; Br. stress = 16000 psi.; Def. of Br.=.0182")


A horizontal bar ABDF is pinned to the wall at point A, and supported by steel member BC and aluminum member DE, as shown in the diagram. If the structure is initially unstressed and then experiences a temperature decrease of 70o F., determine the stress which develops in the steel and aluminum members, and the movement of point F.(St.stress =9444 psi.; Al stress = 2951 psi.; Move. of F = -.074")


Mohr's Circle
Introduced by Otto Mohr in 1882, Mohr's Circle illustrates principal stresses and stress transformations via a graphical format,

The two principal stresses are shown in red, and the maximum shear stress is shown in orange. Recall that the normal stesses equal the principal stresses when the stress element is aligned with the principal directions, and the shear stress equals the maximum shear stress when the stress element is rotated 45 away from the principal directions.

Principal Stress
Given the stress components sx, sy, and txy, this calculator computes the principal stresses s1, s2, the principal angle qp, the maximum shear stress tmax and its angle qs. It also draws an approximate Mohr's cirlce for the given stress state.


Principal Strain
Given the strain components ex, ey, and exy, this calculator computes the principal strains e1 and e2, the principal angle qp, the maximum shear strain exy max and its angle qs. It also illustrates an approximate Mohr's cirlce for the given strain state.



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