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NorthEast Regional Council The Institute of Management Accountants Saturday, January 28, 2012 Bryant University

A Journey into a Successful ERP Implementation

Whats the Patients Condition?

How is your Current ERP System performing?

Interview Key Users What are the pain points?

Is every day a challenge Is your current system so impeded that a pencil and piece of worksheet paper make a good alternative Has your system vendor stopped its support

Whats the Patients Condition?

Is data easily retrieved when needed?

How are the reports do they meet todays

information needs?
Are reporting items not being met? Being met with a great deal of pain Being met but only with the merging of several

systems output Being met easily and without delay

Whats the Patients Condition?

What is Senior Managements Opinion of the current systems?

Is there BUY IN by Sr. Management toward

the replacement of the current system? Is there commitment to support a long-term project with substantial investment requirements? Will they provide the needed support both financial and staff to make the project a go?

Whats the Patients Condition?

Quantify the findings with a study

Third party help is a must (IBM, PwC, etc)
The results will surprise you Share the results with management

Commit to a Project
Give the project its own identity Give it a presence at the office/campus/plant

Share the news throughout the organization

A Journey into a Successful ERP Implementation

To Buy or To Build?

In most cases its not even a question. Interviewing the Developers

Can you provide a solution? How long to get to production? Can you provide a long-term solution? What will it cost us? Are there alternatives?

So youve decided to buy!

Interviewing the players

General Sessions by Team Show me where it hurts Create an inventory of current system problems and questions

Its RFP Time

Who do you recommend that we contact Who can most readily meet or needs in a

system implementation?

So youve decided to buy!

Parading the Vendors

Open meetings with lots of players
Video record the presentations for later use No question is a bad question

See the demos, ask how the demo fits into

your world. Will their system meet our needs? Watch out for vendor hype Remember you are talking with the sales and marketing staff

So youve decided to buy!

Review the meeting data Score the vendors

Get Sr. Management Input

Select the 1st and 2nd place winners Negotiate the deal

You now own an ERP System

What comes next?

Find a reputable implementation partner. Interview consultants with prior experience Build a team of system specialist Build your internal team of players Seek the best your company can offer Get the experienced staff on the team Exploit the knowledge base in house first Go outside only after all quality internal candidates have been considered. Know what you are buying Offer Incentives to encourage staff to succeed

Process Design Definition

Blueprints for the future

Blueprints for the future

Basic Needs
What does the system provide
What are the needs of the system How does the system meet the needs

Interview current staff

Talk about the pain points

Specific solutions to meet the user needs

Blueprints for the future

Formulate and document

Write a narrative of what needs to occur
Assign roles to specific functions Draw a process flow

Indicate intervals that are supported by the

system already Indicate where development will be required

Blueprints for the future

2.1.4 Retirement of an Asset (Moveable Equipment)

Step # 1 2 2a Department/Role Department Submitter Property Accountant Property Accountant Description of Process Step Completes an on-line asset retirement form. The Property Accountant reviews the retirement form to determine if it is completed correctly. If the form is completed correctly, the Property Accountant performs a retirement transaction in the system. If the form is not correctly completed, it is returned to the Department Submitter at step #1. Runs standard report to validate that the asset has been successfully retired.

2b 3

Property Accountant Property Accountant

Blueprints for the future

Process Design Definition

What is it? How does the PDD support the process? Share the outcome with

Users of data Applications of Process Management Discuss what is needed Leadership Share what will happen

Live presentation and seek acceptance

Process Design Definition

What areas will require development

System Enhancements
System Modifications

Customized Reporting Needs

Sources of information Query tools Business Warehouse data resources

Needs of information users

Copyright the data gathered

Configuration Design Document


Provide the necessary framework
Establish key processes Establish the rules

Document, Document, Document

Most lengthy phase of the install

Develop processes

Refine approaches

Where are the black holes?

Testing, Testing, Testing

Unit testing by developers and SMEs
Quality Assurance Testing with end users

viewing the process QA-2 Users at the keyboard UAT User Acceptance Testing

ROADMAP FOR USERS Business Process Profile

Roadmap for Users

Detailed step by step instructions

Document every transaction
Tips and Tricks How to pictures

COification of the trxns.

Value of BPP
At the desk resource
Step by Step

Educate the Users

Training the Users

Work Instructions

Live Classes
Hands on computer labs



Two of the scariest words in the Users vocabulary. Project Management

Helpdesk One on One Support Quit your bitching you are not a victim! The old system is gone Deal with it!

Post Go Live Support

Develop Reporting Addressed Specialized Needs Support Packs and Beyond


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