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Istvn Tasi Unified Theories Conference 18th May 2008

Intelligent Design: Debate or a Possibility for Synthesis? Intelligens tervezs: vita, vagy a szintzis lehetsge?

Overview / ttekints
The ID Movement Complex question Is it Science? Pluralistic Science ID: Interface Area

Az IT mozgalma Bonyolult krds Tudomny ez? Pluralista tudomny IT: hatrfellet

Definition / Meghatrozs

certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. az univerzum s az llnyek egyes jellegzetessgeit egy intelligens okkal lehet megmagyarzni, nem pedig olyan irnytatlan termszeti folyamatokkal, mint a termszetes szelekci.

The Modern Design Theory A modern tervezselmletrl

Proposed by scientists and philosopher of scientists from 1970. Termszettudsok s tudomnyfilozfusok dolgoztk ki az 1970-es vektl.

Based on physics, information theory, biochemistry and other sciences. Alapjt a fizika, a csillagszat, az informcielmlet, a biokmia s ms trstudomnyok felfedezsei kpezik.

The Modern Design Theory A modern tervezselmletrl

Alternative branch of science. Az ezredfordulra vilgmret alternatv tudomnyos irnyzat.

Scientific argumentation. rvrendszere teljesen tudomnyos.

Megvlaszolja az evolcis gondolkodssal nem megvlaszolhat krdseket. Answers unexplained phenomena.

William Dembski mathematician

Jonathan Wells biologist

Phillip Johnson lawyer

Michael Behe Stephen C. Meyer biochemist philosopher of science

History and arguments Trtnet s rvek

Complexity: The Central Question

Komplexits: a kzponti krds

If it could be Ha be lehetne demonstrated bizonytani, that any complex hogy van olyan organ existed, which bonyolult szerv, could not possibly amely nem have been formed by kpzdhetett szmos, numerous, successive, egymsra kvetkez, slight modifications, csekly mdosuls my theory would rvn, akkor absolutely break down. az n elmletem teljesen megdlne.

The mistery of the E. coli bacteria Az E. coli baktrium misztriuma

A baktrium ostornak hajtmotorja The Motor of the Bacterial Flagella

Construction / A motor felptse

40 protein / fehrje 25 nanometer

The moment of honesty

All of us who study the origin of life find that the more we look into it, the more we feel that it is too complex to have evolved anywhere. But, we believe as an article of faith that life evolved from dead matter on this planet. It is just that its complexity is so great, it is hard for us to imagine that it did. (Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winning chemist)

Egy szinte pillanat

Mi, akik az let eredett tanulmnyozzuk, minl tbbet vizsgldunk, annl inkbb gy rezzk, tl bonyolult ahhoz, hogy brhol kifejldhetett volna. Valamennyien hitttelknt hisznk abban, hogy az let az lettelen anyagbl alakult ki ezen a bolygn. De az let annyira bonyolult, hogy nehezen kpzelhet el, tnyleg gy trtnt. (Harold Urey, Nobel-djas fizikus s kmikus)

Az let eredetrl

A lehetetlensgig valszntlen a DNS molekula s a fehrjk spontn megjelense. A materialista elmletek nem kpesek rszletesen szmot adni sem a sejtalkotk, sem az informci, sem az informci-tviteli mechanizmus eredetrl. Informci nem jhet ltre vletlenl, hanem mindig tudatos kzltl szrmazik.

Controversial reception

Viharos fogadtats

Scientific and social issue Tudomnyos s trsadalmi vitatma

Is this approach scientific? Tudomnyos ez a megkzelts?

If / Ha Based on observation Megfigyelseken alapszik Testable / Tesztelhet Falsifiable / Falszifiklhat Makes predictions / Predikcikra kpes Refers only to natural causes (?) Csak termszeti okokra hivatkozik (?)

Methodological materialism Mdszertani materializmus

Hidden philosophical supposition of the contemporary science. A kortrs tudomny hallgatlagos filozfiai elfelttelezse. We can explain everything by material causes and effects. Minden megmagyarzhat anyagi okok eredmnyeknt.

Four Possible Way for the Transcendence

1. Deism 2. Theistic evolution 3. Intervention 4. Parallel design

Is it possible?

science Monolitikus tudomny



science Pluralista tudomny

Towards an Unbiased Philosophy of Science Az eltletmentes tudomnyfilozfia fel

Parallel, equivalent methodological views. Prhuzamos, egyenrtk mdszertani ltsmdok.

Accepting the possibility of non-material causes regarding origin questions. A nem anyagi okok lehetsgnek elfogadsa az eredetkrdsek tekintetben.

Science, education

Tudomny, oktats

Contribution to the Dialogue of Science and Religions Hozzjruls a tudomny s valls prbeszdhez

Creation stories

Who, how and why created the life and the universe?

Ki, hogyan s mirt teremtette az letet s az univerzumot?

Materialistic ideas about origin questions

Scientific formulation of the design theory

Religious concepts of creation

Materialista elmletek az eredetrl

A tervezettsg tudomnyos megfogalmazsa

Vallsos teremtsi koncepcik

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Ksznm szpen a figyelmet!

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