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Sufficient number of trained security
watchmen/women, have to be
employed at each hotel. The security
personnel should be issued with ID
cards. The addresses and phone
numbers of security personnel should
be available with the manager and
responsible persons of
Sensitize all security men and
volunteers on security points. Brief
them periodically on present security
scenario and antisabotage measures
to be taken
The crowd has to be regulated and
sent in queue. A lady curtain with
women security should also be
available at entry point.
Restrict number of entries and all
entries should have DFMD/HHMD and
sufficient security men to frisk the
people. Each person entering in side
must be checked. In the present
security scenario it is advised to keep
armed contingent of at least two to
four men at each entry point. The
star hotels may requisition for armed
SPF on payment basis.
Every hotel should have baggage
scanner at entry point. No bag/article
should be allowed inside without
Arrange manpacksto the security
personnel at important points and a
responsible security person to be
deployed at security control room to
monitor their movements.
The vehicles may be checked with
under carriage search mirror and
wherever necessary the dicky should
be opened and check for suspicious
luggage if any.
Vehicle movement should be
regulated and monitored. Proper
parking arrangements should be
made and a responsible person to be
employed to look after parking
Keep explosive detectors at main
access points and check all bags with
For coverage of all important and
vulnerable points including all entries,
CCTV cameras may be used, to closely
monitor and record the movements of
public in the premises and surroundings
with special attention to look for
suspicious activities if any. The
recording should be kept atleastfor one
month. The cameras should be fixed at
all entry points, stair case, lifts, the
places of loitering such as lounges,
restaurants etc., other than rooms.
Exclusively for watching the CCTVs
observers may be posted round the
Watchoutfor the persons moving in
suspicious manner i.e. wearing
unsuited clothes for the season,
appearing suspicious by their body
language, or loitering in the premises
or at periphery without any purpose
etc., check such persons to know if
they are carrying any weapon or
sabotage material. If you suspect
Required number of people may be
employed to observe, to go around
regularly to look for suspicious
persons and abandoned objects as
an anti-sabotage measure.
Beware of abandoned articles. Don’t
touch them. If you notice any
abandoned article, vehicle or
suspicious person, inform police
Ensure checking of toilets,
staircases or any other selected
places for abandoned
objects/parcels/bags if any, every
day at least for every six hours.
A full fledged antisabotagecheck
teams with sniffer dogs, and
adequate manpower with BD
equipment for antisabotagecheck,
should be planned for each star


The premises should have fire
fighting equipment. All the security
personnel working inside the
premises should be well versed with
the location of this equipment and
usage of the same in emergency.
Telephone numbers of Fire Officers
should be readily available.
Arrange for emergency exit for
using in case of emergency. The
security men should know the rescue
operation in case of emergency to
take out the people from the
emergency exits and to guide them.
Mock exercises can be carried out
now and then.
The maps of the hotels should be
readily available with important
security personnel to utilize during
rescue operations. It is better that
security mangers and their deputies
are thorough with all the routes and
should be in position to guide the
police in case of emergencies
Ensure that there is emergency
alarm/public address system to alert
the people during emergencies and if
necessary to evacuate.
There should be sufficient
illumination inside and outside
Arrange for patrolling during the
nights at the periphery
Verify the unattended vehicles parked outside
and find out as to how long they were parked in
a following manner :
(a)Number plate found mismatching
between front and back plates.
(b)Prolonged parking and parked
© Parked in No-Parking area.
(e)Vehicles rear part sags noticeably.
Get the abandoned vehicle checked and
removed immediately.
Emergency lights, Generators
should be available in good condition
to overcome power failure
Phone numbers of local PS and
Police Officers should be available
with all responsible persons of
establishment and may be written on
notice board also.
The phone numbers of managers,
and other responsible persons should
be furnished to concerned local
police station
Arrange videography, wherever or
whenever required
Don’t pay attention to rumours
All star hotels, will open a
checking point note book in
the format supplied by local
police for entering remarks by
police officers and their
Make note of suspicious tenants
with regard to their behaviour
whether they have come for genuine
stay or to reckie your hotel. The
caterers should give feed back about
suspicious activities to the security
While employing people at the hotel
thorough verification of antecedents
should be taken up otherwise
terrorists may land and do covert
operation in guise of employee.
Watch for suspicious behaviourif any
from the employees. If any one
acting as informants / couriers / to
terrorists etc.,
Dial – 100 or inform local police, if
you notice anything suspicious.
Action will be taken against those
who do not follow minimum safety
City Police land phone call toll
free – 100

City Police SMS : 9010 100 100

City Police Website :

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