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It support applications having time-insensitive, variable bit-rate traffic. It provides connection oriented services for the transfer of bursty traffic. connection less services also It provides options for assured data delivery along with flow control mechanisms as well as unassured data delivery without ay flow control mechanisms. Both layers accept variable size packets and break down into a cell as payload

AAL Type 3/4 Protocol

Supports variable bit rate data where there is no timing relationship between source and destination, e.g., X.25, frame relay, and TCP/IP data Supports Class C (connection-oriented) and Class D (connectionless) traffic Convergence sublayer divided into two parts:
Common Part Convergence Sublayer (CPCS) Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS)

SSCS layer may provide assured or non-assured services, or may be null

Assured service provides retransmission of missing or corrupted SSCS-PDUs and flow control is mandatory AAL-SDUs may be lost or corrupted for non-assured service and flow control is optional

CPCS provides message mode or streaming mode services


ATM Adaptation Layer

There are two ways to transport messages in data communications: connection-oriented and connectionless. AAL3 was developed for connection-oriented communications and AAL4 was developed for connectionless communications. Since many functions performed by AAL 3 and 4 are common, the CS sub layer was further divided by ITU-T into two more sub layers, the common part CS (CPCS) and service specific CS (SSCS) so that AAL3 and AAL4 could share the same SAR and CPCS coding. With this layering structure, SSCS would provide AAL3 with connection management, flow control, error recovery, etc., while AAL4 would have no need for this service. In 1992, ITU-T merged AAL3 and 4 into a single AAL3/4 protocol. SSCS sub layer may provide assured or non-assured services. CPCS supports multiple SSCS services. Two modes of service have been defined for CPCS: message mode service and stream mode service. The message mode can be used for framed data transfer (e.g., HDLC frames). A single AAL-SDU is transported in one or more CS-PDUs. The stream mode is suitable for the transfer of low speed data with low delay requirements. One or more fixed-size AAL-SDUs are transported in one CS-PDU.

AAL Type 3/4 Protocol Sublayers

Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (SSCS) Common Part Convergence Sublayer (CPCS)

Segmentation and Reassembly Sublayer (SAR)


ATM Adaptation Layer


1 1 2 0-3 1 1 2


Btag BASize

CPCS-PDU Payload



Etag Length

4-octet header and 4-octet trailer

CPICommon Part Indicator B tag Beginning Tag BA Size Buffer Allocation Size PAD Padding AL Alignment E tag End Tag Length Length of CPCS-PDU Payload


ATM Adaptation Layer


The Common Part Indicator (CPI) field is used to indicate the usage of other CPCSPDU header and trail fields. It varies depending on the modes of operation. The Beginning Tag (Btag) field allows association of header and trailer of the CPCSPDU, to ensure that all SAR-PDUs have been received correctly. This is done by putting the same value in both Btag and Etag. The receiving AAL will check whether they are still the same. The Buffer Allocation Size Indication (BASize) field indicates to the receiving AAL the maximum buffering requirements to receive the CPCS-PDU. For message mode, it is set to the CPCS-PDU length. For stream mode, it is set to equal or greater than CPCS-PDU since the length of the CPCS-SDU (payload of CPCS-PDU) being transmitted is not known to the sending AAL. The maximum CPCS-PDU payload size supported is 65,535 octets. The Padding (PAD) field is from 0 to 3 octets to make the CPCS-PDU payload as an integral multiple of 4 octets. The Alignment (AL) field is used to make 32 bit alignment for the CPCS-PDU trailer. The Length field indicates the length of the CPCS-PDU payload.

AAL Type 3/4 SAR-PDU

2 bits ST 4 bits SN 10 bits MID 352 bits SAR-PDU Payload 6 bits LI 10 bits CRC-10

2-octet header, 44-octet payload, and 2-octet trailer ST Segment Type SN Sequence Number MID Multiplexing Identifier LI Length Indication CRC-10 CRC Code


ATM Adaptation Layer

AAL Type 3/4 SAR-PDU

AAL3/4 SAR split CPCS-PDU into SAR-PDUs. The Segment Type (ST) field indicates whether the SAR-PDU is the Beginning of Message (BOM, ST = 10), Continuation of Message (COM, ST = 00), End of Message (EOM, ST = 01), or a Single Segment Message (SSM, ST = 11). The Sequence Number (SN) field is used to detect the loss or mis ordering of a SAR-PDU. The Multiplexing Identification (MID) field is used to identify SAR-PDUs belonging to a particular SAR-SDU. MID allows the multiplexing of SAR-PDUs from different CPCS-PDUs and reassembly of them correctly at the receiving AAL. The SAR-PDU payload field is 44 octets long. The Length Indicator (LI) indicates how many of the 44 octets of payload actually carrying user data. An EOM or SSM SAR-PDU may not contain 44 octets of data. The value of LI must be a multiple of 4 octets. The CRC field is used to detect bit errors for the entire SAR-PDU.

AAL Type 5 Protocol

AAL5 is a simple and efficient AAL (SEAL) to perform a subset of the functions of AAL3/4 The CPCS-PDU payload length can be up to 65,535 octets and must use PAD (0 to 47 octets) to align CPCS-PDU length to a multiple of 48 octets

PAD Padding CPCS-UU CPCS User-to-User Indicator CPI Common Part Indicator Length CPCS-PDU Payload Length CRC-32 Cyclic Redundancy Chuck

0 - 47 CPCS-PDU Payload PAD



2 Length

4 CRC-32


ATM Adaptation Layer

AAL Type 5 Protocol

The AAL5 CPCS-PDU payload may vary from 0 to 65,535 octets. The CPCS User-to-User field is used to support future AAL functions. The AAL5 SAR splits CPCS-PDU into SAR-PDUs and passes them to the ATM layer. All 48 octets are the SAR-PDU payload. No SAR-PDU header or trailer, no MID; therefore, SAR-PDUs are reassembled on VCI only. Use Payload Type field in the cell header to indicate whether the SAR-PDU belongs to BOM (PT = 0X0), COM (PT = 0X0), or EOM (PT = 0X1). The EOM carries the 8 octets trailer of the CPCS-PDU.





CPCS-PDU Trailer







ATM Adaptation Layer


AAL Type 5 Protocol (Concluded)

The CPCS-PDU is divided into 48 octets SARPDUs Since CPCS-PDU is 48-octet aligned, there is no need for a length field in the SAR-PDU The AAL5 SAR-PDU is 48 octets of data with no overhead of SAR-PDU header or trailer The PTI field of the cell header identifies the beginning or end of the CPCS-PDU
PTI = 0X1: End-of-Message (EOM) PTI = 0X0: Beginning-of-Message (B0M), or Continuation-of-Message (COM)
CS575 ATM Adaptation Layer 12

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