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Current Issues Regarding:

Administration in Nursing Education

Administration in Nursing Education

Nursing Education
This is a theoretical and practical training provided to nurses with the purpose to prepare them for their duties as nursing care professionals. This education is provided to nursing students by experienced nurses and other medical professionals who have qualified or experienced for educational tasks. Most countries offer nurse education courses that can be relevant to general nursing or to specialized areas including mental health nursing, pediatric nursing and post-operatory nursing. Courses leading to autonomous registration as a nurse typically last four years

Nursing Education
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Increase in number of nursing schools Substandard nursing schools Unqualified Deans and Faculty Students Not Screened Inadequate Library Resources Limited Hospital Affiliations

Increase in number of nursing schools

For the past 10-15 years there is a noticeably increase on number of operating nursing schools. It is especially seen in the Philippines. Reasons: Decreasing number of competent nurses international and local, because of some factors like aging and illness Increase in opportunity for foreign nurses to work in other country. For business purposes, because there is a increase in number of students taking the nursing degree program.

Increase in number of nursing schools

Positive Effect

There is an increase in number of competent and qualified nurses, which will serve as an independent and collaborative workforce in the hospital or health facility.
Negative Effect Increasing number of nursing schools, because of the increased in work opportunity across the globe, predisposes the nursing students to: a. Limited exposure to a high quality training hospital because of overcrowding, thus limiting the exposure required to student nurses

Increase in number of nursing schools

Negative Effect b. There is an increase in hiring of clinical instructor, who may not be qualified to instruct the nursing students in the workplace or, may not be as competent as other nurse instructor who serve longer in the health care facility or hospital.

c. And because of business purposes other schools which focuses on other degree program which are not really related to health field, these schools suddenly incorporated the nursing degree program in their schools. Even though they meet the requirements needed to begin teaching nursing degree program, competence of the institution and instructor on that school is still questionable.

Substandard Schools
Substandard nursing schools is a big problem face by many aspiring nurses, in the number of nursing schools in 2007 there is an increased of 230 percent from 2001. Most of these schools perform very poorly in the Nursing Licensure Exams (NLE). In fact, one out of every two nursing schools whose graduates took the nursing board exam usually scored only 50 percent or less Substandard nursing schools are arising because of an increase in number of enrollees. Proper establishment of the degree program was not met because of the hasty decision to open the nursing degree program, which is evident on the result of Nursing Board Exam.

Substandard Schools
In the Philippines last 2005, CHED told the school owners to raise the required passing rate from 10 to 30 percent and to those schools who will fail they will be phasing out the underperforming nursing schools, this issue triggered a war between the regulatory body and the school owners. As the result 30 percent passing rate been applied to the exam performances from 2004 to 2008, CHED could have closed down two out of every 10 nursing schools nationwide by simply computing their average scores. Here what the school owners did, one filed a case against CHED in the regional trial court in Pangasinan, where their leader, lawyer Gonzalo T. Duque, president of Lyceum NorthwesternFlorencia T. Duque College in Pangasinan, was based. The owners succeeded in getting the Dagupan trial court to issue an injunction and a temporary restraining order in June 2005 preventing CHED from closing them down. Owners of nursing schools elsewhere in the country then began invoking the TRO to prevent their closure.

Unqualified Deans and Faculty

Deans and faculty in the nursing schools serves as a model for student nurses, basically because these nurses should have attained required knowledge and work experience. However, not all nurses who have attained such qualifications can effectively teach or motivate the students and sometimes even unqualified nurses served as a faculty. This is the other side of nursing shortage. According to Republic Act No.7164. Article IV Section 26: Qualifications of the faculty a. Be a Filipino citizen; b. Be a registered nurse in the Philippines; c. Have at least three (3) years of clinical practice in a field of specialization; d. Be a member of good standing in the accredited national nurses association; and

Unqualified Deans and Faculty

e. Be a holder of a masters degree in nursing or other related fields conferred by a college or university duly recognized by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines; Provided, however, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to disqualify those who have already been considered qualified and actually occupying the position before the effectivity of this Act: Provided, further, That those occupying such position before the effectivity of this Act shall be given a period of five (5) years from the date of effectivity of this Act within which to qualify under the provisions hereof: Provided, finally, That, by the year 2000, all colleges of nursing shall only employ faculty members with a masters degree in nursing or in other related fields. In addition to the aforementioned qualifications, the dean of a college or school of nursing must have had at least there (3) years of experience in teaching and supervision in nursing education, and preferably must have a masters degree in administration and supervision of nursing education programs.

Unqualified Deans and Faculty

What are the reasons for this unqualified deans and faculty?

Competent nurses who are more than qualified to teach and be a model to students, go to other countries and work there, simply because of better work income.
On the other hand, newly graduate nurse who doesn't even have a work experience in a health care setting, which will make them effective in teaching their students, are hired already by nursing schools. Newly graduate nursing students, chooses to teach than practice because of better salary. In nursing schools faculties are hired even though they are not qualified because of the increase number of students enrolling, the number of instructors cant meet the number of enrollees.

Unqualified Deans and Faculty

In school setting, deans are a very important part of the degree program and of the student body, deans are usually the one who are expected to be completely dedicated to upholding the mission and vision of a college or university. Yet on another level they are required to provide ethical leadership at all times (Deeds, 2004).

If an unqualified dean manages the nursing degree program in an institution, managing student problem, affiliation problem, interrelationship problem of the college to the institution and management of the nursing degree program will not be as good as the one who are suited for the position.

Student Not Screened

Nursing has constantly been a career choice for almost all who wants to work on other countries, that is why an increase in number of enrollees is seen in the country. With the increase of student enrollees, screening of applicants who wants to take nursing has been lifted.

Manila Doctors College Height requirement Girls: 52 Boys: 53 Adventist University of the Philippines
All students who scored 0-19 in the English Placement Test be required by their department chairs to enroll in Communication Arts

Student Not Screened

University of Santo Tomas You should have a grade at least 85.33 in their college entrance exam (USTET) Interview screening is important for nurses is a profession which requires rational thinking and deliberate mind. A psychological defect which can interfere in judgment and decision making should be screened properly

Student Not Screened

Qualities a nurse should have: 1. Communication Skills: the nurse should have excellent communication skills, especially when it comes to speaking and listening. They are able to follow directions without a problem and can easily communicate with patients and families. 2. Emotional Stability: the ability to accept suffering and death without letting it get personal. 3. Empathy: One has empathy for the pain and suffering of patients, they are able to feel compassion and provide comfort. 4. Flexibility: great nurse is flexible with regards to working hours and responsibilities, nurses, like doctors, are often required to work long periods of overtime, late or overnight shifts, and weekends

Student Not Screened

5. Attention to Detail: A great nurse pays excellent attention to detail and is careful not to skip steps or make errors.

6. Interpersonal Skills: has excellent interpersonal skills and works well in a variety of situations with different people.
7. Physical Endurance: Frequent physical tasks, standing for long periods of time, lifting heavy objects (or people), and performing a number of taxing maneuvers on a daily basis are staples of nursing life. 8. Problem Solving Skills: A great nurse can think quickly and address problems as or before they arise 9. Quick Response: need to be ready to respond quickly to emergencies and other situations that arise 10. Respect: nurses respect people and rules. They remain impartial at all times and are mindful of confidentiality requirements and different cultures and traditions. Above all, they respect the wishes of the patient him- or herself.

Inadequate Library Resources

Reading concepts and ideas from different authors expand ones knowledge and enable one person to compare and contrast the ideas presented. Research works and thesis writing, requires various number of books and articles for certain parts of the thesis, and these books further enhances an individuals knowledge . Poor financial status of the institution, may be one of the reasons for inadequate library resources.

Limited Hospital Affiliations

Hospital affiliations is one big element of the nursing schools students success in obtaining work experience, a good hospital affiliation is the one who encourage nursing students to do independent nursing task approved by the countrys ministry of health. Unfortunately good hospitals for practice are not as abundant as nursing students taking the nursing degree program. Because of overcrowding limitation was given. Sadly some good hospitals do not want to accept students who wants to train in tier hospitals further compromising the chance of student to learn from their institution.

References ts/defying-ched-rules-substandard-nursing-schools-churn-outgraduates


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