Swat Poi-Pcinsp Dagoon

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1.Terrorism History of Terrorism Local and Foreign terrorist groups Modus Operandi National Policy on Terrorism

2. Crisis Management
National and Local Crisis Mgt Committee Command Post Structure Command Post Operation Organization of a Holding Area Holding Area Procedures Security Rings First Responder

3. Crisis Management Team Functions and Responsibilities Goals of Crisis Management Team On scene Commander Ground Commander Advance Teams Assault Teams and Sniper observer Support Teams Investigative and Intelligence Teams

4. Hostage Negotiation

Principle and Techniques Hostage Negotiation Team

5. Human Rights General Concept Role of the PNP in the preservation and protection of human rights

6. Police Operational Procedure Discussion of the manual on Police Operational Procedure PNP Rules of Engagement

7. Organization of Special Action Team Composition and characteristic of a counter-terrorist unit Team Composition Individual Specialization SWAT Equipment familiarization

8. First Aid and Medical Evacuation Emergency medical treatment, Lifesaving skills and Evacuation of injured persons

9. Communication Tactical Communication Operation and Limitation of PNP radio sets Radio Voice Procedures Hand and Arm Signals

10. Rope Course Knot- tying , Rappelling

11. Weapons Handling and Safety Firing Range procedures, regulations proper carrying of firearms, disassembly/ assembly, care and maintenance.

12. Shooting Fundamentals

Basic Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship Primary Weapon Drill (Dry/ Live fire) Secondary Weapon Drill (Dry/Live fire) Facing ( Stationary/Moving ; Dry/Live Fire) Malfunction Drill Reloading Drill Transition Drill ( Primary to Secondary weapon; Strong arm to weak arm) Standing, kneeling, prone Officer Down Drill Panic Burst Stress Shoot Endurance Firing Low Light Firing Barricade Firing Shooting on the Move

13. Close Quarter Battle

Introduction to CQB Room Entry (2,4,6,8-Man Entry , Dry and Live Firing) Clearing Techniques ( quick peep, cutting the pie, side step, crunch) Window Clearing Hallway Clearing Stairway Clearing Multiple Room Entry Stacking Ladder Entry Judgmental Firing Building Clearing Individual Assault Sniper- initiated Assault Tactical Explosive Entry

14. Vehicle Takedown Bus, van and sedan assault Train Airplane

15. Checkpoint SOP Ideal checkpoint organization Routine checkpoint High-risk vehicular stop Checkpoint Scenarios

16. Combat in built-up areas

Orientation and tactical consideration Planning Conduct of assault/raid Search party techniques Patrolling Quick reaction drill

17. Police Intervention Techniques

Arrest and control techniques Searches Handcuffing techniques Weapon retention drills Disarming Techniques

18. EOD/ Breaching

Intro to Explosives Paneling Detection and Identification Improvise Explosive Devices Bomb Threats Bomb search techniques


Wooden door charges Wall charges Interior door charges Metal door charges Emergency assault charges

Other training activities Conditioning exercises (calisthenics, road runs) Log run Obstacle course KIMs game (keep in mind) Physical Fitness Test Familiarization to gas environment Film showing Academics test Aptitude test

Handgun 300 rounds Rifle 300 rounds *Handgun ammo (reload) P7.50 *Rifle ammo (FMJ) -P25.00 Handgun 300 X P7.50 =P2,250 Rifle - 300 x 25 =P7,500 P9,750 x 8 1 SWAT TEAM P78,000


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