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Quality Program Lesson Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

At the end of this lesson you will understand the requirements for electrical systems, generator installations and the use of Transfer Switches for site protection. You will achieve an understanding of transfer switch installations and be able to recognize their proper installation and that they are in accordance with manufacturer specs.

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch Introduction Electrical component installation Electrical routing and termination Generator, fuel tank and associated signage Generator receptacle Automatic transfer switch (ATS) Lighting DC power cables

Electrical component installation Verify all interior & exterior electrical components (conduit, outlets, switches, work boxes, breakers, pull boxes, junction boxes, and panels etc.) are properly installed, anchored and grounded. Verify that cables, lugs, etc. are correctly installed, routed, supported, secured, protected, crimped, and labeled. Verify that clear heat shrink has been installed in electrical cable lugs. Verify that the DC breakers in shelter room are the correct size: DC Fan 5A DC Smoke 5A DC Lights 10A

Generator, fuel tank and associated signage Verify the emergency generator, associated fuel tanks and signage have been installed where required by the construction drawings and/or project specifications. Fuel tank will have an AT&T designation label. Generator pad free of cracks and defects. Fixed generator is properly grounded Solid ground leads (min. 2) attached to generator with the correct lug No-Ox is applied and paint removed at contact point. Fixed generator doors and fuel filler cap/box locked, if applicable.

Generator receptacle Verify site is equipped with AT&T Mobility standard generator receptacle (cam-lock), if required. Verify cam-lock is grounded. Automatic transfer switch (ATS) ATS is required on sites with a fixed generator only. May be contained in the Intersect PTLC (AC breaker panel) or equivalent. Verify ATS has been installed and is labeled per the construction drawings and/or project specifications and tested. Generator / ATS Testing & Commissioning If in scope, verify that the generator and ATS have been tested and commissioned.

Lighting Insure all lighting (indoor/outdoor) is functional, including DC powered lights if equipped. Insure the lighting in the equipment areas is adequate and in good repair. Verify emergency lamps are working properly.

DC power cables Verify that all DC power cables are the proper type. Verify that all DC power cables are correctly routed, supported, secured and protected. Verify that all DC power cables are correctly color coded for voltage per specs. Verify that all DC power cable lugs are the correct type & size, are correctly installed and clear heat shrink is used. Verify that all indoor DC power cables enter / exit cable ladder racks over the side (waterfall) and not through ladder rungs.

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

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Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

What do you see? Good? Not good?

Electrical/Generator/Transfer Switch

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