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The Temple of Apollo at Bassae: Problems Surrounding the Plan, Orientation and Location

Amy Porter


Short Description of Bassae Theory
Use of Space

Questions surrounding
Location within Greece and the surrounding area The plan The orientation



Short Description of Bassae

Built around 420400BC Dedicated to Apollo Epicurus Originally described by Pausanias 8.41 This site is relatively unknown Pausanias notes it for its beauty and

Use of Space
Usually considered in domestic sites Conscious manipulations by humans The function of a building can change over time This change can be invisible in the

Use of Space

Location in Greece
Achae a Eli s Temple of Apollo at Bassae Arcadi a Cornith ia Argoli s Attic a Athen s

Messen ia

Laconi a Spart a

Closer view
Temple of Apollo Epicuru s

Ellinik o

Tripol is

Megalopol is

Tege a


Plan and Orientation

Opisthodom os Adyto n Naos/Cell a Pronao s

Axis of sunlight

copyright C. H. Smith 1989, based on D.S. Robertson, Greek and Roman Architecture, 1943 fig. 58, in A.W. Lawrence 1983 232 fig. 203

This site is spatially important in the archaeological record through location, plan and orientation This site does not follow the general laws of orientation The plan of the building does not follow Iktinos, the architect, other buildings

Any Questions?

Cooper, F. A. 1968. The Temple of Apollo at Bassae : New Observations on Its Plan and Orientation American Journal of Archaeology 72(2): 103-111. [Online:] [Accessed: 21/01/2013] Kelly, N. 1995. The Archaic Temple of Apollo at Bassae: Correspondences to the Classical Temple Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens 64 (2): 227-277. [online:] [Accessed: 21/01/2013] Kent, S. 1993. Domestic architecture and the use of space: An interdisciplinary cross-cultural study Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pearson, M. P. and Richards C. 1994. Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space London: Routledge. Pausanias, Guide to Greece: Volume 2: Southern Greece. P. Levi (trans.). 1971. London: Penguin Group. Spawforth, T. 2006. The Complete Greek Temples London: Thames and Hudson Ltd. Winter, F. E. 1980. Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design III:

Photographical References
Slide 1 and 2 e-Web/Peleponnes/Peleponnisos.htm TSD Classics Department TSD Classics Department Page 10: Pearson, M. P. and Richards C. 1994. Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space London: Routledge. Google Maps copyright 2013 Based off TSD Classics Department

Slide 8
Google Maps copyright 2013 TSD Classics Department Plan, Bassae, Temple of Apollo copyright C. H. Smith 1989, based on D.S. Robertson, Greek and Roman Architecture, 1943 fig. 58, in A.W. Lawrence 1983 232 fig. 203 Available at: age? img=Perseus:image:1990.33.0108a an%20columns TSD Classics Department TSD Classics Department Plan, Bassae, Temple of Apollo copyright C. H. Smith 1989, based on D.S. Robertson, Greek and Roman

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Corbett, P. 1965. Echoes from Bassae The Annual British School at Athens 60: 156-158. [online:] [Accessed: 14/01/13] Dinsmoor, W. B. 1933. The Temple of Apollo at Bassae Metropolitan Museum Studies 4(2): 204-227. [online:] [Accessed: 14/01/13] Dinsmoor, W. B. 1956. The Sculptured Frieze from Bassae (A Revised Sequence) American Journal of Archaeology 60(4): 401-452. [online:] [Accessed: 14/01/13] Marinatos, N. and Hgg, R. (eds) 1995. Greek Santuaries: New Approaches Great Britain: Routledge. Mikalson, J. D. 2010. Ancient Greek Religion Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Tomlinson, R. A. 1976. Greek Sanctuaries London: Book Club Associates. Whitley, J. 2001. The Archaeology of Ancient Greece

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