Low Density Lipoproteins & High Density Lipoproteins

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HDLs Triglyceride from unsaturated fats combine with cholesterol and proteins form HDL Transport cholesterol from the body tissues to the liver Have greater proportion of proteins Reducing the depositing of cholesterol Exercise tends to increase HDL Smoking reduces HDL HDL help to remove cholesterol from the plaque

Triglycerides from saturated fats combine with cholesterol and proteins form LDLs Major cholesterol carriers in the blood Have lower proportion of proteins Increases the formation of fatty plaques of atherosclerosis Excess LDLs overload membrane receptors Receptors help to remove LDL from the blood Saturated fats also interfere with LDL receptors and elevates the risk of atheroma formation

Protein components of lipoproteins Formed in the liver and intestine Stabilizing the structure of lipoproteins and recognizing receptors involved in lipoprotein uptake Different forms of apolipoproteins are ApoA, Apo B and Apo E

Apo A- Major protein in HDL

Helps to remove cholesterol from blood to the liver

Apo B- Major protein in LDL

Transfers cholesterol from the blood to cells

Apo E- Major component of HDLs and VLDLs

Involved in the removal of excess cholesterol from the blood to the liver It has three alleles producing three forms of proteinsE2,E3 and E4 E4 slows the removal of cholesterol from the blood

Cholesterol & CVDs

High level of LDLs in the blood increases the risk of CVDs
High level of HDLs in the blood decreases the risk of CVDs

Positive and negative correlation

Correlation-A change in one variable is reflected by
a change in another variable

Causation-A change in one variable is responsible

for a change in another variable

Positive correlation-Increase in one variable

increases another variable

Negative correlation-Increase in one variable

decreases another variable

Cholesterol and CVD

There is a positive correlation between the level of LDL concentration in blood and risk of CVD-As LDL level increases risk of CVD also increases

A negative correlation between HDL concentration in blood and risk of CVD

Framingham Heart study

Study to find out relation of HDL and LDL in coronary artery disease
The study involved 5209 men and women between the ages of 30 and 62 from the town of Framingham, Massachusetts

The result of the study indicates, The lower the HDL-C level,the greater is the risk of developing CAD The higher LDL-C level,the greater is the risk of developing CAD The risk nearly reaches three fold when LDLC is 220 mg/dl and HDL-C is 25 mg/dl HDL-C remains an important risk factor even in patient with a low LDL-C level

Prospective Cardiovascular Munster study

Confirms Framingham data It showed that the incidents of CHD decreased with increasing high density lipoprotein cholesterol Study includes 4407 Germen men aged between 40 to 65 followed for 6 years

There is a clear link between LDL/HDL ratio and death from CHD
A LDL/HDL ratio above 4.0 drastically increases the risk of death from CVD

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