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A possible Metatheoretical vocabulary Egy lehetsges Metaelmleti sztr

Tams Mezei
Philosopher, Mathematician

Mezei Tams
Filozfus, Matematikus

Debrecen University Hungary Modern Philosophy PhD Program Institute of Philosophy Faculty of Humanities

Debreceni Egyetem Magyarorszg Modern Filozfia Doktori Program Filozfia Intzet Blcssztudomnyi Kar

My language interpretation Nyelv rtelmezsem

A szmtalan villdz In some remote corner of naprendszerbe sztporcizott the universe, poured out Vilgmindensg egyik and glittering in flrees szegletben volt innumerable solar systems, egyszer egy gitest, amelyen there once was a star on bizonyos okos llatok which clever animals kitalltk a megismerst. Ez invented knowledge. That volt a legelbizakodottabb s was the highest and most leghazugabb pillanata a mendacious minute of vilgtrtnelemnek: de "world history"yet only a ppensggel nem volt tbb minute. Nietzsche, Friedrich: On egy pillanatnl. Friedrich Nietzsche:
Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense Fragment, 1873: from the Nachlass.
A nem morlisan felfogott igazsgrl s hamissgrl 1992 Athenaeum, Budapest

Friedrich Nietzsche 1844.-1900.

Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889.-1951.

Richard Rorty 1931.2007.

It was Nietzsche who first explicitly suggested that we drop the whole idea of knowing the truth. His definition of truth as a mobile army of metaphors amounted to saying that the whole idea of representing reality by means of language and thus the idea of finding a single context for all human lives, should be abandoned. Rorty,
Richard: Contingency, irony, and solidarity 1989 Cambridge University Press

Nietzsche volt az els, aki kifejezetten javasolta, hogy vessk el az igazsg ismeretnek egsz eszmjt. A definci, miszerint az igazsg metafork mobil hadserege, arra az lltsra vezet, hogy el kellene vetni az olyan eszmket, mint a valsgnak a nyelv eszkzeivel val brzolsa, s ebbl kvetkezen azt, hogy valamennyi emberi let szmra egyetlen kontextust talljunk. Richard Rorty: Esetlegessg, irnia s szolidarits 1994. Pcs,

What is truth? Is this a duck or a rabbit?

What, then, is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphismsin short, a sum of human relations which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins. Nietzsche, Friedrich: On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense
Fragment, 1873: from the Nachlass.

Mi az igazsg? Kacsa ez, vagy nyl?

Mi is teht az igazsg? Metafork, metonmk, antropomorfizmusok t- meg trendezd serege, azaz rviden: emberi viszonylatok sszessge, melyeket valaha poetikusan s retorikusan felfokoztak, felkestettek s tvitt rtelemmel ruhztak fl, s amelyek utbb a hossz hasznlat folytn szilrdnak, kanonikusnak s kteleznek tntek fl egy-egy np eltt: az igazsgok illzik, amelyekrl elfelejtettk, hogy illzik, metafork, amelyek megkopvn elvesztettk rzki erejket, kpket vesztett pnzrmk, amelyek immr egyszer fmek csupn, s nem cseng pnzdarabok. Friedrich Nietzsche: A nem morlisan felfogott igazsgrl
s hamissgrl 1992 Athenaeum, Budapest

Our vocabularies and goals Sztraink s cljaink

For new vocabularies give us new selfimages, and new self-images give us new goals Rorty, Richard: Putnam, Pragmatism and
Parmenides 18. 11. 2003. University of Pcs

Az j sztrak adnak j nkpet neknk, az j nkpek pedig j clokat biztostanak.

Richard Rorty: Putnam, Pragmatism and Parmenides 18. 11. 2003. University of Pcs

Multiverse Multiverzum
The suggestion the Az a gondolat, hogy az truth, as well as the igazsg, akrcsak a world, is out there is a vilg, odakint van, legacy of an age in annak a kornak az which the world was rksge, amelyben a seeing as a creation of a vilgot egy sajt being who had a nyelvvel rendelkez lny language of his own. mvnek tekintettk.
Rorty, Richard: Contingency, irony, and solidarity 1989 Cambridge University Press Richard Rorty: Esetlegessg, irnia s szolidarits 1994. Pcs, Jelenkor

Cultural contingency Kulturlis esetlegessg

Nyelvnk s kultrnk Our language and our ugyanannyira culture are as much a esetlegessg, contingency, as much a result of thousands of ugyanannyira sok ezer, a small mutations finding maga helyt megtall kis lptk mutci niches (and millions of eredmnye (mikzben others finding no mutcik millii nem niches), as are the talltak helyet), mint az orchids and the orchidek vagy az anthropoids. Rorty, emberszabsak. Richard
Richard: Contingency, irony, and solidarity 1989 Cambridge University Press
Rorty: Esetlegessg, irnia s szolidarits 1994. Pcs, Jelenkor

The important philosophers of our own century are those who have tried to follow through on the Romantic poets by breaking with Plato and seeing freedom as the recognition of contingency. Rorty, Richard: Contingency, irony, and solidarity 1989 Cambridge University Press Szzadunk fontos filozfusai azok, akik megprbltk kitartan kvetni a romantikus kltket a Platnnal val szaktsban s a szabadsgot az esetlegessg felismersnek tekintettk. Richard Rorty: Esetlegessg, irnia s szolidarits 1994. Pcs, Jelenkor


The genius and the revolution

A zseni s a forradalom

Even in the sciences metaphoric rediscriptions are the mark of genius and of revolutionary leaps forward. Rorty, Richard:
Contingency, irony, and solidarity 1989 Cambridge University Press

A metaforikus jralersok mg a tudomnyban is a gniusz s a forradalmi ugrsok jelei. Richard Rorty: Esetlegessg, irnia s
szolidarits 1994. Pcs, Jelenkor

Ksznm a figyelmet! Thank you for your attendance!

We need to proceed in accordance with the idea that all the produced images tropes and metaphors suitable only for killing them as soon as possible. That is to say we should manipulate them as ordinary and effective linguistic means rather than bright metaphors. Annak biztos tudatban kell cselekednnk, hogy az ltalunk letre keltett kpek, metafork csakis arra jk, hogy minl hamarabb megljk ket, vagyis ne metaforaknt kezeljk ket, hanem a htkznapi nyelv jabb hatkony elemeknt.

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