#1udigital Training: Social Media 301

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Social Media: 301

Presented by Kevin Cheng

#1u is the hashtag for anything union related on Twitter.


Kevin Cheng
Digital Coordinator Union Privilege

A basic overview of social media platforms beyond Facebook and Twitter, focusing on Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr and Flickr including best practices and case studies on each respective social platform -- and discussing ways to use each platform to deliver social engagement for your organization.

Pinterest: How to pin to win. Instagram: A photo-rich mobile world. Tumblr: Blogging gone social. Flickr: An online photo-album.

Social Stats Best Practices Case studies

Getting started: Social Media Stats

Out of ALL internet users, 67% are using social media networks. People living in cities spend the most time on social media, at 70% of the population. Women, on average, spend 9% more time on social networks than men.

Numbers to keep in mind

1.11 billion users 67% of internet users use FB 665 million daily active users Over 1 trillion Likes since launch 500 million users 16% of internet users tweet 200 million monthly active users 400 million tweets per day

Pinterest: How to pin to win.

Pinterest: Some Stats

15% of all internet users use Pinterest As of April 13, Pinterest has 48.7 million users
Primary users on Pinterest: Midwestern moms Women: 5x as likely as men to use Pinterest
80% of Pinterest users are women, 50% have children

10 Million: monthly unique visitors (May 2013)

Moms are 61% more likely to use Pinterest Users more likely to live in Midwestern states

2,702% increase in total unique visitors since May 2011



Pinterest: How we use it @UnionPlus


Pinterest: @UnionPlus

about the audience:

Pinterest users are primarily Midwestern women who are moms. Most popular age group are 24 34 year olds. Food, Retail and Arts & Crafts are some of the most popular pins. An audience thats highly engaged, willing to share and spends a lot of time pinning on Pinterest.

Tailor your content to the audience

Pinterest: @UnionPlus
Breaking our pinboards down into fun and shareable categories: Union-made recipes Union-Made Labor Leaders US Travel Ideas Flowers for union members Serving our union members

Pinterest: @UnionPlus

Pinterest: @UnionPlus

Pinterest Best Practices

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Include rich descriptions along with your pins Keep Google in mind when youre naming your images Use call-to-action sparingly Focus on evergreen content Think before you pin

Google Search: union-made recipes

Top 3 Results for our Pinterest page on Google for: Union-Made Recipes

Instagram: A photo-rich mobile world

Instagram: Some Stats

Gaining Popularity:

13% of all Internet users use Instagram. 130 million monthly active users.

7.3 million daily Instagram users. 40 million photos are posted daily. 98% of Instagram photos also are shared on Facebook. Instagram video: 5 million videos post on launch day. High Engagement: 8,500 Likes per second on Instagram 1,000 comments made every second

Grew 108 million users since being bought by Facebook in 2012.

Instagram: Some Stats

Who uses Instagram?
Women are heavier users of Instagram: 16% vs 10% of internet users. Skews toward younger audiences with 28% of users between the ages of 18-29. 14% of users between ages of 30-49. 3% of users are between the ages of 50-65. 34% of Instagram users are African America or Hispanic.

Union Plus Instagram


How we use Instagram

Why Instagram?
We can focus on and celebrate user-generated content. Using hashtags like #UnionMade, #UnionPride, etc. to organize photo campaigns. Encourage current followers of Facebook and Twitter to Instagram their union lifestyle.

Instagram will be used to:

Build engagement of Union Plus online presence. Help generate content for social media and blog. Humanize the office with behind-the-scene photos. Sneak-peeks at upcoming new programs, fliers and contests.

Union Plus Instagram

Union Plus Instagram

Union Plus Instagram

Union Plus Instagram

Instagram Best Practices

7 Top Tips for organizations using Instagram:
1. Understand your brands audience, even in Instagram. 2. Create a theme for your content and be consistent. Constant product placement is not a theme. 3. Take lots of photographs and make them aesthetically pleasing and creative. 4. Give your followers a reason to want to follow your brand in Instagram. 5. Spread out posts like you would any other network. Post once or twice a day. 6. Engage with your followers. Comment. Follow back. Like things. Be human. 7. Tell an interesting brand story through your images and captions

Tumblr: Blogging gone social

Tumblr: Some Stats

Millions of bloggers:
6% of all internet users use Tumblr As of May 13, Tumblr hosts over 108 million blogs Tumblr receives more than 117 million monthly unique visitors, and has 300 million active monthly users

Who Uses Tumblr:

Primary users of Tumblr: Adults age 18-29 All boys club: Tumblr is used by a majority of male (52%) More than 60% of Tumblrs traffic is younger than 24 years old 13% of those aged 18-29 are blogging on Tumblr 67% of Tumblr users have no children 19% of Tumblr users are Spanish 18.1% of Tumblr users live in the Pacific time-zone

AFSCMEs Tumblr
How AFSCME uses Tumblr: AFSCME uses Tumblr as a tool to help further their legislative marketing campaigns by asking for usergenerated meme content on relevant social-political issues. Sharing user-generated meme content Adding another social element to AFSCMEs current media campaigns Example: Right-to-Work blitz in December 2012 Example: Campaign against Mitt Romney Sharing labor television ads Exploiting the popularity of GIFs Asking folks to call their congressperson in campaign blitzes One of these campaigns shut-down congressional offices for hours

Tumblr: AFSCME

Tumblr: AFSCME

Tumblr: AFSCME

Tumblr: AFSCME

Tumblr Best Practices

1. Provide great content, that people will want to share (ie: memes, gifs, etc.)
1. Choose relevant tags, between 7 and 12. Too many will look like spam Too little and your blog wont get found 1. Network with other Tumblr users in your niche.

Flickr: An online photo album

Flickr: Some Stats

Billions of online photos:
As of March 13, Flickr hold 8 billion photos with 3.5 million new images uploaded daily. Over the last 5 years, uploads have increased 20% year over year Flickr reaches 11 million monthly users, and has 51 million registered members Flickr members spend an average of 2.7 minutes per visit on the site Flickr users are mostly millennials (below age 34) and has a slightly higher percentage of male (53%) users vs. female (47%) users

Flickr: An online photo album

Although Flickr does not host the most photos, Flickr is the best for annotating, curating, storing and managing your photos. All users get a terabyte (1,024 gigabytes) of data storage, enough to store half a million smartphone photos Flickr stores and displays photos at full resolution, unlike Facebook which compresses them by as much as 80%. Flickrs design is vastly superior to Facebooks photo albums Flickr is easily sharable to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest

The Benefits of Flickr

Earn additional SEO rankings for targeted terms Drive traffic to your website Build photo testimonials Find content for your site

Flickr: USW

Flickr: USW

Flickr: CWA

Flickr: CWA

Photo Credit: Workers Defense Project



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