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Situational Leadership

Contingency theory

Contingency Theory
Leadership from the perspective of the

situation or context Inconsistent results between behaviors of the leader and the effect of these behaviors.

Sometimes behavior works and sometimes it doesnt, with the same leaders and followers

Not different strokes for different folks, but different strokes for the same folks at different points in time

First, do the self assessment.

Kerr et al
Leader effectiveness is not always associated

with those who behave with high consideration and structure. Success depends on outside events such as time urgency, physical danger, external stress, degree of leader autonomy, job scope etc.

Contingency theory
Fred E. Fiedler University of Washington

Leader success is contingent on

the situation Success is dependant on the leaders style and the situation in which the interaction between leaders and followers takes place

Contingency theory
Fred E. Fiedler University of Washington

Leader style is task oriented or relationship

oriented. Style is measured by Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) evaluation. Leaders who look favorably on LPC tend to be relationship oriented Leaders who look unfavorably on LPC tend to be task oriented.

Contingency theory
Fred E. Fiedler University of Washington

The situation is classified as high control,

moderate control and low control. And is measured by

How well the leader is thought of and trusted by the followers ( leader-member relations). How clearly delineated is the task (task structure) How much power the leader has in his position.(Position power)

Leaders are most effective when their style (task or relationship) is matched with an appropriate situation.

The question What is most appropriate style for which situation?








Ldr.-Member Relations

good High Stron g








Task Structure Position Power Lead Style

High Wea k

Low Stron g


High Stron g

High Wea k

Low Stron g




Relationship Motivated Task Motivated Socioindependant

Task Motiv.

Contingency theory
Fred E. Fiedler University of Washington

Classified the situation from 1-8, each getting

harder to lead Task oriented leaders do better in favorable situations and in very unfavorable ones Relationship oreinted leaders do well in the middle.

Contingency theory - Conclusions

Fred E. Fiedler University of Washington

Relationship and task oriented leaders

perform well under some circumstances and not in others Leader performance depends on matching situational favorableness and leader style. If there is a mismatch

Change leader through training Change the situation

Contingency theory - Conclusions

Fred E. Fiedler University of Washington

Changing the leaders style is not easy

Matching the leader with the task must be

done after determining which is which. (evaluation and testing) Training some leaders rather than everyone is appropriate.

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