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By: Ira Rahmawati Universitas Trisakti Jakarta 2013

A pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva bulbi epithelium and subconjunctival connective tissue that is degenerative and invasive in slit eyelid medial or nasal The shape is triangular where the center of the cornea. This growth covers the white part of the eye (sclera) and extends onto the cornea. may occur on one or both eyes.

The exact cause is unknown. It is more common in people living near the equator are often affected.


Exposure Sunlight and wind



1. International Internationally, the relationship between decreased incidence in the upper latitudes and relatively increased incidence in lower latitudes persists.


males twice as frequently as in females. patients aged 20-40 years are reported to have the highest incidence of pterygia.

The pathophysiology of pterygia is characterized by elastotic degeneration of collagen and fibrovascular proliferation, with an overlying covering of epithelium. Histopathology of the abnormal collagen in the area of elastotic degeneration shows basophilia with hematoxylin and eosin stain.

A whitish growth with prominent blood

vessels on the inner and/or outer corners of the eye redness over the affected area irritation dry eye symptoms occasional tearing foreign thing sensation blurring of vision

1. History taking 2. Physical examination Inspection: fibrovaskular tissue on the surface of the conjunctiva most commonly found in the nasal conjunctiva and cornea extension to the nasal, but can also be found in the area temporal pterygium 3. Support examination: Corneal Topography


Degree of 3

Degree of 4

Degree of 2

1. Medicamentosa :
Degree of 1& 2 : given drugs (steroid) Degree > 2 : Surgery.

2. NonMedicamentosa :
Applies goggles. Addition therapy : Mitomycin C and Beta irradiation

Pterygium surgery can be performed under local anaesthesia (awake) or general anaesthesia (asleep). Conversely, a recurrent pterygium (that has regrown after a previous operation) usually needs more extensive surgery and a general anaesthetic is recommended. You will usually be able to go home on the day of your operation, but you may be asked to return for an eye check on the following day.

Available at: ( access on april,27,2013 Available at: ( /173/)access on april,27,2013 Available at: ( ccess on april,21,2013 Available at: ( access on april,27,2013

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