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What is a meeting?
A meeting is a get- together of a group of

persons to discuss ways and means to deal with a specific time- bound task assigned. Formal meetings like those of government bodies follow the rules very strictly while those of voluntary organizations may be informal. Committees are statutory bodies that are bound by rules and regulations. They are required to record their proceedings and decisions as minutes and may also submit a report.

Why are meetings held?

To convey information to the members. To gather information from the members. To gather new ideas or suggestions for the

execution of a task. To take decisions of matters affecting the group or the organization. To resolve conflict and confusions. To persuade members to accept changes. to generate a positive attitude among the participants. To discuss problems and issues of common interest.

Importance of a meeting
Meetings are held for specific work, to be done in

a specified time. For the purpose of conducting business on matters of common interest to all of them. They provide a channel for upward, downward and lateral communication, and facilitate exchange of ideas. It is a means of coordinating the solutions to problems faced by the organization.

Procedure of convening a meeting

Meeting is a powerful tool for solving problems as it

brings together brain power, creativity, experience together. Announcement of the meeting must be made in the form of a notice mentioning date, time and venue in writing and sent to all members along with a well defined agenda at least a week before the meeting.
NOTICE: To all members entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Must be given in writing before the specified number of days from the date of the meeting. It must specify the date, time and place and the

Agenda- agenda means business to be

transacted at a meeting. It also sets out the order in which business is to be transacted at the meeting. A copy of the agenda must be sent to the members along with the agenda of the meeting.

TRIVENI CEMENT INDUSTRIES LIMITED -----------------------------------------------------------------------30 November, 2011 NOTICE Notice is hereby give that the second meeting of the board of Directors will be held at the registered office of the company, M.G. road, at 3.30 p.m. on Friday, 17 December 2011. The agenda is attached. Kamal Narayan secretary To Members of Board of Directors

-----------------------------------------------------------------------date Agenda for Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting. Confirmation of the appointment of Directors. Accommodation for the branch office at Allahabad. Date for the next meeting. Any other matter with the permission of the chairman. Kamal Narayan secretary

Objectives The purpose of the meeting should be clear to the

convener and participants. A meeting with indifferent participants is a waste of time. The objective is to follow the plan and keep the discussion on track.

Topics Limit he number of topics so that they can be

covered within the time allotted to the meeting. Easy items should be taken first to make quick progress. If there is a large topic it should be structured logically.

Time A starting and an ending time should be set for the

meeting When your time is limited, you need to determine in advance how much time will be needed to cover each item. If the planned time on the agenda is running out the facilitator may ask the group to come to a conclusion.

Venue The meeting room should be comfortable and

convenient for accommodating the members. It should be free from any noise. Seating arrangements can be done in a circular or U- shaped pattern with the head facing all the members. Proper lighting, temperature and equipments should be controlled beforehand. Writing paper and pens are essential. Lastly to facilitated interaction name plates can be placed on the table.

Participants Follow the items on the agenda and if there is no

agenda then stay within the general limits of the goal for the meeting. They should collect in advance all necessary information useful to discussion at the meeting. For effective meetings the members should display a positive attitude and hold meetings amicably and harmoniously with cooperation among each other. Never engage in side conversation or shuffle papers.

Leading a meeting
There must be a chairperson to preside over the

meeting. For the effective conduct of the meeting the chairperson requires tactfulness, patience, good sense of humour and sound knowledge. The leader must be well prepared and must know the meeting tasks. Starting the meeting on time shows respect for those who come on time, it also demonstrates to late- comers that punctual attendance is expected.

After ensuring the requisite quorum, the

chairperson should call the meeting and ask the secretary to read the agenda of the meeting. Restatement of the objective of the meeting clarifies the confusion arisen out of the agenda items. The facilitator may ask someone to take notes, or the secretary may be acting as note- taker. The opening statement should be short, crisp and vivid. After the discussion starts the chairperson should concentrate on how to deal with the members. Time should be allocated to each member for speaking and check the members

the chairperson should summarize the

discussion at appropriate intervals and at the end of the discussion.

The chairperson should liaison with the secretary

so that the proceedings of the meeting are duly recorded.

To conclude the discussion efficiently, the

chairperson should firmly state the results of the discussion.

The chairperson should formulate the plan of

action for the implementation of the decisions reached.

Minutes of meetings
Minutes is a clear and concise official written

record of the decisions taken at the meeting of the company. At the close of a meeting, the secretary or the concerned person should proceed to draft the minutes of the meeting.

Contents of minutes
The kind of meeting with date, time and place.

The name of the person in chair, name of

Directors, secretary and persons in attendance and the name of members in meeting. The reading and confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting, signed by the chairman, together with any matter arising from the minutes and decisions taken, if any. The names or number of absentees.

A brief subject heading of each minute with

full terms of resolution adopted.

The financial statements, reports received

from officials or committees may be incorporated in the minutes in the form of Appendix
Signature of chairman and date of verification

of minutes as correct.

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