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Bleeding disorders

Dr. Mehzabin Ahmed

Abnormal bleeding may result from:
1) Vascular disorders
2) Platelet disorders
- Thrombocytopenia
- Defective platelet function
3) Defective coagulation
Vascular disorders
 Inherited vascular disorders:
 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
 CT disorders- Ehler Danlos syndrome
 Acquired vascular disorders:
6. Simple easy bruising
7. Senile purpura
8. Infections- measles, meningococci, rickettsiae
9. Henoch- Schönlein purpura
10. Scurvy
11. Steroid administration & Cushing’s syndrome
Decreased platelet counts due to:
2. Failure of production of platelets
3. Increased destruction of the platelets
4. Abnormal distribution of the platelets
5. Dilutional loss

(normal counts are 150- 400 x 109/l & lifespan is 7 days)

Failure in the platelet production
 Generalized BM failure as in leukemia, aplastic
anemia, MDS, myelofibrosis, multiple myeloma,
megaloblastic anemia, HIV infection, and
administration of cytotoxic drugs and radiotherapy

 Selective megakaryocytic depression may also result

due to the action of drugs, chemicals or viral infections
or rarely it is congenital
Increased destruction of the platelets
 Immune mediated:
 Autoimmune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura-ITP
 Associated with diseases like SLE, CLL, lymphoma
 Infections like HIV, malaria- immune mediated damage
 Drug induced- drug dependent Abies+
 Heparin
 Post transfusion- Abies in the recipient against HPA-1a
 Feto-maternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Increased destruction of the platelets (contd)
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
 Deficiency of a metalloprotease- caspase enzyme (cleaves von Willebrand
Factor)- ∴ inability to cleave vWF results in abnormally large multimers in the
plasma inducing platelet aggregation.
 Familial (genetic defect) & acquired forms (inhibitory antibodies stimulated by
an infection)
 Fever, severe thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, jaundice
& neurological symptoms
 Rx: plasma exchange using FFP (fresh frozen plasma) or cryosupernatant.,
corticosteroids, vincristine, aspirin & immunosuppressants & No platelet
 Similar to TTP but limited to kidneys in children
 E.coli & Shigella have a role & caspases are normal
 Renal dialysis & R of hypertension and convulsions & No platelet transfusion
Abnormal distribution of platelets
 Splenomegaly- platelet pooling- upto 90% are sequestered in the spleen

Dilutional loss
 Massive transfusion of stored blood (> 10 units/24 hr) to bleeding patients
 Platelets are unstable if stored at 4oC
 Counts ↓ if stored for > 24 hrs

 Rx- platelet transfusions & FFP

These cause bleeding disorders due to:
 Suppression of the BM:
cytotoxic drugs, ethanol, radiation, occasionally-
chloramphenicol, cotrimoxazole, idoxuridine, pencillamine,
benzene, arsenicals

 Immune mechanisms:
analgesics, antiinflammatory drugs, gold salts, rifampicin,
antimicrobials, sedatives and anticonvulsants, diuretics,
antidiabetics, digitoxin, quinine, methyl dopa, heparin

 Platelet aggregation: ristocetin, heparin

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Can be of two forms
2. Acute
3. Chronic
Chronic ITP
 F>M- 15 to 50 yrs
 Most common cause of bleeding disorder
 Mostly idiopathic
 Association with SLE, HIV, CLL, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, autoimmune
hemolytic anemia

 Autoantibodies- IgG type against the platelet Ag- glycoproteins IIb-IIIa or
Ib complex
 Removal by the macrophages in the spleen
 Lifespan is reduced from 7 days to a few hours
 Megakaryocyte mass and platelet turnover is ↑ to 5 time the normal
Clinical features
 Insidious onset
 Petechial hemorrhage, easy bruising, menorrhagia in women, mucosal
 Severity is lesser than in those with thrombocytopenia due to BM failure- due
to circulating functionally superior younger platelets in ITP
 Tends to relapse and remit spontaneously
 Splenomegaly +/-

 Platelet counts – 10-50 x 109/l
 Hb concentration & WBC count is normal
 PS: ↓ platelets, often large
 BM: normal or ↑ megakaryocytes
 Specific antiglycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa or GPIb antibodies
Acute ITP
 Common in children
 75% follow vaccination or infection such as chicken pox or infectious
 Due to nonspecific immunity
 Spontaneous remission in most
 5-10% become chronic

 Platelet counts
 BM aspiration
 Counts over 30x109/l- no Rx
 Counts below 20x 109/l – steroids and/or IV Ig
Abnormal platelet function
 Abnormality in the functioning of the platelets
 May be primarily due to platelet dysfunction as in
 Bernard Soulier syndrome (Giant platelets, def. of Gp 1b
[defective binding of vWF], thrombocytopenia) or
 Glanzman’s Thrombasthenia (Deficiency of membrane Gp
IIb/IIIa complex (fibrinogen receptor)
 Gray platelet syndrome (α granule deficiency)
 Secondary to abnormalities in vWF function as in von Willebrand
Disorders of Coagulation
 Hemophilia A- factor VIII deficiency
 Hemophilia B- Christmas disease- factor IX
 von Willebrand’s disease
Hemophilia A
 Most common inherited clotting factor deficiencies
 Sex linked inheritance
 33%-spontaneous mutation
 Others are missense or frameshift mutation or
 Absence or low level of plasma factor VIII
Hemophilia A - Clinical features
 Infants- profuse hemorrhage, joint and soft tissue bleeds, excess bruising
 Prolonged bleeding after tooth extractions, spontaneous hematuria & GI
 Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages
 Hemophilic psuedotumors
 Complications- HIV, Hepatitis B & C

Lab findings
 Activated PTT are abnormal
 Factor VIII assays are abnormal
 Bleeding time & PT are normal
 DNA probes are used to detect carriers
Christmas disease
 Factor IX deficiency
 Incidence is 1/5th that of hemophilia A
 X-linked inherited disorder
 Factor IX infusions (longer biological half life)
 APTT & factor IX assays are abnormal
 Bleeding time & PT are normal
von Willebrand's disease
 Point mutation or deletions → abnormally functioning or reduced vWF-

autosomal dominant inheritance

 vWF- promotes platelet adhesion & is a carrier protein for factor VIII

 vWD is the most common inherited bleeding disorder

 Mucosal bleeds, excessive blood loss from superficial cuts & abrasions and

operative & post traumatic hemorrhage

 Hemarthroses and muscle hematomas are rare

von Willebrand's disease - Lab findings
 Bleeding time is prolonged
 Factor VIII levels are low
 APTT-prolonged
 vWF- low
 Defective platelet aggregation
 Platelet counts are usually normal
Blood group antibodies
 Naturally occurring antibodies:
 Occur in the plasma of subjects who lack the corresponding antigen
and who have not been transfused or been pregnant.
 They are usually IgM reacting optimally at cold temp. (4°C).
Although they are also reactive at 37°C, they are still called cold
 Immune antibodies:
 They develop in response to the introduction of red cells possessing
antigens which the subject lacks (by transfusion or by transplacental
passage during pregnancy).
 They are commonly IgG, although some IgM antibodies may also
develop (usually in the early phase of an immune response).
 They react optimally at 37ºC (warm antibodies).
 Only IgG antibodies are capable of transplacental passage from
mother to fetus.
 The most important immune antibody is the Rh antibody, anti-D.
Blood transfusion - ABO system:

 Antigens present on red cells are encoded by 3 allelic genes: A, B and O.

 The basic antigenic substance on RBC is H antigen.

 A and B genes encode for enzymes that modify the H antigen. O gene
does not produce any enzyme and hence does not transform the H

 A,B & H antigens are present in on most body cells including

WBC & platelets. They are also present in secretions &
body fluids e.g. plasma, saliva, semen and sweat (in people
possessing secretor genes).
ABO typing:
Rh system:

 Genes encoding the Rh system are Rh D and Rh CE.

 Rh D may be present or absent giving the Rh D+ / Rh D- phenotype

 Rh blood group antigens are present only on RBCs.
 Rh positive means that the D antigen is present (85% on the population).
 Rh negative means that the D antigen is absent (15% of the population).
 The D antigen is highly immunogenic and Rh anti D antibodies are
immune and are responsible for most of the clinical problems associated
with the system.
 More than 80% of D negative persons receiving D positive blood are
expected to develop anti D.
Hemolytic diseases of the newborn (HDN):
 D antigen is the most important cause of HDN.
 Mother is D negative, father is D positive, and fetus is D positive.
 Fetus’ D positive RBCs enter mother’s circulation and mother makes anti-D
of IgG type which crosses the placenta.
 First pregnancy will pass unaffected.
 Maternal IgG crosses the placenta and affects the second D positive
 Anti-D formation in mother prevented with Rhogam ( injection of Rh
immunoglobulin (RhIg) at 28 weeks of gestation and again after delivery).
Other blood group systems:
 Kell
 Duffy
 Kidd
 Lutheran
 Lewis
 MN
 Li

 Tests for antigens from these systems are not included in routine
blood typing, but they are commonly used in paternity
 Cross-matching and pre-transfusion tests:
 Steps taken to ensure that compatible blood is transfused to

 From the patient:

 Determination of ABO and Rh group.
 Indirect Coomb’s test on the serum.

 From the donor:

 Selection of matching blood group and Rh.
Screening for infectious agents.
Cross-matching (patient's serum is added to the donor
cells and spun down to exclude agglutination).
Complications of blood transfusion:
 Hemolytic transfusion reactions (immediate or delayed):
 Immediate life threatening reactions may be caused by complement fixing
antibodies against ABO system, leading to intravascular hemolysis (clinical
features of major hemolytic transfusion reaction):
 Hemolytic shock phase: This may occur after only a few mLs of blood have
been transfused or up to 1-2 hr after the end of the transfusion (urticaria,
lumbar pain, headache, shortness of breath, vomiting, fall in BP…etc.)
 Oliguric phase: Renal tubular necrosis with acute renal failure.
 Diuretic phase: Fluid & electrolyte imbalance may occur during the recovery
from acute renal failure.
 Febrile reactions due to white cell antibodies (HLA).
 Allergic reactions (donor plasma).
 Circulatory overload.
 Iron overload.
 Sepsis.
 Viral transmission: HBV, HCV, HIV, CMV, and EBV.
 Other infections: Malaria, toxoplasmosis, syphilis.
Blood Used on Emergency Basis:
 Blood used on emergency basis:
 For a patient who is severely bleeding out.
 When the blood group of the patient is unknown.

 Group O, Rh negative, uncross matched.

 Recipient may have an unexpected antibody.

 After 5 min use ABO and Rh type specific blood.

Autologous donation and transfusion:
 Anxiety over AIDS and other infections, in addition to certain religious
beliefs, have increased the demand for auto transfusion.
 There are three ways of administering an autologous transfusion:

 Predeposit: Blood is taken from the potential recipient in the weeks

immediately prior to elective surgery.
 Haemodilution: Blood is removed immediately prior to surgery once
the patient has been anesthetized and then reinfused at the end of
the operation.
 Salvage: Blood lost during the operation is collected during heavy
blood loss and then reinfused.
Blood products:

 Collection of blood for donation: Employ aseptic technique,

and collect into plastic bags containing anticoagulant
(Citrate Phosphate Dextrose –CPD).

 Tests to be carried out : ABO grouping and Rh typing,

screening for infectious agents.

 Storage: 4-6 Co for up to 35 days.

The preparation of blood components from blood:

Whole blood

Cellular components Fresh plasma

Fresh frozen plasma

Red cells
White cells Cryoprecipitate Cryosupernatant

Factor VIII concentrate

Other concentrates
Leucofiltration of blood is carried out by gravity through a depleting filter in
a closed system to remove WBCs. This helps to reduce the febrile transfusion
reactions and alloimmunization.
a b c
Blood components:

a- Packed red cells.

b- Platelets.
c- Fresh frozen plasma.

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