Short-Term Effects of Organic Amendments On Properties of A Vertisol

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Short-term effects of organic amendments on properties of a Vertisol

General information.

Title of Article: Short-term effects of organic amendments on properties of a Vertisol Author (s): Subhadip Ghosh, Peter Lockwood, Heiko Daniel, Kathleen King, Nilantha Hulugalle, Paul Kristiansen. Journal: Date of Article: Originally published online 2 February 2010. Volume No.: 1, Page Numbers: 10. Author contact information: E-mail: Where found article: The online version of this article can be found at:


1. What is the problem? The problem is soil quality of Vertisols and also like could be improved. 2. What are the studys objectives? The study's objectives are improve soil properties from of using recycled organic material.

3. What is the method used? The method used is an incubation experiment that was, therefore, conducted for 4 weeks under controlled temperature conditions (30C). 4. Are there any materials used? They used different charts and graphics with data collected.

Results and Discussion.

5. What is the main finding? The main finding is that the application of cattle manure resulted in a 22% increase in soil-exchangeable K over levels found in control. 6. What is the main conclusion? The main conclusion is that the cotton gin trash, cattle manure, biosolids and composted chicken manure have value as a source of nutrients to soil and hence showed potential to improve Vertisol properties. 7. Are results connected to the objectives of the study? Yes, there are.

Key words.
Amendment: Document correction. Manure: Fertilizer. Compost: Organic fertilizer. Biosolids: Science than study the epidemics.

Paper number 3

Background or introduction.
What is the field of the study? The field of the study is the Short-term effects of organic amendments on properties of a Vertisol. What is the problem of this study? The problem of this study is that the Cultivation of Vertisols has resulted in a 3350% decline in soil organic carbon (C) levels over time. What has previous research found about the topic? The previous research has found that the effects of organic waste products is sparse and also around 367 million tonnes of wastes are produced by the agricultural industries each year in Australia (Evans & Maheswaran 2003). What is the purpose of this study? The purpose of this study is improve soil properties with a view to partially or fully replacing inorganic fertilizers on cotton growing areas of northern NSW. Why is this study important? This study is important because Many landholders have been investigating options of using recycled organic material (e.g. cotton gin trash, animal manures).

Methods or methodology
What type of study is it? It is an analysis study on the effects of soil quality of the addition of organic amendments. Where was it carried out? The study was carried out in the Department of Agronomy and Soil Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia. When was it done? It was done during 4 weeks from of year 2005.

How was the study conducted? The study was conducted using different soil types, like Typic Haplustert and the Vertosol (Isbell 2002) and measuring the pH and organic C content by gravimetry in the soil. What kind of data was collected? The data collected were of kind Chemical and microbiological properties. What instrument was used to collect data? The instruments used were X-ray diffraction (XRD) and a pipette for volumen extraction.

What are the main findings? The main findings are the significant 80% increase in respiration of biosolidsamended soil over control (P < 0.01). How the findings are related to the study objectives? This study did not show many significant effects on either microbial abundance or on the labile, active C fraction which would be responsible for increasing levels of aggregates in the soils under study.

Discussion and conclusion.

How do the authors summarize the findings? They do summarize the findings like Addition of agricultural wastes that had variable effects, many beneficial, some detrimental, to the Vertisol, in the shortterm. How do the authors interpret the findings? They do interpret the findings according to increased soil short-term nutrient, and also several organic wastes showed the potential to improve Vertisol quality and could be recommended for longer-term trials. Are the findings applicable to other settings? They arent applicable to other settings because the relationship is between organic amendments on properties of a Vertisol and its results are compared only to them.


Short-term effects of organic amendments on properties of a Vertisol

Thanks for your attention.

Temuco, June 27, 2013.

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