Sustainable Green Meetings/Event Planning

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Sustainable Green
Meetings/Event Planning

Presented by:

Katrina Johnson
Ove rvie w

Planning and Managing Green

Meetings and Events
Ove rvie w
Green Meetings and Events planning has not
always been the way it is now. The trend evolved
slowly after the Convention Industry Council Green
Meeting Report in 2003. The Environmental protection
agency and Event industry leaders saw that there was
a better and more sustainable way of holding such
meetings and events. Eventually “Green Meetings and
Events” was given a legitimate definition. Green
Meetings and Events are meant to incorporate
environmental considerations to minimize their
negative impact on the environment. Some may ask
“why is this important?”, and “why should we continue
to evolve this industry rather than stick to what we have
done in the past?” The truth is, there are many reasons
why it is important.
Ove rvie w

The 7 most common are;

to manage consumption and resources to reduce
environmental impacts, Government regulations, value
to the planner, organization, destination, attendee as
well as suppliers.

Overall the biggest driving motivation behind such

methods of planning is to avoid negative impacts on
the environment to promote and brighter and more
sustainable future.
Ove rvie w
Statistics show that in the Hotel industry on a daily
average consumes 600 million gallons of water, uses
over $10 million on electricity, and generates over 5.4
million pounds of waste. Not only is this bad now, the
tourism industry is estimated to increase to about 1.5
billion by 2020. If we don’t start considering proper
waste management tactics now we will encounter a
serious problem in the future. This idea brings us to
“Sustainability”. This is the ability to provide for the
needs of the world’s current population without
damaging the possibility for future generations to
provide for themselves.
Ove rvie w
There are ten easy tips to start planning
Green Meetings and Events that support the
sustainable goal.
Put it in writing (Env. Policy), Paperless
technology (electronic registration), Meet close
(reduce unnecessary distances), Practice the 3
R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), Bulk up (use of
bulk dispensers), Lighten you stay (use of the
linen reuse program) , Close the recycling loop
(recycled products like paper and soy ink),
Save energy (turn of lights when not in use),
and Lastly, Spread the word (share your
success with others.)
Co rporate So cial
Re sponsib ilit y
Sustainability is about integrating economic,
environmental, and social considerations in to decision
making. According to Tony Carry, “ Green meetings are
gatherings that do no harm to (and can even benefit) the
physical environment now or in the future.” As noted
before, all of these aspects can be considered a part of
sustainability. An even wider concept of Sustainability and
Green Meetings and Events includes Corporate Social
Responsibility (CPR). CPR can be described as a
commitment to behave ethically and contribute to
economic development while improving the quality of life
of a workforce and families as well as the local
community. Basically, just bringing in the foundations for
sustainability and applying them in the work place. Being
a business that upholds Its Corporate Social
Responsibility such as a manager of Green Meetings and
Events, Sustainable development is the next priority.
CSR a nd Su st ain abili ty
Sustainable Development is a pattern of resource
use that aims to meet human needs while
preserving the environment so that these
needs can be met not only in the present but
for future generations as well. It is our job to
make sure that we not only work with the
organizations needs but also meet sustainable
standard to protect the environment as well as
future generations to come.
Su st ain able St andards
 BS-8901 The First Event Standard in the World

 A practical road map to identify and target things to work on in

order to make sustainable events a reality.
 Incorporates the three aspects of a Green Meeting and Event:
Financial, Environmental, and Social.
 In involves Independent Verification. This leads to validation of
sustainable practices which show commitment and credibility.
 It is based off of three phases:
 Planning: Controlling and improving practices, involving stakeholders.
 Implementation: understanding as well as action.
 Monitor Check Review: Needs to be in place to capture data to be
reviewed and possibly improved.
Sust ain able S tandards
 In addition to the BS 8901 Standard similar ideas and standards
have also been conducted in order to serve as a guideline for
Green Meetings and Events;
 The Convention Industry Council established Minimum Guidelines
to follow when attempting to green an event. This incorporates
eight categories that are part of any form of meeting or event
planning but can easily be made to incorporate more sustainable
and responsible practices. These eight categories are as follows:
 Destination
 Accommodations
 Meeting and Venue Selection
 Transportation Selection
 Food and Beverage Selection
 Exhibition Production
 Communications and Marketing
 On-Site Procedures
Imp orta nce o f
in ation
where to hold a
green meeting or event it is very FUN TIP:
important to consider all aspects. Of One way to help
course the financial and environmental draw attention to the community
aspects are of high importance but it in which your event is being
seems that some where along the way held is to create signs that
promote the best the community
the social aspects of an event have has to offer.
been lost in the transmission of regular How do you do that?
planning to more responsible practices. Signs can serve as reminders to
There needs to be a balance between guests of the great things right
all aspects and in order for the meeting around the corner. Highlight the
to truly be sustainable the surrounding local community’s needs,
community must not be overlooked or in accomplishments, and history or
prompt people to attend a
some cases abused or ignored. Local community building event or
involvement lends itself to long lasting make a donation.
memories and unique experiences for This way whether or not your
the attendees as well and revenue for attendees have the time to
the local economy. If we keep the focus really go out and support the
more centrally located cities and venues community on this particular
will be more apt to stay local and green visit, it may get them thinking
and the information alone may
throughout the future which is what
grant action at a different time.
sustainability is all about.
Gre en m ee tings and
Desti nat ions

What is a Green Meeting?

 A strategic planning process that entails
sustainable choices at every level of planning
that are both environmentally and socially
What is the business case for Green Meetings?
 The economic, environmental, competitive
advantage and potential for regulation to
influence organizations, clients, or sponsors.
Green me etin gs a nd D estin atio ns

Who benefits from implementing green meetings?

 Everyone! Planners, suppliers, the economy, as well as the environment.
What are the steps to getting started in incorporating and implementing green
meeting practices?
 In all actuality, it is the same as your every day planning however, in this
case it is important to use green practices as a ‘filter’. First you must set
your goals and objectives making sure green meeting practices are
incorporated as well. You must determine the organizations goals and
objectives by asking questions. Once the organizations level of support is
received, you have full control to determine what further strategies and/or
practices to put in place to further develop the event as a whole.
How will you sell or convince clients to green their meetings?
 Communication is key. You must communicate with the organization and
let them know what policies or new practices are being put into place to
green the event, why they important, their benefits, and the plans for
Green me etin gs a nd D estin atio ns

What steps will you take to convince suppliers to support the green
meeting practices?
 Point out cost-savings as well as environmental benefits, track
efforts and measure results and explain customer/attendee appeal
to more sustainable practices. One way of doing this is by
conducting a MeetGreen summary report to show the
environmental impact and compare it with previous events. The
differences in lower cost and environmental impact alone should
be incentive enough to carry out such sustainable practices.
List at least three factors to consider in evaluating the environmental
aspects of a destination.
 Understand the event’s purpose and the attendees’ geographical
 Obtaining a list of environmentally responsible organizations…
Green me etin gs a nd D estin atio ns

 Includes environmental criteria in the RFP and contracts.

 Evaluating all aspects of the city and venue.
How would you find information about green suppliers?
 The convention and visitors bureau or a Destination Management
Company (DMC)
In making your decision, what value would you place on whether the
destination has existing green practices or at least is willing to
implement them for the meeting.
 It is important to place and extremely high values on something
like that. The more a city and venue understand and embrace
environmentally responsible practices, the easier it will be to green
the event which is of high importance.
Food and Bever age/ Waste
Manageme nt
List at least five environmentally responsible practices to request for
food and beverages.
 Choose not to serve individual water bottles and use large
pitchers or containers instead.
 Choose foods that are in season. Local and organic are the best if
possible. This can also benefit the local community as well.
 Choose seafood from sustainable fisheries.
 Choose food based on the history of the attendees’ preferences
and attrition. (if applicable)
 Choose china service over disposables that add the land fill waste
and lack in up scale appearance. * If disposables must be used,
be sure to use biodegradable or compostable alternatives.
If you had to choose three green requests, which would those be?
 Recycling
 Donation of all leftover food/beverages and other possible items.
 Local and/or organic products/food. (Both if applicable)
Food and Bever age/ Waste
What are some options in choosing
food and beverages to make meal
functions less harmful to the
environment and benefit the
 Donation of left over food and
FUN TIP: beverages.
Food for thought! Keep your  Purchase organic and/or local
attendees thinking sustainably when it products whenever possible.
comes to food... How is it done?
 Don’t pre-fill drinking water
Create signs that communicate the
locality and life cycle of you’re treats.  Use large pitchers and containers
By prompting guests to think about rather that plastic bottles
where there food comes from,  Use china and cloth rather than
encourages the creation of sustainable plastic and paper.
food systems outside of your event.  REDUCE, REUSE, AND RECYCLE!
Create table signs that tell guests what
each item is, where it came from
(hopefully somewhere local) and
whether is USDA-certified organic.
Accomm odati ons

What does it mean to be a GREEN hotel?

In order for a hotel to truly be considered sustainable or
‘Green’, there needs to be active involvement and incorporation of
sustainable thinking in all decision making throughout the entire
organization. This means choosing environmentally and socially
responsible practices when considering:
 Policy and framework
 Staff training and awareness
 Environmental management
 -Including energy, water use, and waste
 Purchasing
 People and communities
 Destination protection
Accomm odati on
sel ecti on…

What are the two requests to make to a hotel?

 The first thing is to ask is the hotel would be willing to, or currently
upholds any environmentally responsible practices such as:
 Linen and towel reuse program
 In-room energy savings program
 Recycling program
 In-room and Property recycling
 Paperless registration and communication
 Has the hotel been certified or have they established Environmental
Management Programs and training for staff?
 Environmentally responsible purchasing…
 Another good request to make is for a site inspection in order to
determine if practices and policies are actually in place and being
properly conducted.
Accomm odati on
sel ecti on…
Who from the hotel should be included from
the beginning when requesting green FUN TIP:
practices? Hold your event at a “Green” Venue!
 People to include in the planning and By green we mean LEED certified.
requesting fro green practices are These buildings, convention centers or
housekeeping, operations, and food and hotels incorporate ideas of
beverage managers. These people do the sustainability into the core of the
most hands on work and ore often more design. Not only will your venue
knowledgeable when it comes to practices support green living and your ideals, it
already implemented and what else may also gives your event a boost towards
be feasible. low energy consumption. Check out
What should you do in ensure the Green this website for information on what it
takes and means to be a Green
Practices that the hotel agreed to will be
Building and chooses a venue that
meets the LEED standard of
 When green practices have been agreed compliance
to, you must then make sure the contract
supports that agreement. Outline and
include all of them in the contract and
require them to be in place, implemented,
and measured. It is important to ensure
your expectations are documented and
required and that some level of
consequence will be applied in the case of
a failure to comply.
Meeti ng and Ven ue
Sel ect ion
When do you discuss your green meeting expectations
with the venue?
 You should discuss your expectations during the
initial discussion. It is important to ensure
minimum green guidelines as a part of the initial
request proposal.
What is the next step once the venue has agreed to
implement green practices?
 You need to make sure the contract supports the
commitment. Then, conduct an onsite back-of-the- Every year, each
house tour to make sure they are prepared to American throws
implement you requests and ask for measured out about 1,200
data pounds of organic
What should you do to verify the green practices are garbage that can
being implemented? be composted.
 Ask for the data to be measured and supplied *Does your
after your event and also make sure the specify venue have a
the environmental programs you want done within composting
the final contract. program and/or
facility near by?
Exampl e of a

What Makes the Seaport World Trade

Center a Green Venue?
Seaport Trade Center:
With its extensive resume filled with eco-minded initiatives and
commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, the Seaport hotel is a
great example of a green venue. Seaport created its program known
as, Seaport Saves, which is dedicated to increasing conservation and
sustainability throughout the entire organization as a whole. The
hotel offers a completely smoke-free environment, allergy-friendly
rooms; accompanied by Green Seal certified cleaning products and
an Ozone System. With a yearly recycle rate of 44%, about 201 tons
of material are being reused and left out of the land fills. As for the
restaurant, bar, and bakery, they implement a BioX Decomposing
System that eliminates organic waste and turns it into liquid, and
cooking oil is saved and used as biodiesel. Seaport believes in
cooperation with likeminded businesses that like them, believe in
sustainable practices, so they work with local farmers for fresh,
seasonal, and often organic produce. Other “green” aspects to the
organization are their In-room conservation efforts such as; guest’s
option to reuse towels, linens and recycling, thermo-glass windows,
and a “smart thermostat”. When it comes to renovations and
recycling Seaport takes care to only replace needed items, recycle
and/or reuse items and replace existing things with more eco-friendly
alternatives. For example, their existing Energy Smart Roof system;
which reduces heat, helps clear and prevent pollutants, and conserve
energy. Lastly, one of the most interesting and uncommon
approaches is Seaports focus on sustainable transportation. They
have teamed up with public and alternative transportation
companies to offer ease and discounts to guests and staff as well as
supply complimentary bicycles to get around.
Transportati on:
Alternative Fueled Vehicles

Organizations within the San Francisco are making a huge

step towards environmentally sensitive transportation. One
company has come up with a fuel efficient aspect to a more
indulgent lifestyle, by providing Eco Limos. They use a variety of
different fuel sources such as biodiesel, bio-fuel, and hybrid
vehicles. This company particularly has made the huge leap to
switch to alternative fuel sources, as well as go out of their way to
attain the biodiesel considering there actually isn’t any biodiesel
pumps within the city. As Briana Hughes points out, it really
doesn’t take much more than a few hose swaps to run a diesel
vehicle off of biodiesel. In addition, with the stop-and-go traffic so
commonly known for San Francisco, hybrids are used to their full
potential because they hardly ever reach the point to have to
switch to fuel. This means the vehicles are mainly running on
electric. Overall, the switch has not only benefited the company as
well as the environment and with these benefits, more people will
likely catch on and do the same with their transportation services.
Tra nsp ortation
What two practices can be used to educate attendees about
greening their transportation?
 Alert attendees to environmentally preferable transportation. This
includes mass/public transit, trains, carpooling, etc…
 Provide information about the local transit/shuttle possibilities to
get them around
How do Carbon Offsets relate to meetings?
 Carbon offsets are a possible tool to help offset the
inevitable emissions from a meeting or event.
FUN TIP: Telecommute
Drive less with the wonders of working from home (or internet café, tree house,
Mojave desert, etc.) With instant messaging, video chat, teleconferencing, and other
world-flattening technologies, making the rush-hour trek to work and back might not
be that necessary. Ask your boss or offer your employees a teleconferencing day
once a week.
Tra nsp ortation
What are some environmentally friendly options to consider
when hiring transportation companies?
 For ground transportation and shipping freight it is
possible too use common methods and options. You want
to begin by reducing the amount and size of your
transportation. It is important to consider smaller vehicles
and limited routes. There are also a few guideline
questions to ask prospective companies to aid you in
picking the most environmentally friendly options:
 Do they perform environmentally responsible maintenance and
recycling? (used oil, batteries, and tires.)
 Do they train drivers to minimize idling and air conditioner use?
 Do they offer fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicles? Would they
be willing to use biodiesel in the existing vehicles?
Communi cati on
Generational Considerations for Green Practices

When we look at each separate individual we are

bound to find different perspectives about green practices
and how one chooses to deal with them. When we talk
about different generations it becomes a little more difficult
to define and pinpoint the differences. All generations
seem to be open to change it just depends on how it is
presented to them. There is also a difference in the
motivation to enact such change.
As for my generation, I feel that the common
predictions are correct in saying that we are the most
open, used to, and likely to implement change, especially
when referring to green practices. In addition, I believe
that these predictions relate very closely to my own
personal way of thinking. Obviously, not every person in
my generation feels the same way about green practices,
but as a whole, I do believe that our generation feels the
most need and want to integrate change. We tend to take
action and start doing something rather that ask why
things have happened.
What is
Green AV ?
AV stands for Audio/visual and most commonly refers to meetings and
events in the form of lighting, presentations screens, speakers… When it comes
to “Green AV”, AV is still the same there is just a need for a conscious approach
to more sustainable alternatives. Pulse was the first “Green” A/V staging
company. In order to be considered green without previous standards they
implemented green practices such as reusing and recycling products, as well as
selecting the most efficient lighting, audio, and video equipment. With there
actions and motivation to be more environmentally sensitive they have been the
cause and outlining guide for the EPA’s new standard for Green AV. These
practices promote using products to the fullest as well as upgrading/using the
most efficient products that are environmentally-sustainable.

A new standard for small size, high-efficiency speakers is here!
Teresonic recently announced the next generation compact speaker called Magus. With its remarkable
levels of the highest quality sound from only a few Watts per channel, it is a perfect candidate for
environmentally friendly audio applications. Its small in size compared to most popular small speakers on
the market but its high performance and unique design is surpassing most of such products by a wide
margin. In many cases, for the amount of sound it puts out and lack of space needed it is also lighter on
the budget.
There you go! A space efficient, higher quality, environmentally friendly
Alternative that saves you money… How can you beat that?
Pap er an d Pri nti ng
Of course we all love the idea of always using the web to
deliver information, but sometimes paper usage is the only
alternative. In times like these you shouldn’t give up on
you eco-friendly habits. There are alternatives available!
That’s right; there are environmentally sustainable
papers and inks. When using paper products and/or
printing for a meeting or event, here are some basic
guidelines to consider:
Basics for Printed Materials:
 Print on recycled paper
 Design to conserve paper
 Print double sided
 Use vegetable inks; inks with a lower VOC
 Include environmental information on the paper
 Avoid printed materials if event information can be sent electronically

Minimum Considerations:
 Paper companies that use only recycled wood fiber and tree-free fiber
 Non-chlorine bleaching agents
 Products that contain at least 50% post-consumer fiber or higher,
whenever possible
Basics and considerations from Meeting Planners ToolKit.
Paper and pri nti ng…
Paper can be Planted!
When you think of paper you think of trees right? Well the normal
paper you buy from an office supply store has come a long way from its natural
tree roots. Now, there is actually paper that once your done with it, you can
plant it back into the ground to complete the cycle.
What is Renewable
Ene rgy Energy???
Renewable Energy is the new
preferred source of energy because not
only is it a renewable resource, it doesn’t
cause damage like green house gases to
the environment. The most common ways
to retrieve renewable energy is through
wind, sunlight and water.
What does this mean for green
meeting and event planning?
When it comes to venue selection it is
FUN TIP: One way YOU can save beneficial to know what kind of energy
energy at your Green sources they use. If you want you event to
Meeting/Event: be Green, a renewable energy source
Use less light in the venue to save would be extremely beneficial. It can help
energy. Make sure what ever light save you money, help the environment,
fixtures you do use have energy and even demonstrates good
efficient product like light bulbs etc… management, which can only help your
You could also use reusable long- business succeed. You’re happy, you’re
lasting soy candles, or energy saving guests are happy, and the earth is happy!
lamps per table. Dimming the lights
may make it more personal, calming
and even a little romantic.
Gre en Of fice

Promoting a Green Office

Most people work 8 hours a day, five days a

week. The office is a great foundation for spreading
ideas and techniques for environmentally conscious
activities. It is a great way to promote a green
future for the company as well as employees and
The following steps were gathered and shown in Meeting
Planner Toolkit
Green Of fi ce…
Ten Easy Steps to a Greener -
Sustainable Office:
3. Office Policy: Establish an environmental office policy.
4. Responsible Paper Usage: Avoid printing PDF’s, whenever
5. Break Room: Avoid disposables; use washable items (e.g.,
plates, glasses)
6. Purchasing Products: Purchase fairtrade products such as
teas and coffees.
7. Water Conservation: Don’t let the water run when brushing
your teeth or washing dishes.
8. Equipment: Use power strips for ease of turning off multiple
machines and appliances.
9. Maintenance: Use non-toxic cleaning supplies.
10. Waste Management: Dispose of hazardous materials
properly and recycle.
11. Energy Efficiency: Use energy-efficient compact fluorescent
12. Social: Donate food, used furniture and equipment to non-
Green Of fi ce…
-All of the steps on the previous slide are
extremely important for a green and
healthy future but which one is the
most important? In my opinion it FUN TIP: One important
would be a combination of Energy thing not mentioned is
Efficiency and Equipment because transportation. You are
they both involve energy. Non all going to the same
Renewable energy sources are an
enormous threat to the environment office relatively at the
and that damage it causes as well as same time… CARPOOL!
the scarcity it has reached in not
healthy for anyone or anything. By If that doesn’t work for
using renewable and more efficient you try public
energy we can not only use less but transportation, walking,
help the environment as well.
Practically everything we do, buy, or riding you bike. It will
throw away… involves some sort of lighten your ecological
energy at come point so it is up to us footprint, lower the
to remain environmentally conscious amounts of emissions
in our decision making.
let off by vehicles, as
well as bring the office
together in the efforts to

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