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Online HR Information System for Pines City College

Matthew John F. Sino Cruz MIT 2

Chapter 1
Background of the Study Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Information Human Resource Information System

Chapter 1
Pines City College originally intended for Health Care Services. founded on 1969 to provide educational services. now composed of 180 employees.

Chapter 1
Conceptual Framework

Chapter 1
Statement of Objectives To design and create an Online HR Information System for Pines City College. Specifically, it seeks to :

to identify the existing HR processes of Pines City College;

to identify functional and non functional requirements; to describe the features of the Online HR Information System, and; to test the usability of the HR Information System.

Chapter 1
Significance of the Study Pines City College HR Manager Applicants Employees Developer Future Researchers

Chapter 1

Record Management Job Application Filing of Leaves Report Generation User Authentication

Chapter 1
Limitation Payroll Management Attendance Monitoring Performance Appraisal

Chapter 3
Research Design Descriptive Developmental Scrum Agile Methodology

Chapter 3
Sources of Data

Primary: HR Officer, Administration Officer, Employees

Secondary: books, published and unpublished materials and Internet

Instrumentation Observation Interview Review of Existing Forms and Process Description

Analysis of Related Projects

Internet and Library Research

Chapter 3
Data Analysis Tools Use Case Diagram Entity Relationship Diagram Database Schema

Chapter 4
Discussion of Findings - Existing HR Management Process of PCC 1. Job Application and Evaluation 2. Submission of Employment Requirements 3. Updating Employee Records 4. Employee Evaluation and Ranking Process 5. Employee Termination 6. Report Generation

Chapter 4
Discussion of Findings - Functional Requirements 1. HR Officer 2. Department / School Heads 3. Employee 4. Applicants

Chapter 4
Discussion of Findings - Non - Functional Requirements 1. Availability 2. Reliability 3. Maintainability 4. Security 5. Accuracy 6. Error Tolerance

Chapter 4
Discussion of Findings - Features of the System 1. Login Mechanism 2. Employee Management 3. Report Generation 4. Timekeeping Management 5. Workforce Management

Chapter 4
Discussion of Findings - Usability of the System

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations - Summary - Conclusion - Recommendation

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