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We lived in the Philippines, our native land. It is one of more than 180 countries in the world.

The people who lived and belong to this country are called Filipinos. If your parents were born in this country, and you were also born here, then very likely you are a Filipino. As a Filipino we should love and know our country well. Now, in order to know a country well, we study its history because history is the story of a country and its people.

Three important parts about knowing a countrys history:

God = God loves the Filipinos and put them in a rich and beautiful land. God also gave the gift of faith to know him and to serve him. God has a plan for our land and our people. God has helped the Filipinos in many times of natural calamities and social troubles. The Bible has promised that Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33.12)

Three important parts about knowing a countrys history: People = Men, women, and children who make up the Filipino nation are very fortunate. Land = We have one of the most beautiful and richest land in the world. The Philippines is rich in natural resources like oil, gas, minerals, farmlands, and forests. If we will take care of these natural resources, we will become a very prosperous land.

THE NAME PHILIPPINES Ma-yi = This means land of gold, because they bought gold in Mindoro. When the Early Chinese traders visited Mindoro.

Maniolas = A Greek mapmaker named Claudius Ptolemy (90-168 A.D) called our islands in his ancient map. Archipelago of St. Lazarus = When Magellan came in 1521. He called the Philippines.

THE NAME PHILIPPINES Felipinas = In 1543, a Spanish explorer named Ruy Lopez de Villalobos gave the name, to the Philippines in honor of Crown Prince Felipe (Philip) who later became King Philip of Spain.

Filipinas = during the Spanish colonial era.

The Philippine Islands = during the American colonial era. The Republic of the Philippines = after our independence in 1946.

THE PEARL OF THE ORIENT Sometimes, there are nicknames to a country, just as people can have nickname. This was the romantic name given to our country by the two famous writers. Juan Delgado in 1751. But the Filipino who popularized this name was Dr. Jose P. Rizal, our National Hero, who wrote it in an article in 1892 and in his farewell poem before his death in 1896.

LOCATION Lies in the Southeast Asia, a little above the equator, between latitudes 423N and 2125N and longitude 116E and 127E.

Bounded in the east by the Pacific Ocean, in the west by the South China Sea, in the north by the Bashi Channel, and in the south by the Zulu and Celebes Sea.

LOCATION The northernmost island is Yami, only 240km. from Taiwan, which can be seen on a clear day. The southernmost island is in Saluag Isle, about 24km. from Sabah (North Borneo).

According to the Constitution, the national territory of the Philippines includes: islands, adjacent seas and submarine areas and the air space above.

The total land area of the Philippines is 300,780 sq. km. or 0.2% of the worlds land mass.
The land area of the Philippines is bigger than that of the United Kingdom, almost as large as Italy, and slightly smaller than Japan.

Having 7,107 islands, it is one of the worlds largest archipelagos or group of islands. Luzon, the biggest group of island. On June 11, 1978, President Marcos signed Presidential Decree No. 1596, declaring the Kalayaan (Spratly) islands a part of the Philippines, to be administered as a municipality of the Province of Palawan. But this cluster of islands in the South China Sea is also claimed by Malaysia, Vietnam and the two Chinas.

The Philippines is an inverted Y-shaped archipelago.

TOPOGRAPHY Topography means the physical features of a country. The Philippines is an inverted Y-shaped archipelago of numerous islands and islets, coral reefs, abundant rivers, lakes and bays, mountains and valleys, cool plateaus and scenic volcanoes.

Manila bay is the largest bay in the Philippines and the finest harbor in Asia.

Manila bay during sunset.

San Juanico strait is the worlds narrowest strait. It lies between Samar and Leyte.

Manila bay is the largest bay in the Philippines and the finest harbor in Asia.

Manila bay during sunset.

San Juanico strait is the worlds narrowest strait. It lies between Samar and Leyte.

Manila bay is the largest bay in the Philippines and the finest harbor in Asia.

Manila bay during sunset.

San Juanico strait is the worlds narrowest strait. It lies between Samar and Leyte.

The Philippine deep (37,732 ft.) worlds deepest sea.

Mt. Apo the highest mountain located in Mindanao.

There are 132 main rivers. The longest river is the Cagayan River in Luzon.

The Philippine deep (37,732 ft.) worlds deepest sea.

Mt. Apo the highest mountain located in Mindanao.

There are 132 main rivers. The longest river is the Cagayan River in Luzon.

The Philippine deep (37,732 ft.) worlds deepest sea.

Mt. Apo the highest mountain located in Mindanao.

There are 132 main rivers. The longest river is the Cagayan River in Luzon.

There are 59 lakes. The largest lake is Laguna de bay in Luzon.

Mt. Mayon in Bicol has the worlds perfect cone.

Mt. Mayon erruption.

There are 59 lakes. The largest lake is Laguna de bay in Luzon.

Mt. Mayon in Bicol has the worlds perfect cone.

Mt. Mayon erruption.

There are 59 lakes. The largest lake is Laguna de bay in Luzon.

Mt. Mayon in Bicol has the worlds perfect cone.

Mt. Mayon erruption.

Taal volcano in Batangas is the worlds smallest volcano.

Taal Volcano

There are four fertile plains. Central Plain, Cagayan Valley in Luzon and Agusan and Cotabato valleys in Mindanao. The central plain is the rice granary of the Philippines.

Taal volcano in Batangas is the worlds smallest volcano.

Taal Volcano

There are four fertile plains. Central Plain, Cagayan Valley in Luzon and Agusan and Cotabato valleys in Mindanao. The central plain is the rice granary of the Philippines.

Taal volcano in Batangas is the worlds smallest volcano.

Taal Volcano

There are four fertile plains. Central Plain, Cagayan Valley in Luzon and Agusan and Cotabato valleys in Mindanao. The central plain is the rice granary of the Philippines.

CLIMATE Wet and dry season. The coldest month is January and hottest is may. Dry season from December to May. Wet season from June to November.

Typhoon a Chinese word meaning strong wing and heavy rain in English it is called storm Earthquake happened because of about 103 zones of weakness across the islands. Volcanic eruption occasionally brings destruction and sorrow to the people.

The Philippine sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire where most natural calamities happen.

Volcanoes: There are 50 volcanoes, 13 of which are still active.

Mt. Mayon (Albay, Bicol) Most famous and scenic of the Philippine volcanoes. Nearly perfect cone More than 30 times eruption since 1616 up to present February 1, 1814 was the most destructive eruption, when town of casagwa was buried and 1200 people died.

Volcanoes: There are 50 volcanoes, 13 of which are still active.

Mt. Taal (Batangas) Smallest volcano Most unusual volcano, being surrounded by a lake More than 20 times eruption since 1572 up to present September 28, 1965 when Taals eruption killed 250 and destroyed two barrios.

Volcanoes: There are 50 volcanoes, 13 of which are still active. Mt. Pinatubo (Zambales)

The worst volcanic eruption in history in June 1991 Damaged 6 provinces in central Luzon 1,000,000 people were injured, made homeless or killed Totally destroyed the American military base at Clark Pampanga The volcanic dust covered not only the Luzon area but travel around the globe Punched hole in the ozone layer between the earths atmosphere and the sun It is believed that the Pinatubo eruption affected climate around the world

NATURAL RESOURCES The natural resources of the country includes: Soil Plant and Animal Life Fish and Marine Resources Minerals

Energy sources
Scenic beauties of nature

NATURAL RESOURCES Soil: It is the countrys most important natural resources because most of the people earn a living from tilling the land. Plant Life: The country has a rich plant and animal life. According to agricultural experts, 8,120 species of plants grow in the country.

NATURAL RESOURCES 1,000 varieties of orchids, 1000, species of rice, and 3,000 species of trees. Sampaguita is considered as the queen of Philippine flowers Pung-apong is one of the worlds largest flowers with a diameter of one foot.

NATURAL RESOURCES Animal life: About 850 species of birds are found in the country. The biggest bird is the eastern sarus crane known as tipol in Luzon and labong in visayas. The kalaw is known as the clock of the mountains by the Spanish colonizers because it always makes a loud call at in the mountains..

NATURAL RESOURCES carabao or water buffalo is the most useful of the animals and it is considered as the farmers best friend.

NATURAL RESOURCES Forest resources: The forest lands have a total land area of 16,633,000 hectares, representing 55% of the total land area. More than 3,000 species of trees are found in our forest, 1000 of which are commercial timber.

Narra is the most famous of forest trees and known as the queen of the Philippine wood.

NATURAL RESOURCES Fish and Marine resources: At least 2,000 species of fish are found in the waters of the archipelago. Whale shark is the worlds largest fish it is about 50 feet in length and weighs several tons, and was first sighted in 1816 at Mareveles Bay.

NATURAL RESOURCES The pygmy goby fish (pandaka pygmea) about 9.6 millimiters and tabios about 3 to 4 milimiters, two of the worlds smallest fish were found in the Philippines.

The worlds rarest and most expensive shell called glory of the sea and golden cawrie are both found in our country.
Pearl of allah worlds largest pearl and was found by a muslim Filipino diver who gave it to his datu.

NATURAL RESOURCES Mineral: Many metallic and non-metallic minerals are found in the country. Metallic mineralsnickel,copper,iron,gold. Precious metal-gold and silver Base metal-copper and nickel, this are for industry or as construction materials (limestone, adobe)

NATURAL RESOURCES Gold mining-ancient industry of the people. Copper mining- also one of the ancient industries. Since pre-spanish times, igorots have been mining copper in the mountain province

Mankayan- the best known copper district in the country.

NATURAL RESOURCES Surigao provinces (norte and sur) greatest iron-bearing areas, estimated to reach 1,000,000 tons of deposit. The country has a tremendous marble deposit of 600 million tons.

NATURAL RESOURCES Energy sources: Energy (power) is used to supply electricity to factories, etc. The Philippines energy needs are supplied by: Oil Hydroelectric power Bagasse (sugarcane wastes)

NATURAL RESOURCES Geothermal energy Coal New sources of energy (solar power, biogas, agro-forestry waste, natural gas, alcogas and wood).

NATURAL RESOURCES Hidden treasures: Oil and gas discovery in Palawan

2001 discovery of more oil and gas in Malampaya, Palawan

Palawan find biggest oil and gas field in the country, and deepest well in the world, 3,000 meters below sea level.

Banaue Rice terraces Eight wonders of the world. Built more than 2,000 years ago by the hardy Ifugaos.

Manila bay sunset-hailed by authors and tourist as the most beautiful sunset in the world.

Mayon Volcano in Bicolandia-nearly perfect cone

Banaue Rice terraces Eight wonders of the world. Built more than 2,000 years ago by the hardy Ifugaos.

Manila bay sunset-hailed by authors and tourist as the most beautiful sunset in the world.

Mayon Volcano in Bicolandia-nearly perfect cone

Banaue Rice terraces Eight wonders of the world. Built more than 2,000 years ago by the hardy Ifugaos.

Manila bay sunset-hailed by authors and tourist as the most beautiful sunset in the world.

Mayon Volcano in Bicolandia-nearly perfect cone

Pagsanjan Falls

Sampalok Lake of San Pablo City

Hidden Valley of Alaminos in Laguna Province

Pagsanjan Falls

Sampalok Lake of San Pablo City

Hidden Valley of Alaminos in Laguna Province

Pagsanjan Falls

Sampalok Lake of San Pablo City

Hidden Valley of Alaminos in Laguna Province

Matabungkay Beach

Crystal Cave near Baguio City

Hundred islands of Lingayen Gulf, Pangasinan

Matabungkay Beach

Crystal Cave near Baguio City

Hundred islands of Lingayen Gulf, Pangasinan

Matabungkay Beach

Crystal Cave near Baguio City

Hundred islands of Lingayen Gulf, Pangasinan

Montalban Caves in Rizal Province

Salinas Salt Spring in Nueva Vizcaya

Salinas Salt Spring

Montalban Caves in Rizal Province

Salinas Salt Spring in Nueva Vizcaya

Salinas Salt Spring

Montalban Caves in Rizal Province

Salinas Salt Spring in Nueva Vizcaya

Salinas Salt Spring

Maria Cristina Falls in Lanao del Norte

Seven-kilometer Underground River in Palawan.

Chocolate Hills in Bohol

Maria Cristina Falls in Lanao del Norte

Seven-kilometer Underground River in Palawan.

Chocolate Hills in Bohol

Maria Cristina Falls in Lanao del Norte

Seven-kilometer Underground River in Palawan.

Chocolate Hills in Bohol

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