Epic System Familiarisation and Training For Students

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EPiC System Familiarisation and Training for students.

new learning elements to incorporate no extension in programme duration



12 3
Each Total course

credit hours

credit hours for 4 courses


Offering learning: 24/7 in manageable chunks for longer duration fully online
To maximise the use of time pockets.

To deliver the online courses we created EPiC

What to expect?


Familiar ecosystem

No Exams Easy navigation

Online Forum
Online Community


Graphic driven interface

Tutor support

Social responsibility

Break pages (Promote Traditional Games)

Konda-kondi Galah Panjang Lumba Kotak Sembunyi ibu Batu Seremban Menyumpit

This online learning will only work if


are excited about learning in a new way (online) focus on your self directed learning allocate some time for learning collaborate with others learn from each other participate in discussion groups take your learning seriously

Your journey begins here:


Use your OUM username and password to log in

When you log in for the first time, you must complete your personal details before you can proceed further.

Click when the course subject appears

Contact us/ Feedback

Hover your mouse over the image to see the course subject.

Once you click on the course subject, you will come to a game page. This page is design to de-stress you and put you in a lighter mood for a more conducive learning environment. You can choose to play the game and retry it if you fail or you can skip to go straight to the grader page. Click back to go to HOME page.

Once you pass that game page (play/ skip), Youll come to the content page. Here you can see the course content and the rest of materials/ resources as in Students view.

To see the Activites you can click the relevant link.

Click Title to see your assignment question.

Assignment can be Group (max 5 pax) or Individual. Click View to see submitted assignment

Click on your EOSs name and you will see your Forum
In this Forum view you can see your EOSs name and other students who are in your group.

Click on user list to see the name of students (max 50) in your group.

Another important element is EPiC Community

To join EPiC Community you must first activate your Google+ To activate your Google+, log in to myVLE and click on myGMail

Click your name and Google+ page will appear.

Search for Epic community

Click follow. Now you are in the community

Now you are ready to GO!

EPiC Courses are easy to score. Its as easy as 1.2.3.

Carry out an activity that fits the task in your assignment in your school/ community.

Do a write up supported by literature review and append support materials.

Reflect on the challenges and describe your learning curve throughout the project.

Submit everything ONLINE.

All your submitted files will be archived in your e-portfolio.

This semester: for Jan 2011 intake only. HBEF 2803 Professional Development
The Objectives: 1. Mengetahui nilai-nilai keagamaan dan keseimbangan aspek fizikal dan kerohanian; 2. Menjelaskan peranan dan tanggungjawab guru serta mengenal pasti ciri-ciri yang diperlukan dalam organisasi sekolah; 3. Nyatakan kemahiran interpersonal dan intrapersonal dalam melakukan aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelajar; 4. Mengaplikasikan pengurusan masa yang berkesan dalam melaksanakan peranan sebagai guru yang efisien; dan

5. Memahami aspek-aspek potensi dan aktiviti ketahanan diri dalam pembentukan

jati diri.

This course starts in Sep 2012 May 2014 (6 Semesters) for students from January 2011 intake.

There would be: 2 assignments 2 seminars Assignment 1: 3 activities + 1 Reflective Journal Check your activities/ assignment question in EPiC

Feedback/ Comments are welcome

Thank You

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