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a. Human rights are understood to represent individual and group demands for the sharing of power, wealth, enlightenment and other cherished values. b. Human rights are essentially general or universal in character. Equally possessed by Human beings everywhere. c. Human rights extend to every person on earth without discrimination irrelevant to merit. d. Human Rights commonly refer to Fundamental as distinct from non essential claim.

UNO Declaration of Human Rights

All human being are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth in this declaration without distinction. Every one has right to life, liberty and security of person. No one shall be held in slavery. No one shall be subjected to torture. Everyone has the right to recognition as a person before law.

UNO Declaration of Human Rights

All individual are equal before the law. Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals. No one shall be subjected to arrest, detention or exile. Everyone is entitled to fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. Everyone is presumed innocent until proved guilty. There shall be no interference in individual privacy.

UNO Declaration of Human Rights

Everyone has freedom of movement and residence. Everyone can enjoy asylum in other countries. Everyone has right to nationality of his own choice. No one can deprive any individual from nationality or his choice of change of nationality. Everyone has right to marry and to found a family. Everyone has right to property. No one deprive him from his property, wrongfully.

UNO Declaration of Human Rights

Everybody has freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Everybody has freedom of opinion and expression. Everyone has freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Everyone is entitled to take part in government. Everyone has right to social security. Everyone has right to work, choice of profession and protection against unemployment.

UNO Declaration of Human Rights

Everyone has right to rest and leisure. Everyone is entitled to standard of living. Everyone has right to education. Everyone is entitled to free participation in culture life. Everyone is entitled to social and international order in which the rights and freedom set forth to this Declaration can be fully realized. Everyone is entitled to free and full development of personality. Nobody is entitled to destroy this Declaration.

Pakistans Response to Human Rights

Pakistan always adhered to the principles of human rights as laid down in the Charter of the UNO. The 1973 Constitution discusses the value of human rights in its preamble in the following: Sovereignty belongs to Allah Almighty alone, and the authority to exercise by the people within the limits prescribed by Him. The principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice shall be fully observed.

Pakistans Response to Human Rights

Adequate measures shall be made for the minorities freely to profess and practice their religion and development of their culture. Fundamental rights shall be guaranteed. The people may make their full contribution towards international peace and happiness of humanity. The people may make their full contribution towards international peace and happiness of humanity.

Constitutional Provisions
Right to life and liberty Freedom from illegal arrest Abolition of slavery, forced labor Freedom from retrospection Freedom from double jeopardy Right to dignity and privacy Freedom of movement and residence Freedom of assembly Freedom of association Freedom of profession and trade

Constitutional Provisions
Freedom of expression Freedom Religion Protection from deprivation of property Right to property Protection from deprivation of property Equality before law, and equal protection of law Access to public places Freedom from discrimination in service Protection of language and culture

Minorities Rights in Pakistan

Freedom of profession their religion Right of lawful profession or occupation Right to participate in national affairs Property rights Equality before law Job opportunities The present government also gives them the right of a joint electorate instead of separate electorate

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