An Integrated Directional Antenna Model For Neighbor

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Presented By, Suganya Devi.S

PG Scholar Adhiyamaan college of Engineering Hosur

The objective of this paper is
To discover the one-hop neighbors of every node present in the network. To compute the trust level of the discovered neighbors in order to identify the malicious nodes.

Neighbor discovery using Directional Antenna

Network monitoring and Packet Analyzing

Trust computation using Neural Network training and classification

Neighbor Discovery
process of discovering the neighbors that are present in a particular Nodes Vicinity.

Algorithm used
Scan Based Neighbor Discovery Uses Directional Antenna. Direct discovery of neighbors

Scan Based Algorithm
Divides the time frame into 3 mini-slots

Transmits Discover Message

Receive Confirm Discover Message

Sends ACK Message

Discoverer Node determines to be in

Transmit mode for the I mini-slot. Receive mode in II mini-slot .

Packet Analyzing
Packet Analyzer
Monitors the nodes individually. Following information are collected
Number of packets generated Number of Packets received Packet Forwarding Ration Packet modification information.

Sample File
Total Generated Packets = 202 Total Received Packets = 201 Total forwarded Packets = 0 Total dropped Packets = 1 Packet Modified=0 Packet Delivery Ratio =0.99505

Trust based Security

Belief level that one node had about another node.
Trust values range from 0 to 1.

Importance of trust
To work cooperatively. To avoid selfish and malicious node. To exchange the confidential information with the neighbors.

Types of Trust Computation

Distributed Trust computation . Centralized Trust computation. Hybrid Method.

Proposed Trust System

Node monitoring Apply Weights to Recommendation

Neural Network based Trust Prediction

Trust Aggregation Module

Recommendati ons

Trust Record Update

Trust Propagation

Trust computing Algorithm

Proposed Trust Computing Algorithm
Distributed trust computation Hybrid trust computation
Uses both Direct and recommendation based trust.

Neural Network Based Approach for trust prediction. Weights are assigned based on the age of relationship and the neighbors trust value.

Trust Record
Each node maintains a trust record that contains the list of neighbors and their trust level.

Direct Trust computation

The direct observation technique
Every node is involved individually to predict the trust.

performs network monitoring Collects the trace file generated by monitoring the network. Uses the Packet Delivery Ratio, No of Packets generated, No of packets forwarded information to calculate the trust value of a node directly.

Neural Network Based Approach
Uses Back Propagation Algorithm. Trains the network with the data collected by monitoring the network. Uses Supervised learning algorithm. The parameters to train the BPN
Packet forwarding ratio No of Packets generated per unit time.

The network is trained until the error converges to 10-6 The training algorithm used is traingd. Once the network is trained it can be used to predict the trust level of the node.

Advantages of Proposed trust model are
Overcomes the Selective misbehavior attack and bad mouthing attack. Avoids network congestion. Diminishes the influence of the malicious nodes by providing variable weights to the recommendation. Reduces the false recommendations or recommendation modification.

Sudarshan Vasudevan, Micah Adler, Dennis Goeckel, Fellow, IEEE, and Don Towsley, Fellow, IEEE, ACM , Efficient Algorithms for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks. Sudarsan Vasudevan, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley, On Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas, UMass Computer Science Technical Report 04-53 ECC-0313747001. Zhensheng Zhang and Bo Li, Neighbor Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Self-Configuring Networks with Directional Antennas: Algorithms and Comparisons

Kannan Govindan, Member IEEE and Prasant Mohapatra, Fellow IEEE, Trust Computations and Trust Dynamics in Mobile Adhoc Networks: A Survey Pedro B. Velloso, Rafael P. Laufer, Daniel de O. Cunha, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte, and Guy Pujolle, Trust Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using a Scalable Maturity-Based model, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 7, no. 3, September 2010. Yan Sun, Wei Yu, Zhu Han, and K. J. Ray Liu, Trust Modeling and Evaluation in Ad Hoc Networks , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740. Asad Amir Pirzada and Chris McDonald, Establishing Trust In Pure Ad-hoc Networks , School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia Copyright (c) 2004, Australian Computer Society, Inc. This paper appeared at the 27th Australasian Computer Science Conference

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