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Hawthorne Experiments

by Frederick J.Rosetghisberger
Vineet Gautam Pranav Kumar Gautam Aditya Goel Sayak Ray Suryadeep Jain

Hawthorne Studies
Conducted in late 1920s Western Electric Hawthorne plant Showed importance of the individual in the workplace Showed the presence of a social system in the workplace

We usually assume that a big problem needs a bid idea , a complex problem needs a complex idea for its solution A human problem to be brought to a human solution requires human data and human tools .

Hawthorne Studies: Workplace Lighting

Originally intended to examine effects of lighting on productivity Scientific management proposed that physical conditions affect productivity Result: Productivity increased regardless of lighting level Conclusion: Increased productivity was due to workers receiving attention

Illumination Studies

The second illumination study utilized a test group and a control group. Illumination intensities were varied in the test group and compared to the control group. Both groups showed increases in production rates that were not only substantial but also nearly identical.

Illumination Studies
Conclusions: Employee output was not necessarily related to lighting conditions, and Too many variables had not been controlled in the experiments.

Relay Assembly Test Experiments

Manipulated factors of production to measure effect on output: Pay Incentives Length of Work Day & Work Week Use of Rest Periods Company Sponsored Meals

Relay Assembly Test Experiments

Conclusions: Positive effects even with negative influences workers output will increase as a response to attention Strong social bonds were created within the test group. Workers are influenced by need for recognition, security and sense of belonging

Plant Interview Program

Objective Questions Work Conditions Work Relationships Yes/No Answers Conversational / Non-directive Attentive Sympathetic Listening Concern for personal needs Increased in time from 30-90 minutes

Plant Interview Program (Conclusions)

Firstly , Behaviour of workers could not be understood apart from their feelings or sentiments Secondly ,We tend to project our sentiments on the outside world. Thirdly , manifestation of sentiments could not be understood as things in and by themselves but only in terms of the total situation of the person

Plant Interview Program (Conclusions)

Change Response



Attitudes (sentimets)



Attitudes (sentimets) Personnal History Social Situation at work

Bank Wiring Observation Group

Limited changes to work conditions Segregated work area No Management Visits Supervision would remain the same Observer would record data only no interaction with workers

Bank Wiring Observation Group

Conclusions: Preexisting performance norms Group dictated production standards Systemic Soldiering Work Group protection from management changes.

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