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Introduction to Psychology

What is Psychology?

Scientific study of the individual Scientific study of behaviour and mental processes Attempts to understand human beings and other species


Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir

Subdivisions of Psychology

Developmental psychology

Physiological psychology

Studies human mental and physical growth from conception to death

Experimental psychology Personality psychology

Investigates the biological basis of human behavior

Conducts research on basis of psychological processes like learning, memory, sensation, perception etc Personality psychologists study the differences among individuals
Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir


Subdivisions of Psychology

Clinical and counseling psychology

Clinical psychologists are interested primarily in the diagnosis, cause, and treatment of psychological disorders. Counseling psychologists are concerned primarily with normal problems of adjustments in life. Social psychologists study how people influence one another

Social psychology

Industrial and Organizational psychology

Psychology applied to the workplace

Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir 4


Major Schools of Thought



Structuralism was concerned with identifying the units of conscious experience. Physical sensation, Feelings, Image Wlhelm Wundt Bradford Titchener Functionalism was concerned with the ongoing use of conscious experience. Consciousness cannot be broken into elements. Pure sensation without associations-simply do not exist William James
Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir 5


Major Schools of Thought



Focused on the unconscious determinants of behavior. Human beings are not so rational and they are motivated by unconscious instincts & urges. Freud developed a method of therapy called psychoanalysis. Personality develop in series of critical stages during first few years of life. Sigmund Freud Behaviorism is only concerned with behavior that can be observed and measured..
John B. Watson B.F. Skinner


Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir

Major Schools of Thought


The Gestalt movement was concerned with the perception of form. Against structuralism view. (series of still pictures) Tendency to see pattern, to distinguish an object from its background, to complete picture from cues. Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, Kurt Koffka Existentialism is concerned with alienation and apathy in modern life. Search for sum meaning in this world and guide toward inner sense of identity Playwright, jean Paul startre Humanism is concerned with helping people realize their full potential.
Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir 7

Existential and Humanistic


Major Schools of Thought

Cognitive Psychology

Concerned with memory, thinking, language, learning, decision making (mental process) Expanded the concept of behavior to include thoughts, feelings, and states of consciousness Mental processes can and should be studied scientifically. Concerned with the evolutionary origins of behaviors and mental processes Their adaptive value and the purposes they continue to serve Reproductive success: all species are genetically programmed to produce offspring.
Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir 8

Evolutionary Psychology


Enduring Issues

Person-situation Hereditary-environment Stability-change Diversity Mind-body


Introduction to Behavioral Sciences Instructor: Saba Nasir

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