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Marketing Communications

Friend or Foe to business growth?

Prepared by: Jackie Namara Rukare, MCIM

What is Marketing Communication?


Public Relations


Personal selling

Direct Marketing

Under attack?

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Single, clear message Mass market Different/multiple messages to Different customer groups




Database centered Behavioral responses through direct marketing

Retention Long term

IMC Unified

IMC Differentiated / Multiple messages

IMC - Relationship

IMC Direct Marketing

1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

What is the role of marketing communications?

Increasing awareness Retaining the current customer base Cementing relationships with customers and suppliers Causing the target audience to change their attitude or perception, feelings or intentions towards the brand. Increasing the response to an offer (because of what the communication is doing). Increasing the potential customers emotion relationship with the brand.
Awareness Knowledg e Preference Conviction Action

Building a competitive edge

Clearly label the product so that your customer knows what it does. It does exactly what is says on the tin. Use your value proposition in your marketing communications to clearly communicate your primary benefit/advantage It is the benefit, not the product that they are buying.

Building a competitive edge

Make sure that the message in your ad clearly differentiates your product/brand from your competition (so your customer can choose the one that best meets their needs).

Use your media strategy to keep this message compelling, current and in your target audiences mind. Use the frequency of the message to suggest brand strength and brand success .

Example Motozela, Moto Moto

Her life changed after winning a car

Example DSTv PVR decoder

Control freaks
Your 2 Tuner PVR allows you to do some amazing things, like record 150 hours of standard TV or 50 hours of HD TV, view and record simultaneously.

Example UMEME
I hate Umeme


towards positive contribution to business growth


/ eliminate the detractions

Thank you

Jackie Namara Rukare

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