Art of Counseling Gynecology Is Example

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Art of Counselling

gynaecology is example

Salah Baloul MRCOG

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist King Abed Aziz Specialist Hospital


Definition : Counselling

is a way of working with people in which you understand how they feel and help them to decide what to do. In medical field: At this Era What is the condition:( disease or situation) Available of Options, but partially when decision is straight Who else can benefit (clients, family ,friends)

Non verbal communications Listening and learning skills Building confidence and given support

Non verbal communications

Showing your attitude through your posture, your expression, every thing except speaking Keep your head level Pay attention Remove barrier Take time Touch appropriately and professionally

Listening and learning skills

Ask open questions (how, what, when.not are you, did you ,has he. sometimes to make sure of a fact) Use responses and gesture which show interest. To encourage talking (smiling, response like Mmm ,Aha)

Reflect back what he or she says.. means to repeat differently what is said, to show you have heard. This will encourage more talking. Empathize :show that you understand how he or she feels Avoid judging words: like right, wrong ,bad , good though this may be used sometime.

Building confidence &giving support

Accept what the person thinks or feels. wrong idea disagree or criticize reduces confidence Agree difficult to suggest something different accept= neutral: how ? By reflecting back, response and gesture, empathizing.

Building confidence Cont(1)



Recognize &praise what the person doing right. ( different between health worker and counsellor). Also may feel something serious dont worry may reduces the confidence Give practical help: hungry or thirsty. Already had a lot of advice, has a clear problem. And you want to show support and acceptance.

Building confidence Cont(2)




Give a little simple information: *Wait till building confidence *Things can be done today *Only one or two pieces of information *Be positive not sound critical. Simple language Make one or two suggestions NOT commands

Thank you

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